Also a cool way to learn countries, cities etc. in your target language #languagelearning
31.12.2022 17:04Also a cool way to learn countries, cities etc. in your target language #languagelearningI’ve discovered this really cool website/app made by the folks at GeoGuessr today which has a lot of geography (and also anatomy) games! I’ve been learning about German Bundesländer and cities as I make my way across the country in the train 🚊
31.12.2022 15:31I’ve discovered this really cool website/app made by the folks at GeoGuessr today which has a lot of geography (and also anatomy) games!...The Easy German podcast player is really amazing. It highlights the part of the transcript you’re currently listening to, has vocabulary and just look at these settings! 🤩 #languagelearning
31.12.2022 15:29The Easy German podcast player is really amazing. It highlights the part of the transcript you’re currently listening to, has vocabulary...Also getting back to tolerating shitty food by having Deutsche Bahn currywurst
31.12.2022 15:02Also getting back to tolerating shitty food by having Deutsche Bahn currywurstFeels so weird speaking German again after almost a month in France. I had almost forgotten this feeling of being super awkward all the time 😅
31.12.2022 14:59Feels so weird speaking German again after almost a month in France. I had almost forgotten this feeling of being super awkward all the time...Really the best news to wake up to. #andrewtate
30.12.2022 07:37Really the best news to wake up to. #andrewtate...Est-ce que la SNCF ne lancerait pas un podcast avec Marine Baousson?... 😭
Par pitié, j'en peux plus de cette pub, sans exagérer je l'ai entendue 50 fois! J'adore Marine Baousson et les trains pourtant, mais là ça suffit.
30.12.2022 07:26Est-ce que la SNCF ne lancerait pas un podcast avec Marine Baousson?... 😭 Par pitié, j'en peux plus de cette pub, sans exagérer je...Oh my god, I really need to stop using that stupid bird app
29.12.2022 18:20Oh my god, I really need to stop using that stupid bird appEn #Bretagne la météo te dit pas quand il va pleuvoir, mais quand il ne va PAS pleuvoir
20.12.2022 10:27En #Bretagne la météo te dit pas quand il va pleuvoir, mais quand il ne va PAS pleuvoirIt could be a cool way to use Mastodon to help me learn German 😃 #languagelearning
20.12.2022 09:50It could be a cool way to use Mastodon to help me learn German 😃 #languagelearningAre there 3rd-party apps/plugins that can be added to #Mastodon? For instance I'd love to be able to translate posts (or is there a built-in functionality for this?)
20.12.2022 09:41Are there 3rd-party apps/plugins that can be added to #Mastodon? For instance I'd love to be able to translate posts (or is there a...Le chat de mon frère est dehors depuis hier soir et il pleut DES TROMBES, j'espère qu'il va bien
Hi there! I don't know what I'm going to be posting here, but somehow yesterday I really felt like joining....
I'll probably post in English and French about a bunch of different things I'm learning! The things I'm currently learning are:
- German 🇩🇪
- Django 🐍
- strength training 💪
- sewing (I want a shiny hand sewn pride flag! 🏳️🌈 )
I'm not sure whether this niche looks random or weirdly predictable 🤔
@benjamin_t__ coucou, c'est Alice, t'es la première personne que je follow! 👋
19.12.2022 08:27@benjamin_t__ coucou, c'est Alice, t'es la première personne que je follow! 👋