Hey #mastodon ! I’m wrapping up a project on de-centralized social media and wanted to get some of ya’lls thoughts! I’m focusing on #moderation and #accessibility , would ya’ll mind sharing any thoughts you have? I’m trying to prove that Mastodon is better than #instagram and #facebook !
27.11.2024 02:44Hey #mastodon ! I’m wrapping up a project on de-centralized social media and wanted to get some of ya’lls thoughts! I’m focusing on...Another day another #hockey game at #uofm , #goblue 💛💙
9.11.2024 23:28Another day another #hockey game at #uofm , #goblue 💛💙Good morning and happy #caturday everyone! I know this week has been a doozy especially for my fellow Americans and Michiganders so here are a few pictures of Sammy!
9.11.2024 15:51Good morning and happy #caturday everyone! I know this week has been a doozy especially for my fellow Americans and Michiganders so here are...I wish I had something profound to say, truly I do. All I know is that I am devastated. I am angry. How could we, as a country, elect a convicted felon and rapist? As a woman, I am afraid. Afraid of what my future might look like. I am afraid of a loss of bodily autonomy. I know at the end of the day we must move on, but for now, I am bitter, I am heartbroken, I am indignant.
#Election2024 #KamalaHarris #trump
6.11.2024 14:10I wish I had something profound to say, truly I do. All I know is that I am devastated. I am angry. How could we, as a country, elect a...Woke up a bit ago and saw the news. I am devastated. I am devastated for women. I am devastated for people of color. I am devastated for the LGBTQIA+ community.
I wanted to share something my mother said to me when I called her upon seeing the news. “Today we bleed tomorrow we fight.” We need to let ourselves grieve, then fight for our rights.
6.11.2024 13:32Woke up a bit ago and saw the news. I am devastated. I am devastated for women. I am devastated for people of color. I am devastated for the...Hey guys! I just wanted to hop on for a second and talk about #voting as a student in #annarbor ! I went on a little bit of an adventure to try and vote today involving wrong busses a dying phone and an #absenteeballot with no envelope. Unfortunately this means I was unable to drop my ballot off today, but tomorrow I will try again! I know voting can seem like a hassle when you’re a student and you’re already busy, but it’s super important that we vote. I highly reccoment voting early! #goblue
2.11.2024 22:34Hey guys! I just wanted to hop on for a second and talk about #voting as a student in #annarbor ! I went on a little bit of an adventure to...Happy #caturday everyone! Another week complete and another picture of Sammy posted to celebrate! #CatsOfMastodon #cats
2.11.2024 17:15Happy #caturday everyone! Another week complete and another picture of Sammy posted to celebrate! #CatsOfMastodon #catsI thought ya’ll might appreciate the #sunset in #annarbor last night! While I miss seeing the #stars since I’ve been here, I do have to appreciate how beautiful the sunsets and sunrises are.
1.11.2024 13:52I thought ya’ll might appreciate the #sunset in #annarbor last night! While I miss seeing the #stars since I’ve been here, I do have to...Happy #halloween everyone! I don’t know about ya’ll but I plan on having a #movienight tonight. #hocuspocus and #halloweentown . I hope ya’ll stay safe and have a spooky day!
31.10.2024 12:31Happy #halloween everyone! I don’t know about ya’ll but I plan on having a #movienight tonight. #hocuspocus and #halloweentown . I hope...As we get closer to the #Election2024 I just wanted to share some resources for ya’ll when it comes to voting! If you’re a #uofm student you might find this helpful: https://www.a2gov.org/departments/city-clerk/Elections/Pages/Elections.aspx , but for general #voting information across the US look here: https://www.usa.gov/voting-and-elections . Hopefully this is helpful and if you are on the fence about whether to vote or not, please do. #everyvotecounts
30.10.2024 20:38As we get closer to the #Election2024 I just wanted to share some resources for ya’ll when it comes to voting! If you’re a #uofm student...Hey everyone! Figured I’d share another Sammy pic for #caturday . I have not been super active as #school has been keeping me super busy! Hopefully I’ll be able to be online a bit more over the next few weeks and share some more cool info on #womeninstem with ya’ll! #cats #CatsOfMastodon
26.10.2024 22:13Hey everyone! Figured I’d share another Sammy pic for #caturday . I have not been super active as #school has been keeping me super busy!...Happy #caturday everyone! Thought I’d hop on amidst the #midterms prep and share a picture of Sammy. Enjoy! #cats #CatsOfMastodon
19.10.2024 16:31Happy #caturday everyone! Thought I’d hop on amidst the #midterms prep and share a picture of Sammy. Enjoy! #cats #CatsOfMastodonHey ya’ll! I know it’s not #caturday but I’m missing my baby a little extra in light of #midterms , so I hope ya’ll enjoy an extra pic of her! #cats #CatsOfMastodon
18.10.2024 03:17Hey ya’ll! I know it’s not #caturday but I’m missing my baby a little extra in light of #midterms , so I hope ya’ll enjoy an extra...I’m a bit late but happy #caturday to all of my night owls! #cats #CatsOfMastodon
13.10.2024 02:14I’m a bit late but happy #caturday to all of my night owls! #cats #CatsOfMastodonXaden Riorson from #fourthwing deserves #sendacharactertojail for his complete inability to communicate.
12.10.2024 02:48Xaden Riorson from #fourthwing deserves #sendacharactertojail for his complete inability to communicate.Happy #SilentSunday everyone! I wanted to take the time to highlight another important woman in STEM today: Ada Lovelace. I’ve linked an article below for ya’ll to learn more about her, but she was an integral part in developing the Analytical Engine! She eventually had a day named after her (the second Tuesday in October) that is now used to celebrate the accomplishments of women in STEM! #women #womeninstem
6.10.2024 20:05Happy #SilentSunday everyone! I wanted to take the time to highlight another important woman in STEM today: Ada Lovelace. I’ve linked an...Good morning and happy #caturday ! I thought I’d come here and share some more pictures of Sammy! #cats #CatsOfMastodon
5.10.2024 15:18Good morning and happy #caturday ! I thought I’d come here and share some more pictures of Sammy! #cats #CatsOfMastodonHey guys! I just wanted to hop on and highlight an important woman in #tech today! Chieko Asakawa is a computer scientist at IBM who has spent her career working on making technology more accessible to the blind and visually impaired after losing her vision at age 14. She has had a massive impact on accessibility in technology and has been issued 10 patents during her time at IBM!
Below is a great article to learn more about her! #womeninstem
29.9.2024 19:23Hey guys! I just wanted to hop on and highlight an important woman in #tech today! Chieko Asakawa is a computer scientist at IBM who has...Miss my baby so much that I’m making a second #caturday post. This is an older one of Sammy spending the morning in bed with me. #cats #CatsOfMastodon
28.9.2024 22:11Miss my baby so much that I’m making a second #caturday post. This is an older one of Sammy spending the morning in bed with me. #cats...I’m pretty new to Mastodon but I wanted to start off by joining in on #caturday with my baby Sammy! #cats #CatsOfMastodon
28.9.2024 18:14I’m pretty new to Mastodon but I wanted to start off by joining in on #caturday with my baby Sammy! #cats #CatsOfMastodon