The people have spoken. The email has been sent and I'll let you all know if there are any interesting replies.
20.3.2025 14:06The people have spoken. The email has been sent and I'll let you all know if there are any interesting replies.The makerspace I belong to is having the type of email discussion you'd expect a bunch of artists and maker types to have regarding a political sticker that someone placed in a public space. The idea of art being political has come up. I'm thinking of suggesting we build a mobile guillotine as a bit of political art.
Should I:
I'm hanging at my local library this afternoon for a change of pace place to work. Someone in one of the quiet rooms just let out a rather loud, frustrated scream. (They didn't sound like they were in distress, just venting). All I could think was "Yeah, we've all been there. Go for it."
Hope you all are having a good day. If not, scream if you need to.
18.3.2025 18:43I'm hanging at my local library this afternoon for a change of pace place to work. Someone in one of the quiet rooms just let out a...Wondering if that helicopter hovering over the neighborhood is the news or law enforcement? Go to . Zoom in on your location and find the track of the helicopter. Click the helicopter icon. That will give you the registration number and possibly the owner. In the US the registration will most likely start with an "N". You can search on that for even more info.
USpol : reporters covering Fall River, MA / Boston region?
I try not to post politics here but it is important to stand up against fascism. A church in Fall River is renting their space to a fascist organization. (previous post) When asked , their response was they "... do not discriminate against groups unless they violate the morals, principals and teachings of Christianity." Promoting hate/violence is not a Christian principle.
#Fascism #Resist #FallRiver #Boston #NewEngland #HateGroup
17.3.2025 20:27USpol : reporters covering Fall River, MA / Boston region?I try not to post politics here but it is important to stand up against fascism. ...If you all don't know @deviantollam I highly recommend checking them out. Their YouTube stuff is always entertaining and varied. Even if you're not into security, check out this latest one. Very nicely done.
I'm a bit ashamed to say my Italian is terrible but I was able to understand most of it.
16.3.2025 19:05If you all don't know @deviantollam I highly recommend checking them out. Their YouTube stuff is always entertaining and varied. Even...I have a bunch of Amazon customer surveillance devices at home, i.e. echo dots. While they offer some value and I've taken steps to mitigate some of their downsides, It's time to look for a local, FOSS based replacement.
I have the tech background to deal with the quirks of most of these projects. Anyone have thoughts on which projects I should look into? Just need basic functions like setting kitchen timers and controlling lights.
#HomeAutomation #VirtualAssistant #AmazonEcho #AmazonAlexa
16.3.2025 15:36I have a bunch of Amazon customer surveillance devices at home, i.e. echo dots. While they offer some value and I've taken steps to...There's some bleak stuff in the world and I find myself and being a little grumpier than usual. And then, there's today. It's Pi day! The absurdity of it all is wonderful. It's just an excuse to enjoy a day, have some pastry and maybe hold a few silly events. Carpe diem pi!
Seriously, enjoy yourself, have some pie, do some math, or not. It doesn't matter. Just enjoy the day.
14.3.2025 19:59There's some bleak stuff in the world and I find myself and being a little grumpier than usual. And then, there's today. It's Pi...USpol Resisting is like planting trees, the best time to do it was a years ago, the next best time is now.
The fascists groups don't feel the need to hide anymore. If you're near Fall River, MA, one of them will be meeting at the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church on April 9th.
Note there is more than on St. Demetrios best ensure you have the right one.
#Fascism #Resistance #FallRiver #MA
13.3.2025 17:19USpol Resisting is like planting trees, the best time to do it was a years ago, the next best time is now.The fascists groups don't...I spent the morning working with the NVIDIA JetPack tools and, while I won't say I'm wishing harm on anyone, I can say I wouldn't be too bummed out if bad things happened to the people that created this cluster f2k. Seriously, why does anyone build devices with their products?
#Nvidia #EmbeddedSystems
There doesn't appear to be a community communication mechanism for the Rayhunter project so I'm going to post the occasional observation here and tag it for the handful that may be interested.
I've grabbed captures with No SIM, Expired SIM & Valid SIM. The expired SIM is the least interesting. It appears it may simply stop interacting with the network once it's told it's not going to get service, i.e. "EPS services not allowed"
11.3.2025 15:44There doesn't appear to be a community communication mechanism for the Rayhunter project so I'm going to post the occasional...@mitka @ai6yr
Just got rayhunter installed on the orbic. It' wasn't a turnkey experience but wasn't terrible either. I'll open a couple of tickets and submit a merge request for the installer.
I'm proposing a new markup language: FHML, F5g Hipster Markup Language. It's a superset of JSON, YAML & INI. It will use the "FHML" tag to determine how to interpret any given subsection.
The justification for this is none of the other markup/config formats are cool enough and/or weren't invented here. All FHML interpreters should be written in Haskell, Rust, Go or similar to indicate you're cooler than other developers.
9.3.2025 16:10I'm proposing a new markup language: FHML, F5g Hipster Markup Language. It's a superset of JSON, YAML & INI. It will use the...@mitka @ai6yr widget arrived yesterday. Just started reading the docs in earnest. There's an FAQ That answers your questions. Short answers. SIM required by the device but may not require an active one for the software to do its thing, i.e. service not required. Unlocked would let you use any vendor's SIM. See the GitHub site for details.
9.3.2025 14:11@mitka @ai6yr widget arrived yesterday. Just started reading the docs in earnest. There's an FAQ That answers your questions. Short...The most Boston / Massachusetts sign I've seen so far. Well done sir!
#StandUpForScience #Boston
The crowd is starting to fill in on the Boston Common across from the State House
7.3.2025 17:39The crowd is starting to fill in on the Boston Common across from the State House#StandUpForScience #BostonFor those heading to Boston Common, every pedestrian entrance on Beacon Street is blocked for construction. Way to go Boston.
7.3.2025 17:23For those heading to Boston Common, every pedestrian entrance on Beacon Street is blocked for construction. Way to go Boston....I've seen quite a few posts about the Stand Up For Science events across the US today that didn't include links. So, here you go
7.3.2025 13:51I've seen quite a few posts about the Stand Up For Science events across the US today that didn't include links. So, here you go ...Nothing says oligarchy quite like on demand security squads for rich folks.
Don't forget to feed your inner child. Today's lunch, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich followed by a grilled cheese sandwich. Both on white bread and not a vegetable in sight.
6.3.2025 18:10Don't forget to feed your inner child. Today's lunch, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich followed by a grilled cheese sandwich....