How the legacy of the Cold War poisons people still#PublicHealth #Disease #Cancer #Ohio #US #Health The cancer cluster of Piketon, Ohio
20.5.2018 20:46How the legacy of the Cold War poisons people stillWhile 62 percent of transportation has been restored, locals say bus service has been left behind#Education #NewOrleans #Louisiana #SchoolSystems #US #Transportation #Economy New Orleanians see tourism bias in post-Katrina public transport
20.5.2018 20:46While 62 percent of transportation has been restored, locals say bus service has been left behindWhy did Frontex, the EU border agency, abruptly cancel a successful anti-smuggling pilot program in Greece?#EuropeanUnion #longform #SyrianRefugees #Immigration #Europe As thousands enter Europe, EU flails in anti-smuggling efforts
20.5.2018 20:46Why did Frontex, the EU border agency, abruptly cancel a successful anti-smuggling pilot program in ...AJAM reported on tribal communities and offered coverage on Indian Country that few could match#IndianCountry #US #Media Elegy for a website where Native voices mattered
20.5.2018 20:46AJAM reported on tribal communities and offered coverage on Indian Country that few could matchRepublican Brian Sandoval, reportedly under consideration by Obama for the nation's top court, says he's not interested#SupremeCourt #US #BarackObama Nevada governor says he doesn't want Supreme Court consideration
20.5.2018 20:46Republican Brian Sandoval, reportedly under consideration by Obama for the nation's top court, says ...Brazil's anti-police movement continues to fight for the soul of Cabula, even as death threats intensify#BlackLivesMatter #AmericaTonight #PoliceBrutality The Cabula 12: Brazil’s police war against the black community
20.5.2018 20:46Brazil's anti-police movement continues to fight for the soul of Cabula, even as death threats inten...Despite programs aimed at helping former fighters recover and rebuild, many struggle to find their place in society#DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo #War #Rwanda A long road to reintegration for Rwandan ex-combatants
20.5.2018 20:46Despite programs aimed at helping former fighters recover and rebuild, many struggle to find their p...A valedictory note from Al Jazeera America on what we tried to bring to the online news landscape#Journalist #AlJazeeraAmerica #AlJazeera #US #Media Goodnight, and good luck
20.5.2018 20:46A valedictory note from Al Jazeera America on what we tried to bring to the online news landscapePrisoners and area residents are hit by toxic fumes that could cause fatal harm#Pennsylvania #Law&Justice #Environment #US #Prison ‘Poisonous lands’: Pennsylvania prison built next to toxic dump
20.5.2018 20:46Prisoners and area residents are hit by toxic fumes that could cause fatal harmA look at the people challenging body type prejudice#Disabled #Fashion #Culture The disabled models of New York Fashion Week
20.5.2018 20:46A look at the people challenging body type prejudice