The #ZuKo @unikonstanz opposes the plans to discontinue the direct train connection from Konstanz to Stuttgart (the so-called "Gäubahn") from 2025 onwards. We urge all actors to find a viable alternative. Read the whole statement:
12.1.2023 12:50The #ZuKo @unikonstanz opposes the plans to discontinue the direct train connection from Konstanz to Stuttgart (the so-called...The #ZuKo @unikonstanz proudly presents its new digital annual report 2022:
Congratulations to Jennifer Randerath @RanderathJ (former Research Fellow / Psychology) and her research group @unikonstanz who secured funding for their post-covid project “Multidimensional test concept for Fatigue Symptomatology in Long-COVID”:
12.12.2022 09:05Congratulations to Jennifer Randerath @RanderathJ (former Research Fellow / Psychology) and her research group @unikonstanz who secured...We are looking forward to Abena Yalley’s public talk “Abuse and Humiliation in the Delivery Room: Patterns and Dynamics of Obstetric Violence in Ghana” tomorrow (7.12, 11:00, Y 326/Zoom) at the #ZuKo @unikonstanz
6.12.2022 09:39We are looking forward to Abena Yalley’s public talk “Abuse and Humiliation in the Delivery Room: Patterns and Dynamics of Obstetric...Congratulations to #ZuKo Fellow Daniela Rößler @unikonsanz: National Geographic named her research one of the "22 most amazing discoveries of 2022":
1.12.2022 11:44Congratulations to #ZuKo Fellow Daniela Rößler @unikonsanz: National Geographic named her research one of the "22 most amazing...Congratulations to #ZuKo-nnect Fellow Angelo Javier Neira Albornoz: He was awarded this year's Manfred Ulmer Fellowship at the Regional Science Forum in Donaueschingen yesterday - organized by the University of Konstanz @unikonstanz and the Manfred Ulmer-Stiftung. Read more:
This week, we welcome the CAT group of Damian Blasi @blasi_lang
(Harvard University, USA) at the #ZuKo @unikonstanz. Tomorrow, they will present their project "Challenges for the development of fair language-based assessments of health, education, behavior, and beyond".
New call for applications open now: The #ZuKo @unikonstanz offers "ZUKOnnect Fellowships" to support early career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Application deadline is 13 February 2023. More infos:
25.11.2022 12:30New call for applications open now: The #ZuKo @unikonstanz offers "ZUKOnnect Fellowships" to support early career researchers from...Wir sind auch neu #neuhier auf #Mastodon und freuen uns über regen Austausch mit euch. Wir bieten exzellente Forschungsbedingungen für internationale und interdisziplinär forschende Postdocs und bekommen hoffentlich noch viele Anregungen mehr 😉
We congratulate #ZuKo Research Fellow Armin Bahl who received an ERCStartingGrant (#ERCStG) for his project “Neural basis of zebrafish collective decision-making”.
24.11.2022 10:51We congratulate #ZuKo Research Fellow Armin Bahl who received an ERCStartingGrant (#ERCStG) for his project “Neural basis of zebrafish...