One of these days I will start writing and posting actual campus / Denver news stories I am working on, but for now here is my favorite squirrel picture I've taken to date from Jan. 25 in Denver, CO.
30.1.2023 20:10One of these days I will start writing and posting actual campus / Denver news stories I am working on, but for now here is my favorite...My last audiobook of the year was a great one: John Green's "The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet" was just a beautiful read.
I especially loved that a whole chapter was dedicated to his love for the world's best band, The Mountain Goats.
#books #goodreads #recommendations #essays #theanthropocene
31.12.2022 22:11My last audiobook of the year was a great one: John Green's "The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet" was...People of the Red Earth : American Indians of Colorado by Sally Crum
This book is just a great overview of the history of the peoples that lived in the Colorado area before colonizers pushed them out.
#Colorado #History #books #recommendations
24.12.2022 19:57People of the Red Earth : American Indians of Colorado by Sally Crum book is just a...Regensis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet by George Monbiot
This book approaches how we farm our food from a vegan perspective, but the author focuses on the real-world drawbacks of our current systems without really arguing for the burden to fall on people by pressuring them to switch to veganism. Instead it takes a what appears to me as a systemic approach to the problems and offers systemic solutions, like funding precision fermentation production.
24.12.2022 19:49Regensis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet by George Monbiot book...Just some quick book recommendations of three of my favorites I read this year in no particular order:
Congo: The Epic History of a People
This book was a great read about the history of the Congo, largely told through the eyes of the people that live there, and it is the best insight I've read into how colonialism functioned to exploit Indigenous peoples.
I'm a newcomer to Mastodon, and while I had a Twitter account, I barely used it even before it started to look like it wasn't worth using anymore.
I am a journalism student in Denver, and I currently write and edit for my university's student newspaper called The Metropolitan, which can be found online at
I am excited to learn and explore this open-source social media platform.