I mean, I was messing around with framebuffers, but emacs doesn't play too well with those compared to separate equivalent programs.
21.3.2023 16:35I mean, I was messing around with framebuffers, but emacs doesn't play too well with those compared to separate equivalent programs.It's official, I ran out of things to do.
Youtubers are boring, alt chans are slow and cyclical, my setup is stable...
Now I'll have to actually read the info pages on the intro to Elisp.
Let's write some defuns.
There's also a little post about how I manage my website with #emacs #orgmode
20.3.2023 15:46There's also a little post about how I manage my website with #emacs #orgmodehttps://radspaceed.neocities.org/txt/orgsiteI did a little write up on my weird little keyboard. So if you are into custom #mechanicalkeyboard or #ergonomickeyboard please check it out!
20.3.2023 15:46I did a little write up on my weird little keyboard. So if you are into custom #mechanicalkeyboard or #ergonomickeyboard please check it...So, there's this artist I've been eyeing for a little while, CelirDoor, they make really cool animations that reminds me of the old Gorillaz clips.
Pretty underground, so I would like to help a little and bring their art to more eyes.
This is a pilot of a series:
(no direct links from me heh)
They also have a twitter, no fediverse though... still can subscribe to an rss feed with nitter, very neat.
20.3.2023 02:42So, there's this artist I've been eyeing for a little while, CelirDoor, they make really cool animations that reminds me of the old...back again...
idk why I can't keep being consistent on checking social media, even very cool ones like mastodon :(
I will see if I can change that.
20.3.2023 00:16back again...idk why I can't keep being consistent on checking social media, even very cool ones like mastodon :(I will see if I can...It might be academic brain damage, but when you find an author/philosopher/scientist famous for their views on a subject, are you supposed to read everything they ever wrote?
Some have main books, like Darwin or Marx, but others are not as obvious, like Jung or Freud.
15.12.2022 00:47It might be academic brain damage, but when you find an author/philosopher/scientist famous for their views on a subject, are you supposed...Today I finally (kinda) understood what a "spook" is.
It's weird how most memes I see are basically advertisements for books lol
14.12.2022 22:47Today I finally (kinda) understood what a "spook" is.It's weird how most memes I see are basically advertisements for books...Everything became kinda boring. I have nothing to watch, and I haven't read anything that really captivated me in a while...
I wonder if it is depression doing it's thing, or if I'm "maturing" (I doubt it, people around me still complain about the same things that I do for 5 years now).
13.12.2022 16:35Everything became kinda boring. I have nothing to watch, and I haven't read anything that really captivated me in a while...I wonder if...As for transhumanism, silicon based life seems viable... rock people lol
12.12.2022 14:06As for transhumanism, silicon based life seems viable... rock people lolWell, a third wheel would be not recognizing the suffering at all, but if that were to be the case, everyone would probably starve themselves to death...
Well, I don't think there's a real way that we can go extinct unless we want to. Technological advancements and general stubbordness prevents most of us from dying from deseases and natural disasters. The only way we can extinguish ourselves is by willing ignorance of global changes, or nuclear anihilation due to war.
12.12.2022 14:04Well, a third wheel would be not recognizing the suffering at all, but if that were to be the case, everyone would probably starve...Thinking in terms of reducing human suffering, the only solutions I see is transhumanism, or mass extintion.
Is there any other outcome in this circumstance? Is there another way of seeing things?
12.12.2022 14:00Thinking in terms of reducing human suffering, the only solutions I see is transhumanism, or mass extintion.Is there any other outcome in...I took some time to think about it. Primitivism is probably authoritarian in concept.
Early technological advancement happens spontaneously (if it didn't we wouldn't have any technology), and a authoritarian system would have to be in place to curb such advancements.
Worse yet, to strong arm potential technology advanced individuals, the authoritarian establishment would probably have to use technology too lol
12.12.2022 13:56I took some time to think about it. Primitivism is probably authoritarian in concept. Early technological advancement happens spontaneously...>search "boring dystopia"
>discover anarcho-primitivism
>"anarchism and primitivism are antithetical" & primitivism is dumb
>doomscroll ABoringDystopia
It's funny how I'm constantly bouncing between wanting to live in a tiny village and grow my own food, wanting to move to the big city sprawl and disrupt everything, or just rm -rf ing myself from life lol
10.12.2022 20:18>search "boring dystopia">discover anarcho-primitivism>"anarchism and primitivism are antithetical" &...Sometimes I wonder if I pay too much attention to First World stuff, while barely connecting to what's happening in #brazil , but to be honest, I don't think there's much going on
Cool tech? There's unmanned drones, hydroelectric power and hydrogen power storage... just that ig.
Revolutionary movements? There's MST and it's derivatives, but those were heavily corrupted.
Can some fellow tupiniquins confirm or deny that that is the case?
10.12.2022 19:11Sometimes I wonder if I pay too much attention to First World stuff, while barely connecting to what's happening in #brazil , but to be...Just taking a moment to appreciate font creators efforts on how many non-ASCII characters they have to make.
10.12.2022 18:31Just taking a moment to appreciate font creators efforts on how many non-ASCII characters they have to make.I would appreciate suggestions of how I could make this room look less like a prison cell lol. I even have bars on the windows.
Forgot to add that I use the keyboard on my lap most of the time. I would've liked a keyboard tray, but I would probably have to make one myself, and in the end it wouldn't be that flexible.
I've been thinking of getting rid of my bed and just using a DIY "zero-gravity" setup, with those pool chairs and a HMD.
4.12.2022 16:20I would appreciate suggestions of how I could make this room look less like a prison cell lol. I even have bars on the windows.Forgot to add...The least hacky brazilian setup.
DIY desk made from crooked planks, mostly used for repairs, but I'm laying back from that for a little.
Wifi card constantly crashing, so I use a adapter.
OG keyboard failed, replacement failed in a week, so I made my own keyboard
My chair was 6 years older than me, and was decomposing, so I make do with a plastic chair.
Also, charger broke, so I'm using a power supply lol.
#battlestations #mechanicalkeyboard #ergonomic
#thinkpad #brazil
Sometimes I'm a bit careless and blow the fuses on things, witch got me thinking:
Why we dont use a big capacitor in place of fuses? Then you could make the device beep if theres something wrong going on, making the cap charge.
I know fuses are cheap, but I think that would be more convenient...
Well, then people would need to figure out how to discharge the cap later.
3.12.2022 10:42Sometimes I'm a bit careless and blow the fuses on things, witch got me thinking:Why we dont use a big capacitor in place of fuses? Then...orgzly < terminal Emacs on Termux
2.12.2022 16:36orgzly < terminal Emacs on Termuxlol