For whoever needs to hear this, the current story is not universal law. Nothing can kill all potentialities and you can't know which have yet been discovered. It doesn't have to stay this way and we can move the odds in our favour. Understand, you do exist as apart of a process and your every action matters. What effect you have will likely not be remembered beyond a few generations at best. But, you can be among those which improved the future, those which worsened it, or those which did nothing.
Choose actions you will be proud of, forgive the past you carry, and let no one stand in the way of a better future unfought.
And murder YOUR apathy and its excuses.
Well, the last question was obviously answered!
To sum-up and address some of the great comments
As a rough operational structure I was definitely imagining distributed computing as the easiest way for most people to contribute. The next level of effort would be people aggregating, cleaning, or collecting from personal weather stations all data. A step up from this would be more trained curator, maybe people who can also work with satellite, airport, and other professional data. And the most involved people would be the modelers and local interpreters (meteorologists).
I know HAMs, other hobbyists, and some projects do certain parts of this and existing things should be incorporated (including the NWS and other services while they exist).
The reason I came to this is because many local regions in the US can only rely on NWS for reasonably accurate local forecasting. Without the service and its data/resources many would be relying on more broad scale predictions from outside sources also losing access to the NWS data.
There are a lot of great points, suggestions, and ideas that were brought up (especially those pointing to existing sources) which brings me to my last thought. For those that are interested in this, should we designate some sort of repository? If so where?
23.1.2025 16:38Well, the last question was obviously answered! To sum-up and address some of the great commentsAs a rough operational structure I was...Hey, so, we all know weather is going to get more dangerous over the next few years. Also, the USA weather services are probably not going to be operating at their best (to be optimistic). I know there are other sources, but the whole of the world society feels like it is on the edge of darkness. So...
Proposal/question: using the plethora of easily accessible data, compute, and brilliant people; how could we form a federated and decentralized weather service?
I imagine it would require some standardized protocols and modeling teams. Similar things do exist for other areas of research. However, I am an ecological modeler and know very little relevant information beyond using climate models. I am not completely sure what is needed for weather. Thoughts or ideas? Or is anyone even interested in this?
#wx #weather #federation #decentralized #opensource #foss #modeling #resilience #anarchism
22.1.2025 15:34Hey, so, we all know weather is going to get more dangerous over the next few years. Also, the USA weather services are probably not going...Rip through the darkness with uncomprehensible rage and never look back. Just be bold, you can't possibly have any lines left.
22.1.2025 06:25Rip through the darkness with uncomprehensible rage and never look back. Just be bold, you can't possibly have any lines left.If you view owning real estate as a financial investment, you are either bad at economics or an evil selfish hoarder. Also, you either negligently damn everyone younger than you or you do it on purpose.
If that makes you feel a tense defensiveness build up inside, ask yourself why you feel that way.
Having the rights to a home or farm/land you actually use is wonderful, but there is only one planet. Profiting off of real estate beyond your own use can only result in a few people owning everything. This is a mathematically inevitable type of feudalism so grotesque that even the lords of old would revolt.
No, renting is not for your own use, in case some deranged landlords got lost here moving between twit and bsky.
14.1.2025 02:28If you view owning real estate as a financial investment, you are either bad at economics or an evil selfish hoarder. Also, you either...When your opponents put all their resources in one basket, you have a chance to diversify your resources. When they are done, break their basket.
? Ready or not, they are finished
12.11.2024 03:28When your opponents put all their resources in one basket, you have a chance to diversify your resources. When they are done, break their...While it might appear counterintuitive, the more positive public things you and others do that you clearly label as anarchist, socialist, leftist, etc... the more you increase our security. Plus, you get a chance to reclaim language and draw interest of new people.
9.11.2024 03:28While it might appear counterintuitive, the more positive public things you and others do that you clearly label as anarchist, socialist,...If we are finally done with the psychopathic strategy of trying to side with liberals instead of positioning ourselves to make them decide if they side with us, can we move on to actual solutions? #dualpower #solidarity
6.11.2024 12:26If we are finally done with the psychopathic strategy of trying to side with liberals instead of positioning ourselves to make them decide...Yo, #anarchist friends, I am feeling like the Platformists were on the right track. Maybe we could try that again instead of reinventing the wheel every ten years. Open to thoughts:
18.8.2024 03:47Yo, #anarchist friends, I am feeling like the Platformists were on the right track. Maybe we could try that again instead of reinventing the...There is no #AI . Only liars, sellouts, and clueless people use the term to refer to any current technology. **FIN**
17.8.2024 20:41There is no #AI . Only liars, sellouts, and clueless people use the term to refer to any current technology. **FIN**So, at what point will people finally stop using #github as their primary repo? There are wayyy better options... I've had better reliability and general experience with #codeberg as one example.
14.8.2024 23:30So, at what point will people finally stop using #github as their primary repo? There are wayyy better options... I've had better...Wow, h@rris w@lz ticket has really brought the genocidal pro-cop 'left' to life here of mastodon. Go fuck yourselves you spineless disengenuous clowns! The rest of us will fight on without you, just like we did after Obama(saviour of the capitalist class).
8.8.2024 02:08Wow, h@rris w@lz ticket has really brought the genocidal pro-cop 'left' to life here of mastodon. Go fuck yourselves you spineless...Still waiting for the diag on why repeated reboots managed occasionally to bypass the #crowdstrike bug. Feels like a zero day in the waiting. Just wish I had the time to play with it myself. Good luck ;)
28.7.2024 03:08Still waiting for the diag on why repeated reboots managed occasionally to bypass the #crowdstrike bug. Feels like a zero day in the...Sometimes an incomplete task is more dangerous than a task not started.
Just a random thought...
14.7.2024 03:52Sometimes an incomplete task is more dangerous than a task not started. Just a random thought...As a fun conspiracy theory, their updated maintence plans, posted April 23, to start only after this storm is incredible timing. Make me wonder if they have more powerful predictive models they aren't sharing.
10.5.2024 12:29As a fun conspiracy theory, their updated maintence plans, posted April 23, to start only after this storm is incredible timing. Make me...Should make for a nice aurora. Good luck to power grid managers!
10.5.2024 12:25 make for a...The point of a protest is disruption to gain attention and collections of helpful little reminders that violence is always an option. The state's monopoly on violence was an illusion we all played along with. But, with every protest that is punished, fewer people are willing to play.
3.5.2024 03:55The point of a protest is disruption to gain attention and collections of helpful little reminders that violence is always an option. The...The iron on your tounge
Wet on your hands
Ringing in your head
Weight on your mind
Anger in your eyes
But guilt in your heart
You and I are guilty
Guilty in the same
By support or neglect
Benifactors still the same
Safe by ocean or by wealth
A falacy of defence
If not yet at your door
it is approaching your fence
Stand now for people
Or die a nationalist!
When I see "AI" used to name a long existing ML technology, I immediately stop trusting whatever is being said... this goes double for journalists.
4.4.2024 12:00When I see "AI" used to name a long existing ML technology, I immediately stop trusting whatever is being said... this goes double...Audible Anarchism: Why I am an Anarchist by Benjamin Zephaniah
Episode webpage:
Media file:
16.3.2024 16:42Audible Anarchism: Why I am an Anarchist by Benjamin ZephaniahEpisode webpage:...