"Space Exploration"
A card of Seeker Chronicles game
#space #exploration #spaceexploration #satellite #deepspace
8.2.2023 19:21"Space Exploration"A card of Seeker Chronicles gamehttps://www.seeker-chronicles.com/#space #exploration #spaceexploration..."Air Brush" #digital painting as 3D
#airbrush #DigitalArt #skyscape #skypainting
7.2.2023 18:05"Air Brush" #digital painting as 3D #airbrush #DigitalArt #skyscape #skypaintingIntroducing you to a project I have been working on since 2020:
"Seeker Chronicles" - the #universe in a card game.
It's not been released yet, but on their website you can already dive into the world of #natural #science , a world full of wonders:
"Ghost Ship"
When it comes to #pollution at #sea and its being asked for, who is responsible fot the environmental crime, it mostly has been nobody.
Winter is coming, now also where I live.
On this occasion, show you a
#commisson I made for the band HAVAMAL from #sweden and it's album "The Shadow Chapter"
#norse #mytholoy is thematized in their powerful #viking #metal songs, along with it's creatures #jormungandr (left), #fenris (center) and #nidhogg (right)
#workspace upgrade!
Made this double screen #wallpaper especially for this reason
Its such a thrilling moment, when suddenly little #fish starting to jump out of the #water , right where your bait is. A second after, a big gush bursts the water surface. Strike!
5.12.2022 21:48Its such a thrilling moment, when suddenly little #fish starting to jump out of the #water , right where your bait is. A second after, a big..."Headlights" - new artwork!
#space #spaceart #mastoart #digitalart #digitalpainting #spacescape #jameswebb #jwst
"Virgin Land"
Got inspired to paint this while visiting #Sweden in 2019.
While trying to paint things a realistically looking way, I'm sometimes mixing things together 😁
Maybe you already have noticed that #clouds and #storms are my metier, along with the space stuff :)
This one is the personalization of a special type of #lightning , the #crawler
Last Rain(forest)
The #climate #change is not only about the #warming. It disturbs also the circulation of air masses on earth we are used to. One of the effects (especially in europe) is also, that it is making the the air more stable, which is resulting in long-lasting "nice weather" periods, while #rain #clouds tendentially appear spotty and also move tendentially slower.
Well, let's exaggerate this effect a little, showing what this tendence can lead into.
"Burst into Life"
Into this image merged the facts that we are #stardust and our #DNA is made of materials originating from #star #explosions, as well as that the solar system is actually full of #water and there exist complex organic molecules in #space.
today is #blackholefriday , and I show you a collection of #blackhole s I have painted over the recent years.
25.11.2022 17:59today is #blackholefriday , and I show you a collection of #blackhole s I have painted over the recent years.The Sea of Space
Across the #sea of #space
The #stars are other suns
Which have travelled this way before
And there is much to be learned
- symphony of science / "we are all connected"
This painting I made shortly after the discovery of #gravitational #waves by LIGO in 2016.
#Science can be so inspiring!🚀
#Sea of #Trees
Living of #water and #sun, growing with the #wind
One of my earliest #painting has been the "Sky Train".
The concert of #thunder and wind sounds. The #lightning show. The deep sounds of something heavy rolling in.
Its great to be able to #paint #clouds and create #skyscapes
18.11.2022 19:59Its great to be able to #paint #clouds and create #skyscapes"Wild Water"
I like to go #fishing. It's about relaxation and seeing #nature, but besides, It's this feeling of knowing something is lurking in the murky blue-green #depths, what you do not see but you know it's there, what's so thrilling about it! And when you have a #fish on, and you can's see it yet, it's like the water itself is pulling on your line
One of my early artworks
from a inofficial series called "imagination of nature"
#imagination #nature #sunset #digitalpainting
As you maybe already know (or will now know from now😄), I am a land-/ sea-/ sky-/ spacescape artist 🎨🖌
14.11.2022 08:59As you maybe already know (or will now know from now😄), I am a land-/ sea-/ sky-/ spacescape artist 🎨🖌