Okay, if anything goes wrong in moving house you can find me at @alisoncroggon@zirk.us
11.11.2022 01:39Okay, if anything goes wrong in moving house you can find me at @alisoncroggon@zirk.usI'm seriously thinking of moving to another instance so be prepared for a couple of days of me being confused....
11.11.2022 00:07I'm seriously thinking of moving to another instance so be prepared for a couple of days of me being confused....BLACK SPRING is my go at #Gothic - a rewrite of Wuthering Heights with added elements drawn from Ismael Kadare's Broken April and the rest - magic, really grim wizards, the horror of patriarchy - coming from me.
I wrote about the process of writing the book for Readings in 2012: https://www.readings.com.au/news/the-story-of-my-book-black-spring-by-alison-croggon
The cover below is for the Australian edition - it also came out in the US and UK with a slightly more romantic cover - and remains my favourite.
10.11.2022 23:08BLACK SPRING is my go at #Gothic - a rewrite of Wuthering Heights with added elements drawn from Ismael Kadare's Broken April and the...I'm going to attempt a regular #FridayBook post. Starting with old books of mine but also including books I'm reading. It's been ages since I did any sort of blogging...but microblogging might work?
10.11.2022 23:03I'm going to attempt a regular #FridayBook post. Starting with old books of mine but also including books I'm reading. It's been...If any Freudians can explain why Gaddafi kept turning up in full dress uniform in my dreams last night, give me a hoy
10.11.2022 21:15If any Freudians can explain why Gaddafi kept turning up in full dress uniform in my dreams last night, give me a hoySo I’ve defaulted to mastodon.social because that’s the server I joined in 2018. And moving seems quite transparent and straightforward. And yet, should I? What are the pros and cons of moving to another server?
10.11.2022 08:56So I’ve defaulted to mastodon.social because that’s the server I joined in 2018. And moving seems quite transparent and straightforward....A reminder that us new arrivals should pay the rent (if we can afford it) and support the no doubt stressed and very busy people currently coping with the #twitter influx to their instances - many have patreons or accept donations. No billionaires here
10.11.2022 07:26A reminder that us new arrivals should pay the rent (if we can afford it) and support the no doubt stressed and very busy people currently...“With every year, we're more conscious of the fact that those around us are going through the same existential crisis that we are. We're talking about it more openly, sharing survival strategies, we're compassionate in ways we never were. ‘Those who have suffered understand suffering, and thereby lend a hand. The storm that brings harm also makes fertile. Blessed is the grass and the herb of thorn and light.’” Playwright David Finnigan https://t.co/eGv2sqCoOI
9.11.2022 23:12“With every year, we're more conscious of the fact that those around us are going through the same existential crisis that we are....Content warning:Migraine
I like Oliver Sacks' word - I'm not sure if it's his coinage - "migraineur". It suggests this strange affliction is a kind of journey. Which it is. Migraines are much odder than you think. For example, I couldn't finish Sacks' book Migraine because I started manifesting symptoms described in the book. They're so much more holistic than you realise, too. I wish I didn't have them - I'm recovering from one now - but they are fascinating neurological storms
9.11.2022 22:30Content warning:MigraineI like Oliver Sacks' word - I'm not sure if it's his coinage - "migraineur". It suggests this...Content warning:Grumble
Goddam the end of year exhaustion is bearing down hard, my brain feels like it’s constantly short circuiting. My theory of 2022 is that we - all of us - haven’t had time or space to process any of the trauma since 2016 and it’s all piling up in front of us like the angel of history
9.11.2022 02:54Content warning:GrumbleGoddam the end of year exhaustion is bearing down hard, my brain feels like it’s constantly short circuiting. My...I don’t have a top shelf but here are the posh hardbacks #mytopshelf
8.11.2022 10:04I don’t have a top shelf but here are the posh hardbacks #mytopshelfRilke is obviously haunting me this week, thank you zeitgeist. Listening to Jane Sheldon's ethereal settings of Rilke's The Books of Hours on her newly released album I am a tree, I am a mouth #poetry #music https://open.spotify.com/album/0FpGVtsv0Oqn3eExauuZ4b?si=NZGJO9ciThOqzW0xbsMkxg
8.11.2022 06:20Rilke is obviously haunting me this week, thank you zeitgeist. Listening to Jane Sheldon's ethereal settings of Rilke's The Books of...Beginning to feel like this is good? Following following following and my timeline is so interesting and also there are all these custom cat emojis
If you sign up to The Arts newsletter, you get paywall-free access to the in-depth cultural coverage in The Saturday Paper and The Monthly every Tuesday https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/newsletters
7.11.2022 06:33If you sign up to The Arts newsletter, you get paywall-free access to the in-depth cultural coverage in The Saturday Paper and The Monthly..."Rather than waiting for the so-called global public square to reach a new equilibrium in the private marketplace, policy makers and community leaders would do well to use this moment to consider how we might create functional communal spaces online that can realistically serve large groups. They will not look the same as the spaces we had before, and that is perhaps for the better" - the inimitible Lizzie O'Shea and Lilly Ryan in Overland journal https://overland.org.au/2022/11/the-fall-of-twitter-and-the-work-of-creating-democratic-social-spaces/
7.11.2022 03:24"Rather than waiting for the so-called global public square to reach a new equilibrium in the private marketplace, policy makers and...Trying out Metatext for an app and it seems pretty usable
6.11.2022 08:08Trying out Metatext for an app and it seems pretty usableThe Unseen Saul Leiter, featuring newly discovered photographs, arrived in the house today. Gorgeous book featuring a wonderful photographer, one of my favourites
6.11.2022 06:25The Unseen Saul Leiter, featuring newly discovered photographs, arrived in the house today. Gorgeous book featuring a wonderful...Since the late 90s, I always more or less primarily used social media for thinking out loud/thinking with others (plus jokes/games/complaining and other random impulses). I’ve been doing that less and less over the years tho, I guess in-process contemplation just felt more and more fraught in sm spaces. Anyway, it feels kind of expansive here, it’s nice, even nostalgic
6.11.2022 01:37Since the late 90s, I always more or less primarily used social media for thinking out loud/thinking with others (plus...Not even sure if any of that is Rilke's fault. He was born into a time as fucked as ours is in which the possibilities for the (European) self were much more circumscribed than they are now and forged a way through, though not without violence. I guess it's also like reading Lou Salome, from here it's easier to see the chains than the ways they broke them open
6.11.2022 01:02Not even sure if any of that is Rilke's fault. He was born into a time as fucked as ours is in which the possibilities for the...I spent 20 years translating Rilke's Duino Elegies and still believe those poems were worth that time and patience and love - and yet I get so impatient with everything around Rilke, what is that? Is it that he seems to so fundamentally misunderstand himself? That like all of us he is so hampered and stifled by the times in which he was born? The myths that billow up around him/that he also created? Honestly don't know
6.11.2022 00:51I spent 20 years translating Rilke's Duino Elegies and still believe those poems were worth that time and patience and love - and yet I...