25–03 #drawing
15.3.2025 18:0925–03 #drawing25–02 #drawing
23.2.2025 15:1025–02 #drawing#caturday #vorarlberg #darktable
8.2.2025 12:09#caturday #vorarlberg #darktable25–01 #drawing
31.1.2025 22:0725–01 #drawingRIP #DavidLynch
16.1.2025 19:31RIP #DavidLynchsome favs from the past year #artsummary2024 #drawing
30.12.2024 10:45some favs from the past year #artsummary2024 #drawingsketch from february #drawing
22.11.2024 15:57sketch from february #drawing🐸 #drawing
16.11.2024 11:48🐸 #drawingwerk in progress #drawing
27.10.2024 11:15werk in progress #drawingtsch..tsch..tsch.. #drawing
14.10.2024 15:43tsch..tsch..tsch.. #drawingSomething's happening here.
#vorarlberg #rheintal #darktable
9.7.2024 17:45#vorarlberg #rheintal #darktableBuilt two plywood boxes for storing 7" records and DVDs. Thanks for helping out @attwenger3 #diy #woodworking #darktable
16.6.2024 15:47Built two plywood boxes for storing 7" records and DVDs. Thanks for helping out @attwenger3 #diy #woodworking #darktableThe spaceship has landed.
#autechre #donaufestival #darktable
1.5.2024 18:52The spaceship has landed.#autechre #donaufestival #darktableUpgraded my old iMac G4 from a (dead) 40GB hard drive to a 500GB SSD.
#retrocomputing #vintageapple #darktable
31.3.2024 17:15Upgraded my old iMac G4 from a (dead) 40GB hard drive to a 500GB SSD.#retrocomputing #vintageapple #darktable