"Von welchen Organisationen sprechen wir eigentlich, wenn wir von Organisationen sprechen?" Ich freue mich ungestüm auf die Diskussion am #dgskongress2025
CfP: https://www.soziopolis.de/ausschreibungen/call/model-cases-in-der-organisationssoziologie.html
Today it finally happened. 5yo: "Why is the world inside your phone?"
I am so prepared:
Come be a sociology professor in a picture-postcard city!
23.11.2023 08:41Come be a sociology professor in a picture-postcard...I love when people have somewhat diametrically opposed names to what they are doing. "Hollande" (i.e.Netherlands) for instance, for a French president. I just found a good one: this year's Caldecott medal goes to the children's book "Hot Dog" - authored by Doug Salati.
30.9.2023 05:15I love when people have somewhat diametrically opposed names to what they are doing. "Hollande" (i.e.Netherlands) for instance,...Obwohl es in der Causa #HSG von den drei Vergehen zu recht am wenigsten ins Gewicht fallen wird, komm ich gerade über die Gutachtenplagiate nicht hinweg. Wie absurd sich das dem Lesenden präsentiert haben muss!
17.12.2022 19:45Obwohl es in der Causa #HSG von den drei Vergehen zu recht am wenigsten ins Gewicht fallen wird, komm ich gerade über die Gutachtenplagiate...Happy Jelena-Day! @jelena3121
16.12.2022 03:30Happy Jelena-Day! @jelena3121The Daily lady can be funny. Re: Qatar: "So basically, they got it the old fashion way, right?"
28.11.2022 11:26The Daily lady can be funny. Re: Qatar: "So basically, they got it the old fashion way, right?"well, somebody got the story right, right? #ucuRISING
25.11.2022 05:12well, somebody got the story right, right? #ucuRISINGIt is not often that one get's to do a truly historic thing. Today, Vera and I were the first reseachers to ever inspect data that are entirely digital @ ETH Archive (fittingly, for the Platformizing Swiss Libraries project). Everybody (including the librarians, but not so much Max Frisch) were extremely excited, albeit for different reasons. @sociology
14.11.2022 18:46It is not often that one get's to do a truly historic thing. Today, Vera and I were the first reseachers to ever inspect data that are..."Schweizer" Forschende: Habt's Erfahrungen mit automatischer Transkription verschiedener Schweizer Sprachen/Dialekten? Ich bin auf töggl gestossen, was auf dem SRF-Archiv trainiert wurde - kann das was?
@fokusschweiz @sociology @SNF_ch
so the first #randomreading took place @ uni lucerne. we learned some oddities (the first playmobil figures were "knight, indian, construction worker"), had a heated debate about the anthropological gaze (no comment), and one found a new reseach project (competition of funeral homes). @ramyologist did not show and thus missed pure curiosité and prosecco
8.11.2022 20:12so the first #randomreading took place @ uni lucerne. we learned some oddities (the first playmobil figures were "knight, indian,...#mastoreflecting, one cannot ignore that some who did work célèbre on the ills of centralized platforms have not yet vagabonded. one wonders if there is some #forschungsgegenstandverlusteängste involved?
2.11.2022 19:23#mastoreflecting, one cannot ignore that some who did work célèbre on the ills of centralized platforms have not yet vagabonded. one...Wait, is #Mastodon the #librarians' attempt to convince us of their persisting relevance? Making us all think about lists, sublists, indexes, indexes about subindexes, viscerally concerned about access while also paralized about the possibility of chaos? Man, you could have just paid for some Netflix series with one or two badass characters representing your profession like the rest of us did (even English lit, chess people and sociologists, ffs).
1.11.2022 16:32Wait, is #Mastodon the #librarians' attempt to convince us of their persisting relevance? Making us all think about lists, sublists,...already developped a gusto for the situation room talk of our #instance keepers.
31.10.2022 20:29already developped a gusto for the situation room talk of our #instance keepers.maybe imply it might matter in the rankings, somwhere, somewhen, somehow, n'est-ce pas, @jelena3121 ?
31.10.2022 11:52maybe imply it might matter in the rankings, somwhere, somewhen, somehow, n'est-ce pas, @jelena3121 ?Bonjour Vagabonds, many of your favorite individuals have migrated over the weekend. Now let us add some organizations. Its monday, The Organization Man's favorite. Allez, spread some #mastodonning gospel to your most beloved Communication and Marketing Officers.
31.10.2022 11:50Bonjour Vagabonds, many of your favorite individuals have migrated over the weekend. Now let us add some organizations. Its monday, The...Also, give sexworkers decentralized media.
31.10.2022 05:42Also, give sexworkers decentralized media.Partner: "I stay on twitter to connect with a wider variety of people."
Me: "Latest follows on twitter: ixxx-cams/monstergirl, prettybabes21.rebecca, coinscams.Janice. Latest on #Mastodon: @nancybaym , Jihao (Responsible AI), phatcontroller (African Digital Rights Network).”
Toddler temper tantrums are specifically hard for sociologist. you have to survive AND realize that after 15 years of studying you have no idea how such might turns into an angestellten-dasein with imposter syndrom
30.10.2022 16:43Toddler temper tantrums are specifically hard for sociologist. you have to survive AND realize that after 15 years of studying you have no...my today's #mastodonning is a still-favorit amateur story of objectophilia involving a photobooth. starting with some neat loops. listen with headphones on