Great article on the dual nature of outsider #innovation and its implications.
“How can organizations remain open to the fresh perspectives that outsiders bring? The challenge lies not only in identifying original thinkers but also in empowering them - amplifying their voices, supporting their efforts, and fostering environments where atypical ideas can take root and thrive.”
It’s crucial to combine #constructivenonconformity #psychologicalsafety #DEIB
11.3.2025 20:18Great article on the dual nature of outsider #innovation and its implications.“How can organizations remain open to the fresh perspectives...Have you heard about #Communityship?
I just stumbled upon this article by #henrymintzberg
"How can you recognize communityship?
You have found it when you walk into an organization and are struck by the energy in the place, the personal commitment of the people and their collective engagement in what they are doing. These people don’t have to be formally empowered because they are naturally engaged. The organization respects them so they respect it."
10.3.2025 12:24Have you heard about #Communityship? I just stumbled upon this article by #henrymintzberg "How can you recognize communityship?You have...Empfehlung für #FediElternBerlin #FediKidsBerlin: #BerlinGlobal im #HumboldtForum Checkt auf jeden Fall das Programm im Weltstudio und in den Werkräumen. Zusätzlich zur Ausstellung, gibt es da z.B. eine tolle Bibliothek für jede Altersgruppe und eine Lounge.
Foto: © Stadtmuseum Berlin | Michael Setzpfandt
10.3.2025 09:51Empfehlung für #FediElternBerlin #FediKidsBerlin: #BerlinGlobal im #HumboldtForum Checkt auf jeden Fall das Programm im Weltstudio und in...A great book for children (and some grownups).
#dei #diversity #books #BooksForKids #FediEltern @fedieltern
8.3.2025 15:34A great book for children (and some grownups). #dei #diversity #books #BooksForKids #FediEltern @fedielternWhenever you are in doubt, please recall this sentence "Don’t give up...". It might be hard, but please don’t give up. The women who have not even been born yet will be grateful to you for helping to shape their future.
#iwd2025 #Frauentag #dzieńkobiet #iwd #Weltfrauentag #InternationalWomensDay
7.3.2025 21:08Whenever you are in doubt, please recall this sentence "Don’t give up...". It might be hard, but please don’t give up. The...Dear sisters, please don’t give up…
Don’t give up on your dreams.
Don’t give up on your voice.
Don’t give up on your rights.
Don’t give up on your ambitions.
Don’t give up on your professional aspirations.
Don’t give up on your goals.
Don’t give up on your vision.
Don’t give up on your personal growth.
Don’t give up on your authentic self.
Happy International Women's Day!
#iwd2025 #Frauentag #dzieńkobiet #iwd #Weltfrauentag #InternationalWomensDay #leadership #dei #diversity
7.3.2025 21:05Dear sisters, please don’t give up…Don’t give up on your dreams.Don’t give up on your voice.Don’t give up on your rights.Don’t...#CarryShitOlympics the #Tandem edition 🤓
28.2.2025 19:45#CarryShitOlympics the #Tandem edition 🤓@Edent I didn't manage to get into the room to see your talk live and to check whether your hair is really longer than mine, but still loved it! :)
14.2.2025 14:51@Edent I didn't manage to get into the room to see your talk live and to check whether your hair is really longer than mine, but still...In this context I would love to share with you a talk from #FOSDEM, which I really enjoyed!
"Lessons Learned from Open Sourcing the UK's Covid Contact Tracing App" by @Edent
I will not post a summary here. If you are interested, just watch it! Congratulations, Terence on what you have achieved with this project. Not only in terms of the project itself, but in terms of FOSS education and perception. Truly impressive!
14.2.2025 14:48In this context I would love to share with you a talk from #FOSDEM, which I really enjoyed!"Lessons Learned from Open Sourcing the...Today we celebrate the #ilovefreesoftwareday!
I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who contributes to #FOSS projects and thereby increases various levels of freedom, including the #digitalsovereignty.
Since I have many product leaders in my bubble, I would like to encourage you to reflect on these two questions:
- How can you support the FOSS projects you use?
- Does your next product need to be closed sourced or can you release it as a FOSS?
#productleadership #productmanagement
14.2.2025 14:46Today we celebrate the #ilovefreesoftwareday! I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who contributes to #FOSS projects and thereby...An interesting #hackathon, medical edition, for students and young professionals.
#Berin #Potsdam #HPI #digitalhealth #Healthcare
9.2.2025 12:33An interesting #hackathon, medical edition, for students and young professionals.#Berin #Potsdam #HPI #digitalhealth #Healthcare...Is there any #fediverse alternative to #LinkedIn?
The use case I'm interested in is from hiring manager perspective. How can you find people, who are open to work and have the skills you are looking for? Searching via #FediHire can be time consuming.
5.2.2025 10:46Is there any #fediverse alternative to #LinkedIn?The use case I'm interested in is from hiring manager perspective. How can you find...@RosannaSibora here is the link in case you would like to have a look
3.2.2025 15:01@RosannaSibora here is the link in case you would like to have a look really enjoyed the talk by Mia Bajić “The Psychology Behind Communities: Why Do We Really Contribute?” To summarise, it’s all about human connections. Mia presented the three layers of human connections model. To avoid collective loneliness people seek a community, which shares their sense of purpose and interests. #FOSDEM
3.2.2025 14:47I really enjoyed the talk by Mia Bajić “The Psychology Behind Communities: Why Do We Really Contribute?” To summarise, it’s all about...Off we go to #FOSDEM 🚆
31.1.2025 13:14Off we go to #FOSDEM 🚆"There’s no one-size-fits-all best approach to increasing psychological safety. Rather, the most effective approach varies depending on the team’s starting point. If a team has relatively lower psychological safety, then the individual treatment appears to be more effective; but as a team’s psychological safety increases, a shift to focusing on removing blockers may be warranted. "
#leadership #psychologicalsafety
"Managers who treated team members as unique individuals significantly boosted team #psychologicalsafety compared with the managers of other groups. (...)"
Interesting study on psychological safety and #leadership
24.1.2025 16:25"Managers who treated team members as unique individuals significantly boosted team #psychologicalsafety compared with the managers of...Ein Bekannter aus meinem Netzwerk hat gerade diese tolle Stelle ausgeschrieben. Hätte jemand Interesse?
Boosts welcome! 🙏
#CIO #Koblenz #digitaletransformation #fedihire #fedihire_de #getfedihired #WomenInSTEM #womenintech #womeninleadership
24.1.2025 15:37Ein Bekannter aus meinem Netzwerk hat gerade diese tolle Stelle ausgeschrieben. Hätte jemand Interesse?Boosts welcome! 🙏...I feel slightly overwhelmed with the #FOSDEM schedule. 😅 Impressive!
23.1.2025 10:50I feel slightly overwhelmed with the #FOSDEM schedule. 😅 Impressive!“Teaching failure, and the acceptance of it, and owning those mistakes is really important and a life skill.”
#psychologicalsafety #Leadership
From: @koen_hufkens