Mangrove Island: 1
#overGroundUnderStory : mangrove
Treasures from the depths of the library retrieval system.
23.10.2024 07:56Treasures from the depths of the library retrieval system.The next overGround:underStory is starting to take form around the local Mangrove ecosystem. But maybe this is also something more expansive. #moreThanHuman story telling. #practicebasedresearch
22.10.2024 07:58The next overGround:underStory is starting to take form around the local Mangrove ecosystem. But maybe this is also something more...UTS 5-7pm September 7th. VR popup - Khepri after Khepri: immersive will show along side a selection of immersive story telling projects.
4.9.2024 09:29UTS 5-7pm September 7th. VR popup - Khepri after Khepri: immersive will show along side a selection of immersive story telling projects.Khepri after Khepri: immersive. WebVR for quest headset - 05/09/24 (then online) [an overGround:underStory]
11.8.2024 20:33Khepri after Khepri: immersive. WebVR for quest headset - 05/09/24 (then online) [an overGround:underStory]overGround-underStory : WEBSITE
A central repository for aspects and elements of the ongoing project.
Gathering fragments from the overGround and the underGround together. More-than-human story telling in multiple aspects, coming together in a new story - traversed through exploration.
30.6.2024 23:58overGround-underStory : WEBSITEA central repository for aspects and elements of the ongoing...Next week >> UTS Visualisation Institute research roundtables, followed by a more-than-human storytelling event.
4.6.2024 23:08Next week >> UTS Visualisation Institute research roundtables, followed by a more-than-human storytelling event....13.06.24 [Khepri (after Khepri)]
4.6.2024 22:5613.06.24 [Khepri (after Khepri)]Documentation of the UTS Visualisation Institute Climate Action Week project share. 3 minutes lightning presentations demonstrating the breadth and depth of our work.
2.6.2024 20:27Documentation of the UTS Visualisation Institute Climate Action Week project share. 3 minutes lightning presentations demonstrating the...#writingwithdata fine tuning and remodulating texts #twiceAgain [#localStories]
24.5.2024 20:49#writingwithdata fine tuning and remodulating texts #twiceAgain [#localStories]Twice, again - local stories [palimpsest]. Running locally on a #raspberrypi slowly but surely [tiny fan whirring] building layered narratives #slowcomputing allowing time to engage more critically with generated outcomes. #localStories #twiceAgain #designresearch #researchthroughdesign
16.5.2024 22:47Twice, again - local stories [palimpsest]. Running locally on a #raspberrypi slowly but surely [tiny fan whirring] building layered...Nice line up for next week’s UTS Visualisation Institute Climate Action Week event. 3 minute project overviews and follow up discussion.
9.5.2024 07:27Nice line up for next week’s UTS Visualisation Institute Climate Action Week event. 3 minute project overviews and follow up...Twice, again - local stories [palimpsest] Narratives build over time and in multiple layered dimension (work in progress / iterative practice) #localStories #twiceAgain #designresearch #researchthroughdesign
7.5.2024 20:44Twice, again - local stories [palimpsest] Narratives build over time and in multiple layered dimension (work in progress / iterative...cyanotype sketches from co-created worlds.
24.9.2023 20:53cyanotype sketches from co-created worlds. #VIRENTIS #worldbuildingOn Friday I will be chairing a panel on “Reimagining data and AI” including some of my thoughts on the role of imagination in working with emerging machine learning systems and more-than-human networks. Monica Monin and Sara Oscar from our “Critical Visualisation Research Group” will also present on recent research into the role of creative practice and interdisciplinary collaboration in understanding the complexities of these systems. See schedule for full line up.
25.7.2023 20:59On Friday I will be chairing a panel on “Reimagining data and AI” including some of my thoughts on the role of imagination in working...the opening slide to my presentation at the School of Design Pecha Kucha - a sort of research positioning statement.
3.7.2023 07:10the opening slide to my presentation at the School of Design Pecha Kucha - a sort of research positioning statement.Map making in co-imagined worlds.
8.6.2023 21:18Map making in co-imagined worlds.Internal world models (material experiments)
11.4.2023 21:32Internal world models (material experiments)The flaming torch bromeliad’s are in bloom. #urbanFieldNaturalist #NeRF #webVR #virtualWorld #worldBuilding #designResearch
7.4.2023 08:42The flaming torch bromeliad’s are in bloom. #urbanFieldNaturalist #NeRF #webVR #virtualWorld #worldBuilding #designResearchThinking about remembering & forgetting in machine mediated conversations.
Reanbar is here... [Twice, again] conversation with a written character based on their contextual knowledge within a canonical text.
#electronicLiterature #generativeArt #designResearch #digitalhumanities #practiceBasedResearch #largeLanguageModel #ml #machineLearning #criticalTechnology
1.4.2023 00:48Thinking about remembering & forgetting in machine mediated conversations.Reanbar is here... [Twice, again] conversation with a written...