The Homeland Security Conference
on Critical Infrastructure will be conducting an exercise on November 5th, 2024.
"...working on a pre-conference Jack Voltaic style Cybersecurity Exercise inspired by the Army Cyber Institute. It will involve representatives from Federal, State, County and Municipal agencies, Academia and Industry."
Remember, Remember...
You can still find the original audio from ATC on 9/11 asking "Is this real or part of the simulation?"
22.10.2024 13:47The Homeland Security Conferenceon Critical Infrastructure will be conducting an exercise on November 5th, 2024."...working on a...
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem, waiting to be born?" -Yeats
The winds are blowing, frens...take heed.
3.10.2024 18:58"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,Slouches towards Bethlehem,...Just a reminder this happened...and we let it. Yet the people who perpetrated these crimes are still in power.
Los Angeles Police force vaccinating special needs children and adults. This is hard to watch, but important to remember.
Between birth and 15 months: 20 vaccines.
Between 18 months and 18 years old: 20 vaccines.
40 vaccines. FORTY.
20 during the most vulnerable period possible—birth to 15 months.
So the CDC is Murder Incorporated.
Show me the hundred studies that prove 20 plus 20 vaccines are safe.
Also—show me one well done study against another large study of children who were never vaccinated. Compare overall health in the 2 groups.
No? You can’t?
There is no science going on.
15.5.2024 15:36Between birth and 15 months: 20 vaccines.Between 18 months and 18 years old: 20 vaccines.40 vaccines. FORTY.20 during the most vulnerable...Without comms, the human animal for all its robust mental faculties is reduced an an individual, devoid of cooperation.
Yet nearly every element of modern communications are owned by a central authority who can turn those services off through unitary action.
For less than $50 you can start building an independent, effective, and secure OTA communications network that no one can turn off or take away from you.
A Slave obeys,
a Man builds Parallel Systems.
29.4.2024 13:54Without comms, the human animal for all its robust mental faculties is reduced an an individual, devoid of cooperation.Yet nearly every...
"If you were alone in your home at night in the dark, and he walked into the room and said, “How are you? Want to talk?” Would you talk with it?
Would you cross the line into believing he was real?
Despite the fact that he wasn’t? That he was just a machine with no life whatsoever in him?
Crossing that line means you then live in a different world.
Millions or billions of people will cross the line when the time comes.
That’s why I say kill the robots."
Look upon the future and lament, for it is dumb...
1.2.2024 14:12Look upon the future and lament, for it is dumb..."Star Forts", aka 'Bastion Forts.' Massive and monumental feats of geo-engineering. Why? And don't tell me they're just to deflect cannon balls...
18.1.2024 20:48"Star Forts", aka 'Bastion Forts.' Massive and monumental feats of geo-engineering. Why? And don't tell me they're...World's Columbian Exposition, 1893
Chilago (aka Chicago), IL, USA
A warm Fedi welcome to @JohnnyBravo98 who just joined the ranks from the mainstream sosh-nets this weekend.
Welcome to the party, let us know if you need any help or pointers in getting started.
There's no dopamine drip from the algo's tickling your amygdala here so there's some front-loaded effort before you get going.
Regardless, welcome to our corner of the Fediverse, hope you're gonna like it some wise men once said, "The least we can do is wave to each other"
The Politbyuro has you, FIGHT BACK!
Layer three of "The Voynich Sequence" arrives now:
Anyone know what happened to our friends over at
Sure could use some of that "Hit 'em in the Mouth Blend"
From the roof of FEMA Region 3 to your feed. #wholesome
17.5.2023 18:36From the roof of FEMA Region 3 to your feed.'s what's for dinn..OMG KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
27.3.2023's what's for dinn..OMG KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!As an avid tinkerer, I've always wanted to build my own Theremin. Not some cheap de-tuned AM radio, not one that sounds like a speak-&-spell cross-bred with R2D2, but an "instrument grade" unit, wholly analog device.
I learned about Theremins back in '94 when I caught the docu, "An Electronic Odyssey" and I've wanted to build one ever since.
Anyone out there have any experience or interest? Would love to have a "build buddy" who I could compare notes with.
It is time to live like we are behind occupied lines. Don't engage, but also, don't tolerate fools and tyrants.
Don't stir up the big stuff, but also don't comply with the small stuff.
Ignore the noise coming from DC and the TV, it's illegitimate. Their power is bolstered through your not not fight them without provocation, just exist.
Now we must protest by just existing. If the value of your life is the cost others must pay to take it, make yourself very expensive.
20.1.2021 16:31It is time to live like we are behind occupied lines. Don't engage, but also, don't tolerate fools and tyrants.Don't stir up the...