I finally submitted my Master Thesis (and finished my masters in doing so). If you like Hardware Verification and want to learn about how I extended the underlying compiler for many high level hardware languages to support formal verification and SVA properties natively, feel free to read my thesis (https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000668906).
Thanks to @ekiwi for being such an amazing advisor!
17.4.2024 20:36I finally submitted my Master Thesis (and finished my masters in doing so). If you like Hardware Verification and want to learn about how I...Don't you hate it when you accidentally end up building a compiler for a niche verification format, when all you trying to do was something completely simple and unrelated ? #rawstringmanipulationistedious
31.3.2024 18:48Don't you hate it when you accidentally end up building a compiler for a niche verification format, when all you trying to do was...