Xenophobia being drummed up to distract from real problems, such as the distribution of wealth, how the most wealthy do not contribute to public goods, climate change, or in sum: how corporate capitalism is killing us all; we get it. I just wanted to ask who we have to hate next.
7.7.2023 14:02Xenophobia being drummed up to distract from real problems, such as the distribution of wealth, how the most wealthy do not contribute to...Gek makende incompetentie in de top.
Herstel gedupeerden toeslagenaffaire loopt vast door ambtelijke chaos Herstel gedupeerden toeslagenaffaire loopt vast door ambtelijke chaos - https://nos.nl/l/2462070
1.2.2023 14:01Gek makende incompetentie in de top.Herstel gedupeerden toeslagenaffaire loopt vast door ambtelijke chaos Herstel gedupeerden...Allard is een thuisfluiter
29.1.2023 13:10Allard is een thuisfluiterRT @katjaherbers@twitter.com
Greenpeace, Urgenda, Milieudefensie, FNV, DeGoedeZaak, Both ENDS, Fossielvrij NL, Jonge Klimaatbeweging en Oxfam Novib doen nu ook mee 💪 https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/6248584/organisaties-sluiten-zich-aan-bij-blokkade-a12-na-arrestatie-klimaatactivisten.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/katjaherbers/status/1618580138597441537
26.1.2023 17:38RT @katjaherbers@twitter.comGreenpeace, Urgenda, Milieudefensie, FNV, DeGoedeZaak, Both ENDS, Fossielvrij NL, Jonge Klimaatbeweging en Oxfam...Ik zou toch wel een reactie willen zien van niet alleen Amnesty, maar ook politieke partijen.
Activisten opgepakt voor oproep blokkade A12, Amnesty luidt noodklok https://www.tubantia.nl/binnenland/tafelplakker-jinek-en-vijf-andere-activisten-opgepakt-voor-oproep-blokkade-a12-amnesty-luidt-noodklok~aa450945/
26.1.2023 11:05Ik zou toch wel een reactie willen zien van niet alleen Amnesty, maar ook politieke partijen. Activisten opgepakt voor oproep blokkade A12,...Uğur'lar olsun
24.1.2023 17:44Uğur'lar olsunRT @AdamBienkov@twitter.com
On the morning it’s revealed that our former prime minister used the chair of the BBC to secure an undeclared loan from a millionaire backer, the BBC’s flagship Sunday morning political programme has his sister on to talk about the week’s events #bbclaurak
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AdamBienkov/status/1617087576153767937
22.1.2023 11:17RT @AdamBienkov@twitter.comOn the morning it’s revealed that our former prime minister used the chair of the BBC to secure an undeclared...RT @KopLeft@twitter.com
@daviddunning81@twitter.com @AkkusB@twitter.com & @AndyBell26@twitter.com review the Brighton & Wolves Jekyll & Hyde performances and look to Chelsea.
Listen & subscribe here: https://on.soundcloud.com/mMra6HAZHjJGYVZg9
Or here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/kopcast/id1134675918?i=1000595595453
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KopLeft/status/1616381546843217921
20.1.2023 10:31RT @KopLeft@twitter.com🔴NEW POD: HARVEY NICKS THE REPLAY AT MOLINEUX🔴@daviddunning81@twitter.com @AkkusB@twitter.com &...I think there is a very apt saying in the English language to explain this behaviour: this gentleman is simply taking the piss.
RT @Britain_People@twitter.com
Tory MP Edward Leigh claimed #expenses of £2,332 for heating last year and £2,474 the previous year.
Retweet if you think he should pay his own utility bills.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Britain_People/status/1615035401466413092
17.1.2023 14:48I think there is a very apt saying in the English language to explain this behaviour: this gentleman is simply taking the piss.RT...RT @spyasin@twitter.com
Come work with me: I am looking for a PhD student to work on the topic of gateway groups investigating the role of dual identity holders for sustainable cooperation among conflicting groups. You'll be working with me, Russell Spears and Basak Bilecen. https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S0009UUP&cat=wp
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/spyasin/status/1613840989470314497
13.1.2023 13:24RT @spyasin@twitter.comCome work with me: I am looking for a PhD student to work on the topic of gateway groups investigating the role of...RT @KuypersMarieke@twitter.com
So, dit is geen commentaar op hoeveel expertise deze mannen hebben - die staat vast - maar vraag me wel af of het van Sire misschien ook handig geweest was om een iets representatievere groep te spreken voor een campagne over polarisatie?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KuypersMarieke/status/1613491906427633665
12.1.2023 13:58RT @KuypersMarieke@twitter.comSo, dit is geen commentaar op hoeveel expertise deze mannen hebben - die staat vast - maar vraag me wel af of...RT @KopLeft@twitter.com
@daviddunning81@twitter.com @toobanlad@twitter.com @jayreid1987@twitter.com & @AndyBell26@twitter.com review the Wolves debacle and speculate on how off field issues may be affecting LFC!
Listen & subscribe here: https://on.soundcloud.com/1EggAEjdQ6n1wUVw7
Or here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/kopcast/id1134675918?i=1000593603637
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KopLeft/status/1613224627974639628
11.1.2023 18:47RT @KopLeft@twitter.com🔴NEW POD: BRIGHTON-ING UP NOBODY’S SATURDAY🔴@daviddunning81@twitter.com @toobanlad@twitter.com...'Conservative Member of Parliament' compares vaccination with holocaust. And I'm not even surprised anymore.
RT @ABridgen@twitter.com
As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ABridgen/status/1613094003611688961
11.1.2023 11:47'Conservative Member of Parliament' compares vaccination with holocaust. And I'm not even surprised anymore.RT...RT @Millar_Colin@twitter.com
'Man City lead all clubs globally in total operating revenue generated for the second year running' financial study finds. More profit than any club has ever generated. A reflection of the complexities and murkiness of contemporary football. https://www.footballbenchmark.com/library/the_european_champions_report_2023 https://twitter.com/Millar_Colin/status/1589941310441418752
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Millar_Colin/status/1613119804298383360
11.1.2023 11:13RT @Millar_Colin@twitter.com'Man City lead all clubs globally in total operating revenue generated for the second year running'...RT @deevybee@twitter.com
Statistician needed to pilot a scheme to change the future of academia. Feb-July £22k part time to check reproducibility of results from provided data for to-be-submitted papers in psychology at University of Sussex. contact: dienes@sussex.ac.uk
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/deevybee/status/1612410276216709122
10.1.2023 17:03RT @deevybee@twitter.comStatistician needed to pilot a scheme to change the future of academia. Feb-July £22k part time to check...RT @JavierBlas@twitter.com
This is the time of the year when Shell publishes its annual tax contribution report (this time, the 2021 edition) -- showing how **35** employees (yes, thirty five) make every year $500-plus million in tax-free profits in the Bahamas, via a little-known oil trading outfit.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JavierBlas/status/1611381576599756804
10.1.2023 06:49RT @JavierBlas@twitter.comThis is the time of the year when Shell publishes its annual tax contribution report (this time, the 2021 edition)...RT @H_Sjastad@twitter.com
I am hiring a PhD student in decision-making (JDM) & social psychology, for an interdisciplinary grant on the social science of 'Freedom to Choose'.
Application deadline: 15th of January.
The psychology team:
Myself, @mollycrockett@twitter.com & @jayvanbavel@twitter.com.
RT 🙏
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/H_Sjastad/status/1612419201704099840
9.1.2023 12:35RT @H_Sjastad@twitter.comI am hiring a PhD student in decision-making (JDM) & social psychology, for an interdisciplinary grant on the...If we genuinely want to protect democracy, we will need a military and a police force that protects it and their democratically elected administration. If there's any doubt they will, we're in trouble.
Ergo, we are in trouble.
8.1.2023 19:32If we genuinely want to protect democracy, we will need a military and a police force that protects it and their democratically elected...Dit Feyenoord ontbeert karakter. Te makkelijk te intimideren door een fysiek spelend team en een scheidsrechter die dat prima vindt.
8.1.2023 12:04Dit Feyenoord ontbeert karakter. Te makkelijk te intimideren door een fysiek spelend team en een scheidsrechter die dat prima vindt.RT @KopLeft@twitter.com
@AkkusB@twitter.com, Chief & @daviddunning81@twitter.com look at the Reds stuttering form and try and understand what’s gone wrong! And… Where does Cody Gakpo fit in? #LFC
Listen & subscribe here: https://on.soundcloud.com/2pRZtxB2jedkmsTk9
Or here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/kopcast/id1134675918?i=1000592807768
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KopLeft/status/1611450864706658316
6.1.2023 20:01RT @KopLeft@twitter.com🔴NEW POD: HANGING LOW…🔴@AkkusB@twitter.com, Chief & @daviddunning81@twitter.com look at the Reds...