Announcing the Monorepo.
We’re switching to a monorepo out of the rspec/rspec repository on Github. The main branch is a combination of all the repos main branches, dev is rebased on this during the transition phase with the intent of main becoming the default when this is complete.
Please switch any git dependencies to at least main if not dev on that repo, for the full story:
27.11.2024 09:21Announcing the Monorepo.We’re switching to a monorepo out of the rspec/rspec repository on Github. The main branch is a combination of all...Sneak preview for ahead of the blog post... RSpec is moving to a monorepo...
Hi everybody! We've just released `rspec-rails` 6.1.0 with some enhancements and fixes for Rails 7.1! 🎉
Per our versioning scheme this supports Rails 6.1, 7.0, and 7.1 and is now our maintained release stream, it contains no breaking changes [that we know of] so should be safe for all.
Rails 6.0.4 contains some of these bug fixes for your convenience [but does not officially support 7.1] and is the last 6.0.x release.
For all the changes see:
21.11.2023 12:18Hi everybody! We've just released `rspec-rails` 6.1.0 with some enhancements and fixes for Rails 7.1! 🎉Per our versioning scheme this...With having issues recently this is a good time to remind everyone that alongside our newly self-hosted gherkin documentation, we also host our own rdoc at e.g.
12.4.2023 08:49With having issues recently this is a good time to remind everyone that alongside our newly self-hosted gherkin documentation,...Good news everyone! We've replaced Relish with our own self hosted documentation, see: to link through to each libraries examples.
These are somewhat url compatible with the old relish docs so if search takes you to:
You can change this to:
And get the same page.
Feedback welcome!
20.3.2023 17:34Good news everyone! We've replaced Relish with our own self hosted documentation, see: to link through...Hi everyone, we know RelishApp is down, its unfortunately out of our hands to do anything about it, see Matt's post for some context:
You can find the cucumber scenarios and readmes in the repos still and we're looking at alternatives.
2.3.2023 10:09Hi everyone, we know RelishApp is down, its unfortunately out of our hands to do anything about it, see Matt's post for some context:...