Hi all, Mudivarti Sreeharsha, known online as 'xyzzy' and 'Harsha' is an IP troll attempting to register the algorave logo as a trademark and control who puts on events, etc.
This is against the open principles of our community and as far as we know, their action isn't supported under the terms of the creative commons license.
We recommend not interacting with or supporting their work.
London! An evening of top algorave type activity this Saturday 31 August -> https://opencollective.com/live-code-london/events/algoevent-aug-31-2024-eed37f91
18.8.2024 08:42London! An evening of top algorave type activity this Saturday 31 August ->...In case you're wondering where the Algorave logo came from ! https://post.lurk.org/@Ciaraioch@mastodon.ie/111855581647726985
1.2.2024 17:51In case you're wondering where the Algorave logo came from ! https://post.lurk.org/@Ciaraioch@mastodon.ie/111855581647726985The first algorave in China? 20/Jan/2024 in Daily Vinyl, SuZhou
We've moved from the awesome post.lurk.org to the emerging TOPLAP server -> @algorave
Followers should have been transferred with us !
1.1.2024 18:10We've moved from the awesome post.lurk.org to the emerging TOPLAP server -> @algorave Followers should have been transferred with us...