Two first quintiles rejected so far.
11.3.2025 14:36Two first quintiles rejected so far.#JWST rejections going out. I'm beginning to think we might need another one of these to help lower the oversubscription!
11.3.2025 14:30#JWST rejections going out. I'm beginning to think we might need another one of these to help lower the oversubscription!#AstrodonExciting times at #AAS245, as Lea Marcotulli prepares to present at a press conference on some super-exciting #NuSTAR + @ChandraScience results on the early universe
(I'm co-corresponding author on the paper, so I may be a little biased...)
14.1.2025 15:16Exciting times at #AAS245, as Lea Marcotulli prepares to present at a press conference on some super-exciting #NuSTAR + @ChandraScience...On my way to #AAS245! Got some research to talk about, a press conference I'm super excited about, and, of course, the @ChandraScience booth. And to make it even better, it's a conference I can take the train to! #Acela #OnTheRightAmtrak
10.1.2025 12:12On my way to #AAS245! Got some research to talk about, a press conference I'm super excited about, and, of course, the @ChandraScience...Real happy birthday to our dear XMM-Newton, who turns 25 today! I did my first paper using XMM data, and I'm glad to see that many years later folks are still getting the chance to get started with ESA's exceptional space telescope.
#ESA #Astrodon #Astrophysics #XMMNewton #Astronomy #XRaysAreTheBestRays
The problem with presenting science at a conference you're also organizing is that your own presentation is the last thing on the to-do list.
Unrelated, I'm spending Saturday night with Inkscape open trying to think of what to write on a poster I need to print on Monday...
#Astrodon #AcademicChatter #LifeOfAScientist
Even more layoffs at my old home, JPL... Part of me wonders how many people who made the new director a welcome quilt back in 2022 will be gone by the end of 2024...
13.11.2024 14:06Even more layoffs at my old home, JPL... Part of me wonders how many people who made the new director a welcome quilt back in 2022 will be...Passing this along:
The latest WISE/NEOWISE reentry prediction is for Nov. 2 at UT 1:07 +/-60 mins, which is an hour earlier than the previous prediction. That is 9:07 pm EDT (6:07pm PDT) tonight and 9:07 am in Perth (Western Australia) and 9:07 or 10:07 am in eastern Asia. Prospects for the western US are much less likely now, but Chile and the US from Florida to Michigan are well positioned to have a chance at seeing a northbound reentry around 10pm in Chile, or 9pm EDT or 8pm CDT in the the US. Look for a southbound reentry in east Asia or Australia.
#Astronomy #NASA #NEOWISE #Reentry #SkyWatching
1.11.2024 22:12Passing this along:The latest WISE/NEOWISE reentry prediction is for Nov. 2 at UT 1:07 +/-60 mins, which is an hour earlier than the...Word on the street is WISE is going to re-enter in ~6 +/-3 hours. #Astronomy #SkyWatching #Astrodon #NASA #NEOWISE
1.11.2024 19:39Word on the street is WISE is going to re-enter in ~6 +/-3 hours. #Astronomy #SkyWatching #Astrodon #NASA #NEOWISEI was on an #XMM_AO24 proposal nearing 480. Any folks at ESA know what the final total of proposals this cycle ended up being?
11.10.2024 12:36I was on an #XMM_AO24 proposal nearing 480. Any folks at ESA know what the final total of proposals this cycle ended up being?What sort of nonsense is this that the fantastic aurorae are scheduled the same night as the XMM deadline? Not cool!
11.10.2024 00:36What sort of nonsense is this that the fantastic aurorae are scheduled the same night as the XMM deadline? Not cool!#AstrodonAXIS / PRIMA for the final Probe slot. Lots of real great science that's going to have to wait... #Astronomy #Astrodon
3.10.2024 22:16AXIS / PRIMA for the final Probe slot. Lots of real great science that's going to have to wait... #Astronomy #AstrodonAs a Professional Astrophysicist, my job is to {SEND EMAILS} and I am very {A LOT OF} at my job!
#AcademicChatter #AstrodonChatter
I've been working with a colleague on a paper on a very weird object. No details on here until it's accepted, but it's now submitted! #AstrodonChatter
24.9.2024 00:16I've been working with a colleague on a paper on a very weird object. No details on here until it's accepted, but it's now...Too many small things to do today, and not enough big things.
Also, too many big things and not enough small things!
18.9.2024 15:31Too many small things to do today, and not enough big things.Also, too many big things and not enough small things!One of those days where it's 11 PM but I'm on a roll with work and want to keep at it...
17.9.2024 02:50One of those days where it's 11 PM but I'm on a roll with work and want to keep at it...Me, as a grad student: How come all of these professors haven't updated their web pages since the Bush administration?
Me, as a whatever it is I am now: Oh, that's why...
3.9.2024 18:21Me, as a grad student: How come all of these professors haven't updated their web pages since the Bush administration?Me, as a whatever...It's 6:00 PM and the draft is now sent out to the co-authors. Giving yourself a deadline can sometimes work! #AcademicChatter #Astrodon
30.8.2024 22:13It's 6:00 PM and the draft is now sent out to the co-authors. Giving yourself a deadline can sometimes work! #AcademicChatter #AstrodonJust about done writing this 6 page paper, and I see it's now ... 17 pages. Huh. Not sure how that one happened. #AcademicChatter #AstrodonChatter
29.8.2024 22:25Just about done writing this 6 page paper, and I see it's now ... 17 pages. Huh. Not sure how that one happened. #AcademicChatter...Mood in the Office
29.7.2024 18:34Mood in the Office