Some stars lose mass as stellar wind, and when that star is orbiting a companion, the binary motion excites spiral density waves in the wind nebula
21.11.2022 19:25Some stars lose mass as stellar wind, and when that star is orbiting a companion, the binary motion excites spiral density waves in the wind...Demonstration of the spiral pattern that forms in an accretion disc around an align, spinning black hole due to the Bardeen Petterson effect
21.11.2022 05:09Demonstration of the spiral pattern that forms in an accretion disc around an align, spinning black hole due to the Bardeen Petterson...Hydrodynamic simulation of an air burst. The lower portion of the domain (y<-5) is filled with a high density medium so that the shock reflects from it. The things that form at the point where the shock front intersects the boundary between the media are called Mach branches
20.11.2022 19:26Hydrodynamic simulation of an air burst. The lower portion of the domain (y<-5) is filled with a high density medium so that the shock...Rayleigh Taylor instability
20.11.2022 07:35Rayleigh Taylor instabilityPassage of dense impactor through a tenuous medium
20.11.2022 07:35Passage of dense impactor through a tenuous mediumAnimation of Lloyd's method for regularising a Voronoi tessellation
20.11.2022 07:31Animation of Lloyd's method for regularising a Voronoi tessellationSimulation of a deflagration to detonation transition close to the surface of a white dwarf
20.11.2022 07:30Simulation of a deflagration to detonation transition close to the surface of a white dwarfTurbulence excited by supernova explosions
20.11.2022 07:29Turbulence excited by supernova explosionsLaminar flow around an obstacle
20.11.2022 07:28Laminar flow around an obstaclePropagation of a supernova explosion in a clumpy interstellar medium
20.11.2022 07:28Propagation of a supernova explosion in a clumpy interstellar mediumDevelopment of hydrodynamic instabilities during implosion. Perturbations have six-fold symmetry due to the use of a hexagonal grid
20.11.2022 07:26Development of hydrodynamic instabilities during implosion. Perturbations have six-fold symmetry due to the use of a hexagonal gridPresentation of the derivation of the Eddington luminosity using manim
20.11.2022 07:25Presentation of the derivation of the Eddington luminosity using manimSimulation of a surface explosion - an impact event sans impactor
20.11.2022 07:24Simulation of a surface explosion - an impact event sans impactorKelvin Helmholtz instability. Top portion moves to the left, while bottom moves to the right. Colour represent initial velocity
20.11.2022 07:19Kelvin Helmholtz instability. Top portion moves to the left, while bottom moves to the right. Colour represent initial velocityFormation of a high mach number bow shock around a perfectly rigid spherical obstacle
20.11.2022 07:18Formation of a high mach number bow shock around a perfectly rigid spherical obstacleHydrodynamic simulations of high velocity collisions of strengthless objects
20.11.2022 07:17Hydrodynamic simulations of high velocity collisions of strengthless objectsMutual gravitational interaction of three planets of equal masses. Orbits are represented by circular lines, while the arrows at the centre represent the eccentricity vector. In the left all planets are moving prograde, while to the right the middle planet is moving retrograde, and stabilises the system.
20.11.2022 07:14Mutual gravitational interaction of three planets of equal masses. Orbits are represented by circular lines, while the arrows at the centre...In this visualisation I continuously inject particles (colour indicates initial position, where lighter = higher), which move in a Brownlian way in the vertical direction, while simultaneously experiencing a downward drift velocity, which increase as one moves to the right.
20.11.2022 07:11In this visualisation I continuously inject particles (colour indicates initial position, where lighter = higher), which move in a Brownlian...