#Liberal Americans preparing to criticise #Trump/ #Musk/ #Putin:
"But what if I were to portray them as homosexual lovers? Oh ho ho! How wicked!"
12.3.2025 21:13#Liberal Americans preparing to criticise #Trump/ #Musk/ #Putin:"But what if I were to portray them as homosexual lovers? Oh ho ho! How...We are governed by the villains of a 1980s college sex-comedy.
#nzpol #NactionalFirst
#Mickey17 was so good! The trailer didn't prepare me for #MarkRuffalo's #Trump impression.
#movies #nztwits
Sales rep: "You're kids will be very happy"
Me: "... ... yes... kids..."
#lego #Bluey
"I would rather the state didn't have to [feed poor, hungry children]. It should be a parental responsibility" -#Luxon.
I get what you mean, Chris, except that you (personally & as a political class) made sure those parents can't feed their kids
#nzpol #NactionalFirst
If it can't feed hungry children, why do we even have a government?
#nzpol #Luxon #NactionalFirst #SchoolLunches
Can someone smarter than me please explain how #ACTs #4YearTerm bill will work? Won't we just end up with a situation where no laws can be passed without bipartisan support? Won't the govt. grind to a halt? (which i assume is what they want)
#nzpol #NactionalFirst
#SoverignCitizens fascisnate me. How can they believe BOTH "The entire #law is a racket" AND "The Legal System is bound by obscure rules & ceremonies like Rumplestiltskin"
#SovCits are fighting the #law, but the law's winning|#RNZ https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/thedetail/543111/sovcits-are-fighting-the-law-but-the-law-s-winning #NZPol #NZTwits
26.2.2025 22:15#SoverignCitizens fascisnate me. How can they believe BOTH "The entire #law is a racket" AND "The Legal System is bound by...The #Marvelwiki list his weaknesses as Alcoholism so I'm not sure this was meant to be taken seriously
26.2.2025 21:58The #Marvelwiki list his weaknesses as Alcoholism so I'm not sure this was meant to be taken seriouslyHello? Yes, I'd like to order the most #90s #comic you have
No, that's too 90s
#comicbooks #Marvel #MarvelComics #darkageofsuperherocomics
Whenever I see the Reality Check Radio billboards that say something like "Most NZers don't trust the media", I think of advertising rat-poison with "Most NZers don't think chocolate-bars are a healthy snack" #NZPol
23.2.2025 23:44Whenever I see the Reality Check Radio billboards that say something like "Most NZers don't trust the media", I think of...Are any of you on #Bluesky? I only lurk over there, but following the people i followed on #Twitter my feed is (understandably) nothing but #Trump Trump Trump. I could do with following some non-Americans
In #Terminator, there's a sense that #timetravel is a rare desperate measure. By Terminator 6, there's multiple time-lines as robots flit about changing history.
The franchise needs to embrace the madness: Go full #wibblywobbly #DoctorWho, give us a #Steampunk #Skynet fighting #cowboys with an army of T-Rex-800s
#NZtwits #BackOnMyBullshit
Everytime #Luxon says he's "open to..." You can replace the words with "I haven't thought about..." & you'll get a better picture of what he means.
#nzpol #NACTional
I wish our civilisation would just #collapse already i can't handle the stress.
You know, if we could convince #Trump he has a claim on The
#Falklands, we have the potential to witness something hilarious
#uspolitics #ukpolitics #Nztwits
I know I'm not the first to note this, but it's endlessly fascinating that #FarRight movements spend so much time criticizing "femininity" & "homosexuality" on the #leftwing while joining political movements based on subservience to "strong men" who will "protect them"
#uspolitics #nzpol
Should #DavidSeymour have intervened on behalf of #PhilipPolkinghorne?
Arguably, he was just doing his job as an MP. But you have to admit, it's very in brand for #ACT to criticise the way police treated a rich, white, meth addict, suspected of murder while claiming those same police aren't tough enough on gangs
10.2.2025 20:44Should #DavidSeymour have intervened on behalf of #PhilipPolkinghorne?Arguably, he was just doing his job as an MP. But you have to admit,...Take #USAid: They aren't throwing money out windows. They're the carrot of US imperialism (VS the US military stick).
You can't keep being a superpower if no one has money to spend on your products or reasons to return your phone calls