CONCERTED EFFORT to suppress COVID lab-leak theory to deflect attention from Beijing.
Who has the right to suppress a credible theory, and help Beijing/US Fauci to avoid accountability by misleading people (knowingly)?
Not Fouchier, Marion Koopmans in NL/GER/UK/US tandem?
18.3.2025 21:56CONCERTED EFFORT to suppress COVID lab-leak theory to deflect attention from Beijing.Who has the right to suppress a credible theory, and...PRESSURE MOUNTS on UK Min. Vallance for 'rubbishing' MI6 Covid lab leak file.
Vallance contributed to Fauci's conspiracy to defraud origin of COVID, incl w/ fraudulent papers.
UK citizens demand transparency and accountability; we in NL for Marion Koopmans, Kuipers et al.
17.3.2025 23:35PRESSURE MOUNTS on UK Min. Vallance for 'rubbishing' MI6 Covid lab leak file.Vallance contributed to Fauci's conspiracy to...BREAKING. Current UK minister Vallance 'rubbished' spy chief's Dearlove secret dossier on Wuhan lab leak theory in March 2020 during the COVID pandemic..,
...despite PM Johnson demanding probe... to 'avoid offending China'.
16.3.2025 22:22BREAKING. Current UK minister Vallance 'rubbished' spy chief's Dearlove secret dossier on Wuhan lab leak theory in March 2020...Most plausible Covid origin is the result of research on identifying new SARS-like viruses and developing broad vaccines against them.
The desire to try a MERS-like FCS was a subject of high research interest for Wuhan Institute of Virology.
However for NIAID/Munster too!
15.3.2025 23:55Most plausible Covid origin is the result of research on identifying new SARS-like viruses and developing broad vaccines against them.The...How to Seed Chaos: #Trump #Vance Vs #Zelensky.
Make numerous wild claims, false statements, and rant about US presidents.
Postpone security issues until after a deal. Trust Putin, for he respects Trump.
Low Zelensky. Yell untruths and lies, while demanding RESPECT.
😳 😳
2.3.2025 22:58How to Seed Chaos: #Trump #Vance Vs #Zelensky.Make numerous wild claims, false statements, and rant about US presidents.Postpone security...Why Not? Stop the Chaos NOW of #Trump #Vance #Rubio Vs #Zelenskyy. Buy European !
👇 👇
1.3.2025 23:22Why Not? Stop the Chaos NOW of #Trump #Vance #Rubio Vs #Zelenskyy. Buy European !👇 ...🧵
How to Seed Chaos: #Trump #Vance Vs #Zelensky.
Make numerous wild claims, false statements, and rant about US presidents.
Postpone security issues until after a deal. Trust Putin, for he respects Trump.
Low Zelensky. Yell untruths and lies, while demanding RESPECT.
1.3.2025 22:55🧵How to Seed Chaos: #Trump #Vance Vs #Zelensky.Make numerous wild claims, false statements, and rant about US presidents.Postpone...2\🧵
Sign the petition of civil-society groups !
26.2.2025 22:422\🧵Sign the petition of civil-society groups !Source:\🧵
Asilomar self-regulating by scientists is privatizing the gains for the biotech-industry complex, while socializing the (existential) risks..,
...currently leading to dozens of mio excess deaths, 100s of mio long COVID, and dozens of trn socio-economic- and wellbeing costs.
26.2.2025 22:411\🧵Asilomar self-regulating by scientists is privatizing the gains for the biotech-industry complex, while socializing the (existential)...Wij schatten het besmettingsrisico voor #Covid19 momenteel in als MATIG. Echter omdat we nu te maken hebben met snel stijgende aantallen infecties met #influenza moeten we extra waakzaam zijn: meer dan 20.000 griep-besmettingen per week is NIET normaal. Griep is erg gevaarlijk, leidt tot veel ziekenhuisopnames vooral bij ouderen, en kan net als Covid19 leiden tot #PAIS (Post Acute Infection Syndrome), dus langdurige ziekte of invaliditeit (denk aan ME/CVS).
23.2.2025 21:09Wij schatten het besmettingsrisico voor #Covid19 momenteel in als MATIG. Echter omdat we nu te maken hebben met snel stijgende aantallen...A coureageous goal is to expose and encourage moral resistance against Fauci's totalitarian system, with all its conspiracies to cover up, i.e. 'to live by lies', as we see with Daszak, Farrar, Drosten, Marion Koopmans, Nature c.s....
19.2.2025 23:075\🧵Bronnen:\🧵
🔸Public Health and Good Pandemic Practices/Response.
🔸(Long) COVID response: massive failure
🔸Reform public health; containment, prevention, clean air, safe/sterilising vaxx, and trust!
6e jaar pandemie zonder beleid, met slapende adviescie's, een torenhoge oversterfte, géén aansprakelijkheid, géén lessons learned, géén politieke aandacht i.c.:
-oversterfte 150.000
-long COVID ca 1,5mln -100-150mld socio-econ. kosten
-and counting!
19.2.2025 23:043\🧵6e jaar pandemie zonder beleid, met slapende adviescie's, een torenhoge oversterfte, géén aansprakelijkheid, géén lessons...2\🧵
Alles was bekend in binnen- en buitenland. Maar kennis van complex systems (pandemieën) ontbreekt. Idem netwerk van beste databases en onderzoekers.
Enige echte conclusie die is te trekken: Data zijn van onvoldoende kwaliteit. Laat dat inherent zijn aan complex systems...
19.2.2025 23:042\🧵Alles was bekend in binnen- en buitenland. Maar kennis van complex systems (pandemieën) ontbreekt. Idem netwerk van beste databases...1\🧵
Waarom Was Grof Belastinggeld Naar #Oversterfte 2020/21 Flauwekul ?
We wisten het antwoord: NL hoogste oversterfte in de benchmark !!
Reden: Flagrant falend COVID pandemiebeleid; strategie, governance, good pandemic practices.
Dus hervorm NU in zesde jaar pandemie.
19.2.2025 23:041\🧵Waarom Was Grof Belastinggeld Naar #Oversterfte 2020/21 Flauwekul ?We wisten het antwoord: NL hoogste oversterfte in de benchmark...3\🧵
.ht #Ayjchan 🙋
14.2.2025 00:193\🧵 #Ayjchan 🙋\🧵
See in detail, including GPPs:
..."new actionable guidelines... [to] prepare for a pandemic to avoid the panic...[of] 2020."
Good Pandemic Practices (GPP) should be part of:
🔸 Come clean on origin of COVID
🔸 Lead by GPP
🔸 Reform public health
🔸 Seek accountability of failing public health.
.ht @theseeker268
14.2.2025 00:08\🧵 @theseeker268