And we can't get it right over 100 years later #COVID19
22.1.2023 01:03And we can't get it right over 100 years later #COVID19Remember this fuckwit? #auspol
19.1.2023 07:01Remember this fuckwit? #auspolHow Rich People Actually Get Rich.
17.1.2023 15:04How Rich People Actually Get Rich.Are we seeing the pattern with #conservatives yet?
11.1.2023 13:54Are we seeing the pattern with #conservatives yet?#Qanon #Trump #MAGA90%+ Victorian's are vaccinated and the RWNJs and Cooker Loser and Freedom Fuckwits are genuinely shocked that they got smashed and got fuck all votes in #VicVotes2022. These people just need to fuck off now. #auspol #vicpol
26.11.2022 10:0390%+ Victorian's are vaccinated and the RWNJs and Cooker Loser and Freedom Fuckwits are genuinely shocked that they got smashed and got...