Little squishy swimming by Scripps Pier #jellyfish #scrippspier #oceanography #ocean #zooplankton #womeninscience
26.2.2025 16:47Little squishy swimming by Scripps Pier #jellyfish #scrippspier #oceanography #ocean #zooplankton #womeninscience
Progression of a phytoplankton bloom. These images are taken over the course of 1 hour and demonstrate how fast ocean conditions can change. The dominant species of this bloom was the bioluminescent dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra. Images were taken from the Scripps Pier Live Cam hosted by the Coastal Ocean Observing Lab #phytoplankton #harmfulalgalblooms #scrippspier #scrippsinstitutionofoceanography #oceanography #science #womeninscience
25.2.2025 21:16Progression of a phytoplankton bloom. These images are taken over the course of 1 hour and demonstrate how fast ocean conditions can change. The domin...