Meal plan for the week;
Breakfast: bean curd (low sugar)
Lunch: roast chicken, blanched greens, roasted pumpkin
Goldfish in the Flowers: New design up on my Threadless shop 🙂
1.10.2023 23:14Goldfish in the Flowers: New design up on my Threadless shop 🙂 issue of Story+Story is here:
And of course I saw the grammatical errors/after/ I sent out the newsletter. Why would it be otherwise?
1.10.2023 23:12September issue of Story+Story is here: of course I saw the grammatical errors/after/...Meal prep done for the coming week 👍
- steamed pumpkin + brown rice
- Enoki + onion omelette
- bulgogi chicken
- cucumber sticks
- cherry tomatoes
I'll probably cut up apples for Tues - Fri too (Mon is a long day and I don't wanna have to deal with too many containers)
13.8.2023 08:43Meal prep done for the coming week 👍- steamed pumpkin + brown rice- Enoki + onion omelette- bulgogi chicken- cucumber sticks - cherry...Forgot: Tilly in her new pot
30.7.2023 03:57Forgot: Tilly in her new potBehold: The Black Hand of the North
(Charcoal is a lovely medium for orchids but goodness me)
(yeah I know the floor is dirty, that's how it is on gardening day. When it's dry I'll sweep up the dirt and then wipe it up)
30.7.2023 03:41(yeah I know the floor is dirty, that's how it is on gardening day. When it's dry I'll sweep up the dirt and then wipe it up)Magda in her new pot. She's got four (4!!!) flowering stalks ready to go, so I'm gonna wait for them to come out 😁
30.7.2023 03:40Magda in her new pot. She's got four (4!!!) flowering stalks ready to go, so I'm gonna wait for them to come out 😁Before + after some light hammering on the plastic pot. Wayyyy pot bound roots. Orchids don't really mind but Magda is top+side heavy so I'm shifting her to a heavier clay pot that should hold her weight better
30.7.2023 03:30Before + after some light hammering on the plastic pot. Wayyyy pot bound roots. Orchids don't really mind but Magda is top+side heavy so...Magda does NOT want out of her pot
30.7.2023 03:28Magda does NOT want out of her potNeeded the charcoal for both Tilly (small) and Magda (tall)
(The snake plant has been repotted; I took it from its parent plant because it wasn't doing too well. If it can last a week I'll bring it to the office to join Mini Spike at my office window)
Charcoal for the orchids, teas for the office, veggies for next week's lunches, and herbal remedies for the current cough
30.7.2023 02:37Charcoal for the orchids, teas for the office, veggies for next week's lunches, and herbal remedies for the current coughAnd I can have my hankie and lozenges in there too! Perfect
29.7.2023 07:52And I can have my hankie and lozenges in there too! PerfectAt work if I leave my workstation I have to take the keys, my employee pass, my phone, and my wallet, along with a memo pad + pens because my colleagues like to mention things in passing but not in email.
29.7.2023 07:51At work if I leave my workstation I have to take the keys, my employee pass, my phone, and my wallet, along with a memo pad + pens because...Was thinking I needed a smallish bag for moving around workplace reasons and just happened to come across a thrift shop and uncovered this as-new handmade sling bag with a lovely leaf pattern. Bought it at $12
29.7.2023 07:49Was thinking I needed a smallish bag for moving around workplace reasons and just happened to come across a thrift shop and uncovered this...I should shower but I don't wanna move from the couch.
New job is nice but I'm not used to being alert for 12h without a break
This would be a FANTASTIC TIME for pro wrestlers to fuckin unionize
18.7.2023 12:52This would be a FANTASTIC TIME for pro wrestlers to fuckin unionizeI'm not aware of Twisted Metal's game lore and the show looks to be yet another "self deprecating yet witty" sorta thing but I'm probably gonna watch it just for the ✨ murders ✨ that Joe-as-Needles-Kane commits
10.7.2023 23:58I'm not aware of Twisted Metal's game lore and the show looks to be yet another "self deprecating yet witty" sorta thing...Issue 27 of Story+Story is out :3
🌈it's the last day of June so i have a little story in there
30.6.2023 15:47Issue 27 of Story+Story is out :3🌈it's the last day of June so i have a little story in...Came to bed at 11pm. It's 3am bow and I'm still coughing enough to keep me from sleeping. What the fuck
27.6.2023 19:15Came to bed at 11pm. It's 3am bow and I'm still coughing enough to keep me from sleeping. What the fuck