Interesting thoughts on #dnd5e
I got my order of some #tales from #japan. Hopefully they give me some inspiration for my #ttrpg #games.😄
22.1.2025 13:36I got my order of some #tales from #japan. Hopefully they give me some inspiration for my #ttrpg #games.😄Es ist mal wieder soweit, die Rollenspielumfrage 2024 ist online.
#rollenspielumfrage #rpg #deutsch
15.7.2024 17:01Es ist mal wieder soweit, die Rollenspielumfrage 2024 ist online. Interview mit Lisa Neubauer.!5972554/
30.11.2023 17:36Interessantes Interview mit Lisa Neubauer.!5972554/I found this interesting review of Fabula Ultima from @cannibalhalflinggaming
Maybe I can convince my friends for play session. :)
#ttrpg #FabulaUltima #rpg #jrpg
29.8.2023 05:44I found this interesting review of Fabula Ultima from @cannibalhalflinggaming...#RPGaDAY2023 #TTRPG3. First RPG you bought this year
Homeworld and Gods of Fall. I did not play both o them. But I love PC-Games and the Cyphersystem. I played last weekend an Numenera session and finally get a good insight in gm intrusions. 😂#numenera #cyphersystem #montecookgame
3.8.2023 12:59#RPGaDAY2023 #TTRPG3. First RPG you bought this yearHomeworld and Gods of Fall. I did not play both o them. But I love PC-Games and the...Das hört sich nach einem tollen #Rollenspiel an!
12.7.2023 14:27Das hört sich nach einem tollen #Rollenspiel an! #cowboy_bebopThe ORC License is final!
#orc #paizo #dnd #pathfinder #ttrpg #rpg
2.7.2023 08:13The ORC License is final! #paizo #dnd #pathfinder #ttrpg #rpgEine interessante Idee!
#gesellschaftsrat #sarahbosetti #klima
27.4.2023 04:56Eine interessante Idee! #sarahbosetti #klimaSehr beunruhigend ist diese skizzierte Entwicklung:
1.4.2023 18:19Sehr beunruhigend ist diese skizzierte Entwicklung: started to read the rulebook of Gods of the Fall.😀
#RPG #cyphersystem #godsofthefall
29.1.2023 15:27Just started to read the rulebook of Gods of the Fall.😀 #RPG #cyphersystem #godsofthefallSince I loved to play the Homeworld PC-games, I am curious how this RPG will play:
#rpg #HomeworldRevelationRPG #homeworld #modiphius2d20
29.1.2023 15:23Since I loved to play the Homeworld PC-games, I am curious how this RPG will play: #rpg #HomeworldRevelationRPG #homeworld #modiphius2d20Oh-ha😳 !
#dnd #ogl1.1 #wotc #rpg #licensing
12.1.2023 11:55Oh-ha😳 !
Nicp Semsrott zur Korruption im EU-Parlament:
#corruption #euparlament #Lobbyislmus
12.12.2022 05:30Inhaltswarnung:KorruptionNicp Semsrott zur Korruption im EU-Parlament: just see this 'news' 🤣. It sounds very interesting!
#RPGNews #newgame #rpg #RPGames #montecook
2.12.2022 11:55I just see this 'news' 🤣. It sounds very interesting! Great to see you here!
After 2035 there will be no leap-second any more.
22.11.2022 19:14After 2035 there will be no leap-second any more. @shannagermain for joining mastodon!
#numenéra #cyphersystem #nothankyouevil
22.11.2022 16:46Thanks @shannagermain for joining mastodon!#numenéra #cyphersystem #nothankyouevilSerif hat heute die Version 2 seiner Affinity-Programme veröffentlicht.
#Affinity #Serif #Grafiksoftware
9.11.2022 15:31Serif hat heute die Version 2 seiner Affinity-Programme veröffentlicht. #Serif...Diese Würfel sehen chic aus./These dices looks great!
#dice #rpg #montecook #planebreaker
7.11.2022 19:09Diese Würfel sehen chic aus./These dices looks great! #rpg #montecook...