Exciting new work in #medieval Iberian studies.
28.1.2023 17:57Exciting new work in #medieval Iberian studies...."Fernando Pessoa" hard at work deciphering some medieval texts from the amazing series of edited sources -- Leonese and sometimes Galician -- "Fuentes leonesas". #Medieval #Leon #Galicia #Sargadelos
15.1.2023 19:37"Fernando Pessoa" hard at work deciphering some medieval texts from the amazing series of edited sources -- Leonese and sometimes...If anyone here is on Research Gate, I just created a profile. You are welcome to follow me if you are interested in my scholarly work! (I'm on Academia.edu too). https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Simon-Doubleday
15.1.2023 19:28If anyone here is on Research Gate, I just created a profile. You are welcome to follow me if you are interested in my scholarly work!...Moi boas. Fai moito que non escrivo por aquí. Estou ocupado na lectura. ¿algunhas opiniones sobre esta novela? #LediciaCostas #Galego
11.1.2023 18:58Moi boas. Fai moito que non escrivo por aquí. Estou ocupado na lectura. ¿algunhas opiniones sobre esta novela? #LediciaCostas #GalegoPosta de sol, #Barbanza
Bo Nadal!
(Hay los q dicen q #León fue parte del Reino Medieval de Galicia!)
25.12.2022 13:27Bo Nadal! (Hay los q dicen q #León fue parte del Reino Medieval de Galicia!)I have a suspicion that Mastodon is not the ideal vehicle for venting my horror at the nightmare that is airport security at JFK. But that will not stop me.
The horror! The horror!
And the relief at getting into a plane not being run by underpaid Americans.
23.11.2022 03:51I have a suspicion that Mastodon is not the ideal vehicle for venting my horror at the nightmare that is airport security at JFK. But that...Holy hoops, Bretal, #Galicia #Galiza #basketball #church
22.11.2022 00:10Holy hoops, Bretal, #Galicia #Galiza #basketball #churchA modest proposal: let’s organize a real World Cup for next summer, with all the best men’s teams that didn’t take part in this one. Galicia could participate. So could Italy 😊 It could be held… where… ? Uruguay? Ghana?
The World Cup Hosts of Shame.
Política galega
Unha pequena traducción minha. #BNG #Galiza
My plan, Mastodonically and IRL, is to come back to Galicia. I am currently on another server, too, @simondoubleday, but at the end of the month I'm going to return here to mastodon.gal where I started. And at the end of the year, if only briefly, to Santiago.
Petition to restore a direct link between Spain and its former colony, #EquatorialGuinea. #iberia
15.11.2022 21:38Petition to restore a direct link between Spain and its former colony, #EquatorialGuinea. #iberia https://chng.it/XP2sGksFM6Was there a medieval kingdom of #Galicia?
14.11.2022 03:53Was there a medieval kingdom of #Galicia? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6klY0lsh__o(Why) is the Apostle St. James buried in #SantiagodeCompostela? Narrated by the marvelous Carlos Lixó, and featuring José Miguel Andrade, Mariña Bermúdez, Miguel García-Fernández, and Anselmo López Carreira. #medieval #Galicia #ReinodeGalicia #Galiza #Apóstolo
13.11.2022 22:07(Why) is the Apostle St. James buried in #SantiagodeCompostela? Narrated by the marvelous Carlos Lixó, and featuring José Miguel Andrade,...Current #research project, title page. I'm probably about 3-4 months away from submission to U Penn, and it's starting to wear on me.With article I read, several more begin to seem urgently necessary. But I keep chiselling away. This project, which Bernard Reilly bequeathed to me in his mid-90s, has been an extraordinary opportunity to learn more about the eleventh century and rulership in #medieval #León-#Galicia (and #Iberia).
12.11.2022 17:02Current #research project, title page. I'm probably about 3-4 months away from submission to U Penn, and it's starting to wear on...I recently tried #migrating from this instance because so many of my professional colleagues were on another one. But I missed #Galicia and #galego. Quedome aquí tamén. É merco outro café para o servidor… #morriña.
Members of either instance: How would you describe the difference between zirk.us and hcommons.social?
11.11.2022 12:37Members of either instance: How would you describe the difference between zirk.us and hcommons.social?I would love to learn the zanfoña. Does anyone have any tips?
10.11.2022 14:58I would love to learn the zanfoña. Does anyone have any tips?