Any #spacex fans on the platform that dislike Musk? Can we start a club? Haha.
6.7.2023 03:13Any #spacex fans on the platform that dislike Musk? Can we start a club? Haha.I don't know what happens next, but if Russia proceeds with this false flag they will regret it for the entirety of this generation and next. #RussiaIsATerroristState
5.7.2023 00:11I don't know what happens next, but if Russia proceeds with this false flag they will regret it for the entirety of this generation and...Does anyone else think that a 10 percent payload increase from just hot staging is a little high?
4.7.2023 20:59Does anyone else think that a 10 percent payload increase from just hot staging is a little...Happy 4th of July and Independence Day! A celebration of U.S. independence and democracy. Today please keep in your thoughts Ukraine. Which is currently under a massive invasion by a country 3x its size. Ukraine is fighting for its right to exist as a sovereign country and hold fair elections with independent media.
Please consider donating to or another credible charity/support organization supporting Ukraine.
#4thofJuly #ukraine #russiaisaterroriststate
4.7.2023 17:41Happy 4th of July and Independence Day! A celebration of U.S. independence and democracy. Today please keep in your thoughts Ukraine. Which...While I am normally a tech and space guy, I am looking for good accounts to follow news from the Ukraine war, any recommendations?
1.7.2023 23:57While I am normally a tech and space guy, I am looking for good accounts to follow news from the Ukraine war, any recommendations?