Content warning:Macro
Inked Commission for RichKupo
He planned a new show but things aren't going exactly as he planned...
Good for us viewers at least uwu
Rich © RichKupo
Art by me
Content warning:Macro, Giga
Inked Commission for Dev Softpaw
Inari is reallly big this time and he wants to give a taste to that smoll city
Inari © Dev Softpaws
Art by me
Content warning:Macro
Ink Commission for Demiwah
Was an YCH of the Bixie pic I did sometime ago with a few slight upgrades and background difference x3
Looks like Demi found a lil city to play today uwu
Demi © Demiwah
Art by me
Content warning:Macro, Unaware
Sketch Commission for Skullfacexp
Looks like he was going to meet a friend but they forgot to point out a sizey thing >w>
Characters © Respective Owners
Art by Me
Content warning:Macro
Lil Gift for a fren
Umbreon's strolling through the city and having fun, the cars that have to wait and dodge his steps aren't too help of it tho~
24.1.2025 14:49Content warning:MacroLil Gift for a frenUmbreon's strolling through the city and having fun, the cars that have to wait and dodge his...Content warning:Macro, Mega
Shaded Commission for Hi-Home and continuation of the last one
with another lil plot story
Sue continues to grow bigger and bigger and bigger. Until she towering over the city! Eventually the growth spurt has finally stopped but now she's at the size of a mountain! Concerned and embarrassed, Sue could just look down at the minuscule city as she can't no longer see the peoples. Now, she's wonder if her mother will be able to fix her. And who know how long she will be stuck with her new size.
Sue Sakamoto and Momorin Sakamoto ©Cave Story
Art by me
Content warning:Macro, Growth
Shaded Commission for Hi-Home
that was kind enough to offer a lil plot story to tell what is happening to the big Mimiga owo
Momorin working on a machine to try to change her daughter Sue back into a human. When the machine is ready, Sue went inside, her mother turns it on, the ray appears on her and... Nothing happen. After this failure attempt, Momorin decides to take a break and went out to get something to eat. While Sue remains in the lab as she went to sit on the floor and wait. While waiting, Sue wonders if she will ever been back a human again and hope to not remain a Mimiga forever. Then her thought gets interrupt when her head suddenly hit the ceil. She opens her eyes and saw everything is getting smaller! Sue realises in shock she's getting bigger and she continues to grow bigger until she outgrowth the lab! As Momorin walks outside, she hears a loud Boom behind her, she turns and in horror she saw her daughter growing giant! And she's still growing bigger as the growth spurt doesn't showing sight to stop!
Sue Sakamoto and Momorin Sakamoto ©Cave Story
Art by me
Content warning:Macro, Lick
Sketch Commission for DarukisDream
Affi found that damn bad Dusknoir and had to give them a lickie >w>
Afii the Uxie © DarukisDream
PMD Dusknoir ©Game Freak/Pokémon
Content warning:Price Sheet
From this moment on, I am now open for commissions
Hope the new prices aren't too much
For more infos:
7.1.2025 15:18Content warning:Price SheetFrom this moment on, I am now open for commissionsHope the new prices aren't too muchFor more...Content warning:Macro
Kuro found a lil Zeevee on top of a building giving him a few pats uwu
Commission for Anonymous
30.12.2024 14:21Content warning:MacroKuro found a lil Zeevee on top of a building giving him a few pats uwuCommission for AnonymousThis was a really good learning year and I hope I can learn a lot more next year >w<
28.12.2024 21:42This was a really good learning year and I hope I can learn a lot more next year >w<Content warning:NSFW, Macro
It is picnic time but we have a lil Leo sneak in
Commission for Novi
Novi © Novi
Leo © Leo
Content warning:Macro
Giant Puppy Ruff just found a lil city to play with
Commission for Xavier Roupe
Xavier © Xavier Roupe
27.12.2024 14:15Content warning:MacroGiant Puppy Ruff just found a lil city to play with Commission for Xavier RoupeXavier © Xavier RoupeContent warning:Macro
Ooooh, looks like Greninja just found a tiny city between his stompers, now what to do with it...
Commission for Hoshi
Greninja © Pokemon Company
27.12.2024 14:11Content warning:MacroOoooh, looks like Greninja just found a tiny city between his stompers, now what to do with it... Commission for...Content warning:NSFW, Macro
Commission for Sundae
Their Cubone Adrian found the two legendaries and had to salute them as a way of respect for the two "legendaries"
No background was asked for but Hoenn is just water xp
Character belongs to respective owners
17.12.2024 21:53Content warning:NSFW, MacroCommission for Sundae Their Cubone Adrian found the two legendaries and had to salute them as a way of respect...Content warning:Macro,
Sketch Commission for Violet
A "smaller" than normal Violet cuddling Rai
Character belong to respective owners
6.12.2024 20:16Content warning:Macro,Sketch Commission for VioletA "smaller" than normal Violet cuddling RaiCharacter belong to respective ownersContent warning:Nom, Vore, Paws
Commission for Otterlyvest
Looks like they got a lil vee, how dare, vees are not food >///<
Characters belong to respective owners
6.12.2024 19:45Content warning:Nom, Vore, PawsCommission for OtterlyvestLooks like they got a lil vee, how dare, vees are not food >///<Characters...Open the Curtains, it's time to vote for who you wanna see in next year's Macro March, read the rules and vote for your fave characters, you have until January 5th~
6.12.2024 19:40Open the Curtains, it's time to vote for who you wanna see in next year's Macro March, read the rules and vote for your fave...Content warning:Macro, Giga
For Day 7 We have Puck from Re:Zero
I had to rush the background cus the meeting I had to go took hours >->
At least I really loved the shading I did for him
Tomorrow there will be no kitty, I am really tired and need a bit of rest, so only next week
May drop a lil special thing tomorrow tho~
Content warning:Macro, Giga
For Day 6 we have Tailmon form Digimon, there have been ages since I drew them
Now we need to discover from where they took that many data to grow that big >w>
Characters belong to respective owners
4.12.2024 23:47Content warning:Macro, GigaFor Day 6 we have Tailmon form Digimon, there have been ages since I drew themNow we need to discover from where...