So...I've got two new fur babies: General Leia on the left and Obi-Wan on the right. They are 8 weeks old
9.11.2024 20:16So...I've got two new fur babies: General Leia on the left and Obi-Wan on the right. They are 8 weeks oldWith all the hate spewed on the bird site and news of war everywhere, Mastodon is my happy place. I'm so lucky to have been accepted into my instance
9.8.2024 20:58With all the hate spewed on the bird site and news of war everywhere, Mastodon is my happy place. I'm so lucky to have been accepted...
28.7.2024 11:36 mention of tfg
Can't wait to see Drumpf's mugshot
20.3.2023 16:24CW mention of tfgCan't wait to see Drumpf's mugshotTico on #Caturday
12.1.2023 20:28Tico on #CaturdayHakeem Jeffries wins again
5.1.2023 21:44Hakeem Jeffries wins again#LoserMcCarthyCNN looks a lot like Fox and Friends
5.1.2023 21:13CNN looks a lot like Fox and Friends#CNN #RightTurnWatching the ongoing circus on the House floor.🍿
3.1.2023 21:37Watching the ongoing circus on the House floor.🍿I don't understand those who critize Elmo and the birdsite but are still tweeting.
Wouldn't it be better to leave Elmo and Magas alone in their echo chamber?
Without sane people on the birdsite it will turn into Parler or Gab
"Wenn ein Nazi mit 10 Leuten an einem Tisch sitzt und niemand aufsteht, dann sind 11 Nazis am Tisch"
1.12.2022 21:51"Wenn ein Nazi mit 10 Leuten an einem Tisch sitzt und niemand aufsteht, dann sind 11 Nazis am Tisch"382 years ago today Portugal freed itself from Spain. Again and this time for good.
382 anos de Restauração com pouca independência
#FirstOfDecember #Independence
1.12.2022 11:45382 years ago today Portugal freed itself from Spain. Again and this time for good.382 anos de Restauração com pouca...4ª dose da vacina está tomada.
Continuo no batalhão dos que nunca tiveram Covid.
4th Covid dose (2nd boost) done.
I'm still on the group of those who never got Covid.
#boost #Covid #VaccinesSaveLives
25.11.2022 11:474ª dose da vacina está tomada.Continuo no batalhão dos que nunca tiveram Covid.4th Covid dose (2nd boost) done.I'm still on the group...O regime do Catar bem como a sua política de intolerância impunham que Marcelo e Costa não pusessem os pés no país durante o Campeonato.
As palavras que ouvi de ambos soam fracas e parece-me que queriam apenas desculpa para ir passear à conta do erário público. Quem me dera estar enganada.
#Catar #DireitosHumanos #AntónioCosta #MarceloRebeloDeSousa
I stopped watching CNN before leaving Twitter. I'm not missing either and - probably according to CNN - that is bad news for Biden
19.11.2022 21:05I stopped watching CNN before leaving Twitter. I'm not missing either and - probably according to CNN - that is bad news for BidenThis is a happy looking family.
Photo by Adam Schultz/White House
The only thing I miss from the "other place" are the news. The thing I hated on "the other place" were the constant "breaking news".
19.11.2022 05:52The only thing I miss from the "other place" are the news. The thing I hated on "the other place" were the constant...A especulação quanto ao destino de #CristianoRonaldo depois do Mundial está ao rubro: #SportingClubeDePortugal ou os #EUA.
Se ele quiser fazer a vontade à D. Dolores vem em Janeiro porque depois aos 40 anos nem o Sporting o quererá. ⚽ 🦁
Não estava a contar que a vinda de #CR7 para o #Sporting fosse antecipada para esta época.
14.11.2022 00:21Não estava a contar que a vinda de #CR7 para o #Sporting fosse antecipada para esta época.To whom took the Electron:
Walker lost his marbles and needs it
Ouvi ontem na #TSF uma entrevista ao Bastonário da #OrdemDosMédicos: não temos falta de médicos, temos falta de médicos no #SNS. Tudo o que disse faz sentido, e até apontou soluções.
O único problema, digo eu, é que não parece haver vontade política para consertar o SNS. Dinheiro também não há, claro.