Fane of the Night Serpent
Adventure: Tomb of Annihilation
Original Artist: Mike Schley
Programs Used: Dungeon Draft, GIMP
Assets Used: Forgotten Adventures
Uploaded as jpg because mastadon doesn't like webp, apparently.
Google Drive link to webp version:
7.11.2022 14:42Fane of the Night SerpentAdventure: Tomb of AnnihilationOriginal Artist: Mike SchleyPrograms Used: Dungeon Draft, GIMPAssets Used: Forgotten...I suppose I could attempt to actually be active on Mastadon, unlike Twitter. I doubt I'll see friends or family here, but who knows. Maybe I'll occasionally post about Dungeons and Dragons or politics or whatever.
7.11.2022 14:34I suppose I could attempt to actually be active on Mastadon, unlike Twitter. I doubt I'll see friends or family here, but who knows....