just resumed school
academic activities are eating a bigger chunk of my day than I expected
had to reassess my schedule and structure my day to create time for coding
15.1.2024 13:37just resumed school academic activities are eating a bigger chunk of my day than I expectedhad to reassess my schedule and structure my day...Didn't write code last week, and unfortunately couldn't post a weekly learning progress update.
Back to learning, I'd share something soon!
8.1.2024 09:25Didn't write code last week, and unfortunately couldn't post a weekly learning progress update.Back to learning, I'd share...2024 is YOUR Year!
Most people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.
3.1.2024 20:112024 is YOUR Year!Most people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.here's my full-stack web dev roadmap:
1. Angela Yu's Complete Web Development BootCamp on Udemy
2. Exercism JavaScript Track
3. FullStackOpen Course by the University of Helsinki
#webdevelopment #webdev #javascript
30.12.2023 09:18here's my full-stack web dev roadmap:1. Angela Yu's Complete Web Development BootCamp on Udemy2. Exercism JavaScript Track 3....I published my first HTML website on GitHub pages!
View here: https://abubakar-xyz.github.io/html-porforlio/
It's been an exciting learning journey so far!😎
Hey all!