maybe finally rebooting and applying windows updates will fix me
17.1.2025 23:09maybe finally rebooting and applying windows updates will fix metaco bell is sui generis
13.1.2025 01:46taco bell is sui generisHappy Janice!
26.12.2024 01:09Happy Janice!I just reorganized my bookshelves. It took about an hour, which really wasn't much time at all. Why did I procrastinate this already since _summer_?
24.12.2024 02:36I just reorganized my bookshelves. It took about an hour, which really wasn't much time at all. Why did I procrastinate this already...traffic violence
fuck, i just realized that where i'm staying in tempe, az next month is only 1.2 km away from where the first pedestrian was killed by a self driving car
23.12.2024 18:12traffic violencefuck, i just realized that where i'm staying in tempe, az next month is only 1.2 km away from where the first pedestrian...mi estas GLATa, sed mi ne estas glata. fek.
5.12.2024 14:46mi estas GLATa, sed mi ne estas glata. fek.mi pali e ilo nimi.
tan ilo pi weka sitelen la mi pali e ilo pi pana sitelen. musi a!
girls will shitpost about doing A thing and then never actually do it
28.11.2024 16:47girls will shitpost about doing A thing and then never actually do iti’m in a mexican restaurant and my housemate made me put on “self esteem” by the offspring on the jukebox. does this count as a microaggression
27.11.2024 01:27i’m in a mexican restaurant and my housemate made me put on “self esteem” by the offspring on the jukebox. does this count as a...happy early december to remember to all those who celebrate
24.11.2024 23:55happy early december to remember to all those who celebratenasa sijelo
23.11.2024 00:44nasa sijelo13:12! mu!
22.11.2024 19:1213:12! mu!geju! krimu!
22.11.2024 17:27geju! krimu!en angulan apartamenton altgradigis min la hotelo 😳
mi sole vojaĝas... kiun faru mi kun la grandega spaco....
Ĉi-matene mi iras al ĉikago. mi iras aĉeti faldeblan biciklon.
22.11.2024 12:22Ĉi-matene mi iras al ĉikago. mi iras aĉeti faldeblan biciklon.medical ~+
it is oddly gender affirming that i might have to end up buying my syringes and needles from rural king or tractor supply co, where they are sold as for veterinary use only
14.11.2024 22:52medical ~+it is oddly gender affirming that i might have to end up buying my syringes and needles from rural king or tractor supply co,...i am sufficiently internet poisoned that when the restaurant was playing “american boy” by estelle i thought “oh this is an interesting cover of chug jug with you”
14.11.2024 14:34i am sufficiently internet poisoned that when the restaurant was playing “american boy” by estelle i thought “oh this is can only rhyme “shorter” with “ought to” if you’re english
26.10.2024 11:36you can only rhyme “shorter” with “ought to” if you’re englishSuzuki Aerio 🤝 Chevrolet Sonic
cars where the facelift got rid of the sweet digital dash