Tip #1 for running a Study Abroad program: Don’t jet off to the destination in advance and then get COVID right before your students are scheduled to arrive.
6.1.2023 15:37Tip #1 for running a Study Abroad program: Don’t jet off to the destination in advance and then get COVID right before your students are...Today I am very excited about two things:
Navarro et al.’s Learning Statistics with JASP: A Tutorial for Psychology Students and Other Beginners, which I have just discovered, and my goodness, where has this book been all my life? https://learnstatswithjasp.com/
This curry udon I’ve just made for dinner. 🍜
@djnavarro @tomfaulkenberry #statistics #teaching #udon
17.12.2022 00:19Today I am very excited about two things:Navarro et al.’s Learning Statistics with JASP: A Tutorial for Psychology Students and Other...Maybe #Qualtrics could do it using skip logic and branching? That seems really time-consuming to create, but still less than programming from scratch? 3/3
20.11.2022 13:53Maybe #Qualtrics could do it using skip logic and branching? That seems really time-consuming to create, but still less than programming...I currently use #Canvas which (as far as I can tell) only gives feedback after the entire assignment (quiz) has been completed and submitted. But students often make mistakes early on in the assignment (such as not understanding what the population is vs the sample, or not correctly identifying what the variables are in an experimental design), which makes doing the rest of the assignment worthless given their misunderstanding of the scenario as a whole. 2/3
20.11.2022 13:52I currently use #Canvas which (as far as I can tell) only gives feedback after the entire assignment (quiz) has been completed and...I’m looking for software that will give students #feedback on their answer to a question within an #assignment as soon as they answer that particular question and before moving on to the next one. Does anything like this exist? 1/3
20.11.2022 13:52I’m looking for software that will give students #feedback on their answer to a question within an #assignment as soon as they answer that...An #introduction post: I love #Statistics and #Learning, which means that I love both #StatisticalLearning and #LearningStatistics. Currently, most of my professional focus is on #teaching #ResearchMethods and Statistics to #undergraduate #psychmajors. I also love #photography, #travel, and #food (who doesn’t), and have recently figured out a way to combine all of these loves into a three-week #StudyAbroad trip to #Japan where I get to teach a class on #PsychologyOfLanguage.
19.11.2022 16:29An #introduction post: I love #Statistics and #Learning, which means that I love both #StatisticalLearning and #LearningStatistics. ...Print (“Hello, World!”)
Is this thing on?
11.11.2022 12:42Print (“Hello, World!”)Is this thing on?