Una web que funciona con enegía solar, y más inyteresante, con contenidos sobre tecnología simples de producción de enegía autogeneradas o incluso sin baterias, ni litio.
Una peli de animación hecha con Blender muy recomendable !
26.1.2025 20:34Una peli de animación hecha con Blender muy recomendable !https://rasheedabueideh.itch.io/liyla-and-the-shadows-of-war
25.1.2025 14:08https://rasheedabueideh.itch.io/liyla-and-the-shadows-of-warhttps://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/dreams_on_a_pillow
25.1.2025 14:05https://www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/dreams_on_a_pillow"The overwhelming nature and scale of Israel’s assault on Gaza and the destructive conditions of life it has inflicted reveal an intent to physically destroy Palestinians as a group. This report finds that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the following acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza has been met"
Conclusions of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Palestine
10.7.2024 08:39https://www.un.org/unispal/document/anatomy-of-a-genocide-report-of-the-special-rapporteur-on-the-situation-of-human-rights-in-the-palestinian-territory-occupied-since-1967-to-human-rights-council-advance-unedited-version-a-hrc-55"The...Hoy se inaugura Máquines del temps en el #artssantamonica.
"Experimentar el temps i el desig en un territori suspès com la presó. Màquines del temps és un marc conceptual i visual que ens convida a reflexionar sobre la presó com a espai abstret, un lloc on afloren les reflexions sobre el passat i el desig de viatjar enrere, però també l’anhel que el temps passi ràpid, així com les fabulacions sobre escenaris de futur per a l’individu i la societat."
27.6.2024 06:25Hoy se inaugura Máquines del temps en el #artssantamonica."Experimentar el temps i el desig en un territori suspès com la...Se ha desarmado el golpe ! #bolivia Se retiran las tanquetas.
26.6.2024 21:38Se ha desarmado el golpe ! #bolivia Se retiran las tanquetas.#Bolivia’s leaders have claimed a coup is afoot against Luis Arce’s leftwing administration after heavily armed army troops seized control of La Paz’s political heart and military police were filmed trying to force their way into the former government palace.
“We denounce to the international community that a coup attempt against our democratically elected government,”
Coup attempt in Bolivia reportedly under way as army and police storm palace https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/26/luis-arce-bolivia-coup?CMP=share_btn_url
26.6.2024 20:58#Bolivia’s leaders have claimed a coup is afoot against Luis Arce’s leftwing administration after heavily armed army troops seized...Coup d'etat en #Bolivie
26.6.2024 20:49Coup d'etat en...Golpe de estado en #Bolivia
26.6.2024 20:44Golpe de estado en #Boliviahttps://mastodon.online/@324cat/112684868801965220