Join us tomorrow! Northwestern University's Center for HCI+D and the Community Data Science Collective for a conversation about the challenges and opportunities of decentralized social media with myself, @jaz, @bnewbold and @cwebber
This event is free and open to everyone. Register to join here:
22.5.2024 19:40Join us tomorrow! Northwestern University's Center for HCI+D and the Community Data Science Collective for a conversation about the...Research you can use (if you ever visualize data):
10.5.2024 20:03Research you can use (if you ever visualize data): you'd been there? Interested in followup? Ping me (here or email is good...I'm easy to find via my university/employer), I'm learning more and pursuing this further and would love company.
@fediforum @davepeck @UlrikeHahn @risottobias @roguefoam @Johannab @cypherhippie @TCMuffin
19.3.2024 20:04Wish you'd been there? Interested in followup? Ping me (here or email is good...I'm easy to find via my university/employer),...A great @fediforum conversation about accountable data governance! Think: protocol/client/server/policy affordances to support respectful data archiving, collection, analysis/research. Thanks to participants, including: @davepeck @UlrikeHahn @risottobias @roguefoam @Johannab @cypherhippie @TCMuffin
19.3.2024 20:01A great @fediforum conversation about accountable data governance! Think: protocol/client/server/policy affordances to support respectful...I wrote a thing about a thing that @kevindriscoll wrote! You should read his thing and you might enjoy my thing too...
RT @comdatasci
Reading about the prehistory of social media might help you imagine a better Internet: @aaronshaw's book review of @kevindriscoll's "The Modem World"
Belated RT here. Check out @floorfiers most recent work!
RT @floorfiers
✨New pub✨ in New Media & Society: This scoping review on inequality in the gig economy maps literature across stages of a participation pipeline (after @aaronshaw @eszter) -> conclusion: we need more research on earlier stages + on the role of platforms
One among many awesome student-authored Wikipedia articles created in my Online Communities & Crowds course!
RT @WikiEducation
What began as a research project about 'inclusive design' has become a potential blueprint for anyone with an internet connection and an interest in design. That's the power of a Wikipedia assignment. @aaronshaw's student from @NU_SoC shows us how.…