look at this beautiful new little dam at the beaver managed urban creek next to the highway:
13.10.2023 18:58look at this beautiful new little dam at the beaver managed urban creek next to the highway:oh thanks for having us musikprotokoll!
last thursday w/ manja ristić & @FrankaKatz at dom im berg / graz (pic by martin gross) + a dj-set @ cafe wolf on saturday. and thanks "markt der zukunft" for having me too: talking about rivers & beavers + a little solo live-set.
the place to be:
29.9.2023 20:48the place to be:r.i.p. good lodge: built 2019/2020, the lodge of the danube beavers – weighed with a big log for 1.5 years in between – didn't withstand the high water 3 weeks ago (the beavers moved out before). the lodges at the danube have to be extremely stable (and regularly maintained) as they are constantly hit by high waves caused by large ships...
28.9.2023 12:28r.i.p. good lodge: built 2019/2020, the lodge of the danube beavers – weighed with a big log for 1.5 years in between – didn't...https://beaverlab.at/doku
thx to all our visitors & talk participants: kurt kotrschal, patrick derieg, renate holzinger, gudrun fuss, gundi habenicht, leopold kanzler, christoph wiesmayr & johanna kuffner, pira tin, stwst (tanja, jan, luki, taro & elke), radio fro & linz kultur!
come around: https://beaverlab.at
5.9.2023 09:17come around: https://beaverlab.ata beaver dam miniature
13.8.2023 11:05a beaver dam miniaturesave the date:
september 1-10 it's all about beavers and our relationship with wild animals @ beaver lab / 48.309445, 14.284758, linz (where i took the video too). w/ @FrankaKatz & stadtwerkstatt linz
recording hidden ponds, boggy creeks and flooded forests in the austrian-czech borderlands w/ Manja Ristić & @FrankaKatz – for Ö1 musikprotokoll
1.8.2023 14:58recording hidden ponds, boggy creeks and flooded forests in the austrian-czech borderlands w/ Manja Ristić & @FrankaKatz – for Ö1...one of my favourite beaver sites up north in the hills – one of the very few places where they are allowed to do what they want, transforming a 1 meter wide creek into a wetland paradise:
5.7.2023 11:40one of my favourite beaver sites up north in the hills – one of the very few places where they are allowed to do what they want,...Diese Woche auf Ö1: Vom Leben der Natur – Biber belauschen. Danke @JuGrr@bookstodon.com https://oe1.orf.at/programm/20230509/719103/Biber-belauschen-1
9.5.2023 17:42Diese Woche auf Ö1: Vom Leben der Natur – Biber belauschen. Danke @JuGrr@bookstodon.com...hello beavers of the salzkammergut lakes!
20.2.2023 21:12hello beavers of the salzkammergut lakes!look at this beaver highway exit:
26.1.2023 13:09look at this beaver highway exit:while acting a bit clumsy (and cute therefor too) on land, beavers are incredibly good swimmers: here a 9-month-old kit crosses the danube (250m wide) without drifting far downstream, just needing a bit more than 3 minutes:
22.1.2023 18:30while acting a bit clumsy (and cute therefor too) on land, beavers are incredibly good swimmers: here a 9-month-old kit crosses the danube...while still living in their old bank lodge, the beavers upstream started to build a new home a few weeks ago. note the extensive use of the trees they've felled! lodges along the danube have to be eminently stable – withstanding high water & large waves caused by big ships...
12.1.2023 11:11while still living in their old bank lodge, the beavers upstream started to build a new home a few weeks ago. note the extensive use of the...after their main bank lodge collapsed a few weeks ago, the beavers in one of the territories i monitor are building a new lodge:
8.1.2023 12:52after their main bank lodge collapsed a few weeks ago, the beavers in one of the territories i monitor are building a new lodge: