I have started an account on a small instance that is mostly focused on food. I don’t know if I will migrate there fully, but if any of you want to come find me, I’m mugwort@kith.kitchen
5.11.2022 20:16I have started an account on a small instance that is mostly focused on food. I don’t know if I will migrate there fully, but if any of...When I started this account, I wanted to find a different way of being on social media. More thoughtful, less angry, more measured and seasoned and open… I don’t seem to be doing that. I’m not sure I can do it. I’m pretty sure I won’t do it like this.
Putting this account on hiatus, with the intention of migrating, eventually, elsewhere on mastodon/fedivesrse. I’ll let you know, but it won’t be anytime soon.
Thanks to everyone I’ve interacted with, you’re all great. I hope to see you around.
6.6.2022 12:21When I started this account, I wanted to find a different way of being on social media. More thoughtful, less angry, more measured and...Jungle cat #cats #CatsOfMastodon #cat #Caturday
4.6.2022 13:52Jungle cat #cats #CatsOfMastodon #cat #Caturday#Orchid on the Lancaster canal #wildflowers #NWEngland
4.6.2022 09:37#Orchid on the Lancaster canal #wildflowers #NWEnglandΛοιπόν, δεν θα το κάνω συνήθεια να βάζω τα ίδια εδώ που βάζω στο τουιτερ, αλά θέλω ναι καταλάβετε πόσο βαθιά ριζωμένος είναι ο μισογυνισμός στην κοινωνία μας. Ετούτο εδώ υποτίθεται πως είναι αντί μισογυνικό τουι. Βλέπει κανένας το πρόβλημα, ή μόνο εγώ ή γριά στρίγγλα;
#sexism #RapeCulture #Greece #misogyny #misomatry #SexualViolence #SpousalAbuse #VAWAG
For more about the Aldcliffe Road Triangle community garden, see their website: http://www.aldclifferdtriangle.org.uk
2.6.2022 08:22For more about the Aldcliffe Road Triangle community garden, see their website: http://www.aldclifferdtriangle.org.ukThis is how it’s done : by the community, for the community, designed and maintained with permission from but no meddling by the local authorities. When I moved here 20 years ago, this was all nettles and a crumbling old building. Wish I’d taken more pictures. #garden #community #communitygarden #thecommons
2.6.2022 08:14This is how it’s done : by the community, for the community, designed and maintained with permission from but no meddling by the local...Strawberries #gardening #England
1.6.2022 10:03Strawberries #gardening #EnglandWhat I Do In The Sunshine.
Starring: Calcifer
#cat #cats #CatsOfMastodon
The Blackcurrant Bush Part 2.
For years, those blackcurrant pies were a symbol of my pleasure in living as a foreigner in England. I made apple and blackcurrant crumble, and if I didn’t serve it with the ubiquitous custard, well, cultural assimilation has its limits, and I could no more eat custard than I could give up olive oil.
All this time, my autoimmune condition, much alleviated by Greek sunlight, was worsening in the English gloom.
#food #migration #culinaryculture #blackcurrants
Eh, don’t want to delete and redraft now, but when I say half, I mean cut it into two pieces, like a box and a lid. You could do 50/50, but it’s messier to stuff
When the rice is ready, oil a pan just large enough for the squash. Finely chop some fresh herbs (here parsley and mint, but experiment) and spring onions, stir into the rice. Fill the bottom half of the squash with rice and herbs, use the top as a lid (I score mine) and roast at 175 C for at least an hour or until the squash is soft.
30.5.2022 15:58Eh, don’t want to delete and redraft now, but when I say half, I mean cut it into two pieces, like a box and a lid. You could do 50/50,...Rice, onion, garlic, the squash’s pulp (minced), cumin, turmeric, garam masala.
Cut squash in half, discard seeds, scoop out as much flesh as patience allows.
Sautée onion & garlic til soft, add rice, spices, salt, and stir for a couple of minutes. Add chopped squash pulp plus enough water so the pulp+water is twice the volume of the rice. Simmer until rice is partly cooked and water gone. Meanwhile, dust the squash shell with salt and spices.
Γεμιστή κολοκύθα: Γεμιστά, but make it Northern. #food #veganfood #rice #squash #butternutsquash #fusionfood #cooking
30.5.2022 14:34Γεμιστή κολοκύθα: Γεμιστά, but make it Northern. #food #veganfood #rice #squash #butternutsquash #fusionfood #cookingOne of those slow, golden summer evenings you get in the North approaching the solstice, time and sunlight pouring like syrup. Yesterday. #NWEngland #May #peace #calm
29.5.2022 19:21One of those slow, golden summer evenings you get in the North approaching the solstice, time and sunlight pouring like syrup. Yesterday....I planted these terraces in 2020, and they’re the oldest part of my #novicegardener’s garden. The yellow poppy I did not plant, but who can uproot a self-seeded poppy? #garden #rosarugosa #cistus #May #NWEngland #gardening
28.5.2022 10:17I planted these terraces in 2020, and they’re the oldest part of my #novicegardener’s garden. The yellow poppy I did not plant, but who...I guard the cheese. It is safe now - I am here. #cat #cats #catsofmastodon
27.5.2022 12:34I guard the cheese. It is safe now - I am here. #cat #cats #catsofmastodonCat in laundry basket. #cat
25.5.2022 16:13Cat in laundry basket. #catIf you can at all manage it, you should be stocking up on food, especially wheat. Buy an extra box of pasta a week, or an extra packet of crackers. It’s not a bad idea to get some cans too, just one every now and then, no need to panic the supermarket. #foodsecurity #resourcecrunch
25.5.2022 08:59If you can at all manage it, you should be stocking up on food, especially wheat. Buy an extra box of pasta a week, or an extra packet of...Πολλά μεγάλα λόγια γράφατε τις πρώτες μέρες για το πόσο διαφορετικά θα είναι εδώ τα πράγματα αλά όλο τα ίδια βλέπω. Τα ίδια πολιτικά, τα ίδια αστεία, τα ίδια χαστακγ. Μάλλον εγώ είμαι η βαρετή με τον κήπο, τα φαγιά, και το παιδί μου, αλά όσο να είναι, αρχίζω τα unfollow.
24.5.2022 12:30Πολλά μεγάλα λόγια γράφατε τις πρώτες μέρες για το πόσο διαφορετικά θα είναι...I say to the kid, “Take a break for the rest of today. You took an exam - next one isn’t till Wednesday.”
“No, that would only leave me one day to study.” Then, kindly, “Just a few hours. If you want, afterwards, we can watch some Fullmetal Alchemist.”
Now, who’s the grownup in this family?
23.5.2022 18:47I say to the kid, “Take a break for the rest of today. You took an exam - next one isn’t till Wednesday.”“No, that would only leave...