I ought to have added a link to the #preprint … https://doi.org/10.31223/x5h34m
19.11.2022 07:29I ought to have added a link to the #preprint … https://doi.org/10.31223/x5h34mDo we tell each other about our fun new #publications on here? It’s great to see “powering Earth’s ancient dynamo with silicon precipitation”, (http://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100692). Fred Wilson leads an ‘all star team’ (thanks #reviewer2) to combine mineral physics and thermal history modelling to look at a possible way to explain observations of an early magnetic field on Earth.
18.11.2022 16:52Do we tell each other about our fun new #publications on here? It’s great to see “powering Earth’s ancient dynamo with silicon...I think I’m supposed to toot an #introduction. I’m Senior Research Fellow in computational geoscience at the Department of Earth Sciences in the University of Oxford. My research interests are mostly around Earth’s core and mantle at scales from atoms to planets.
12.11.2022 07:37I think I’m supposed to toot an #introduction. I’m Senior Research Fellow in computational geoscience at the Department of Earth...