11th Circ. rules in favor of MTV in the 'Floribama Shore' trademark infringement suit.
Court held that the “show's title was relevant to the content of the series as it refers to the geographic area and the southern, beach subculture the creators sought to portray.” And further noted that “the title is clearly not meant to reference the bar, which is located on the Florida-Alabama state line.”
1.12.2022 11:5311th Circ. rules in favor of MTV in the 'Floribama Shore' trademark infringement suit.Court held that the “show's title was...This profile of Elvin Jones, one of my all-time favorite drummers, is worth reading.
1.12.2022 11:45This profile of Elvin Jones, one of my all-time favorite drummers, is worth...Editor’s note:
“Very” is an excellent adverb to use...in speech.
However, “very” in writing can clutter up your point and slow readers down.
“very” appreciative of...
“very” bothered by...
Remove “very” and the weight of these words power through.
30.11.2022 10:15Editor’s note:“Very” is an excellent adverb to use...in speech.However, “very” in writing can clutter up your point and slow...Patagonia sues Gap for Trademark infringement.
Patagonia alleges that Gap copied its iconic pocket flap design: rectangular logo with a mountain silhouette above the pocket flap, introduced in 1989.
Patagonia claims that Gap’s actions “confuses shoppers into believing it made the jackets” or let Gap “use its trademarks.”
The similarities here are glaringly clear. But *ideas can’t be trademarked. So does this come down to the *idea of a pocket flap on the left side with a “mountain” logo?
29.11.2022 13:42Patagonia sues Gap for Trademark infringement.Patagonia alleges that Gap copied its iconic pocket flap design: rectangular logo with a...“Kline had never before conducted a fitness hearing.’ Forty years later, he couldn’t remember the details of this one. But it wasn’t hard to imagine. Guy and Wright seemed like irresponsible teenagers from a bad neighborhood who had gotten their hands on a gun and done something terrible.”
—Jesse Barron for the New York Times
“The Judge and the Case That Came Back to Haunt Him”
This is a great profile of author S.A. Cosby.
Even more, it offers insight on one writer’s pathway to published book author. A pathway where endurance and the “small breaks” ultimately add up to the “big break.”
“S.A. Cosby, a Writer of Violent Noirs, Claims the Rural South as His Own”
by Dwight Garner for the New York Times
Add value.
Apply this simple philosophy to everything you do. And you’ll be ok.
Add value...
To people’s lives.
To the discussions you join.
To your field.
To projects you collaborate on...
Even one solid, sincere word of insight weighs more than a ton. And it adds value.
25.11.2022 15:44Add value.Apply this simple philosophy to everything you do. And you’ll be ok.Add value...To people’s lives.To the discussions you...“…the first Black woman to direct a film for a major Hollywood studio, was introduced by Viola Davis and praised by Ava DuVernay. She addressed a film industry that had finally accepted that, as she put it: ‘Black and female is bankable.’”
—Lois Beckett for The Guardian
“‘With my camera I don’t shoot, I heal’: director Euzhan Palcy receives honorary Oscar”
22.11.2022 00:18“…the first Black woman to direct a film for a major Hollywood studio, was introduced by Viola Davis and praised by Ava DuVernay. She...“When monetary policy is too easy – either because the Federal Reserve sets the interest rate too low or because it increases money growth too rapidly – there will be an increase in inflation, as we are seeing now. This close relationship is grounded in economic theory and has been observed in practice in many countries around the world over many years.”
—John Taylor, interviewed by Melissa De Witte for Stanford News
20.11.2022 14:15“When monetary policy is too easy – either because the Federal Reserve sets the interest rate too low or because it increases money...“Failure to adhere to Apple’s and Google’s guidelines would be catastrophic, risking Twitter’s expulsion from their app stores and making it more difficult for billions of potential users to get Twitter’s services. This gives Apple and Google enormous power to shape the decisions Twitter makes.”
—Yoel Roth for the New York Times
“I Was the Head of Trust and Safety at Twitter. This Is What Could Become of It.”
The 10 most regretted college majors.
“Of graduates who regretted their major, most said that, if they could go back, they would now choose computer science or business administration instead.”
—Jessica Dickler for CNBC
18.11.2022 00:14The 10 most regretted college majors.“Of graduates who regretted their major, most said that, if they could go back, they would now choose...“Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for ‘South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation.’“
Congratulations to @imaniperry, an exceptional writer, intellectual, and scholar.
New York Times Review by
Tayari Jones
17.11.2022 09:21“Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for ‘South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand...Was Kurt Vonnegut a science fiction writer?
I’ve only read ‘Slaughterhouse-Five.’ But I’d like to reading his short stories from the 1950s to make a more informed opinion.
“But the sci-fi question is trickier. The idea that people still think it is a lesser genre seems absurd…”
—Sam Jordison for The Guardian
Monster Energy filed a Notice of Opposition against Walmart for its trademark application for its “Member’s Mark” logo.
Monster claims that the “M” in Walmart’s “Member’s Mark” logo is too close to the "M" in Monster Energy’s logo.
Side by side, I don’t see any similarities. And I don’t think consumers will be confused or believe there’s any affiliation between the two brands.
Here is the Notice of Opposition:
“Indeed, remember three years ago when the FTC hit Facebook with a $5 billion fine? Most people remember that as being for the whole Cambridge Analytica thing, but it was actually for violating the consent decree that Facebook had signed years earlier…”
—Mike Masnick
Informative piece by @mmasnick on Twitter’s big FTC problem.
10.11.2022 20:27“Indeed, remember three years ago when the FTC hit Facebook with a $5 billion fine? Most people remember that as being for the whole...Two things made clear by Tuesday’s election — two things that foreshadow *one big problem for the GOP:
1) If you keep telling people that everything is “fake” and “rigged”, sooner or later, a lot of those who people who fall for that will stop believing in practically anything *anyone* says (including members of the GOP).
2) People who fall for “everything’s fake and rigged” will vote less and less…because, hey, why bother if it’s all fake and rigged.
10.11.2022 17:13Two things made clear by Tuesday’s election — two things that foreshadow *one big problem for the GOP:1) If you keep telling people that...“Fast fashion juggernaut Shein launched a new collection inspired by the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo Thursday. However, the Chinese online retailer’s collaboration is with the Frida Kahlo Corporation, a Panamanian licensing and commercialization company that has been fighting with members of the artist’s family for almost ten years over trademark and property rights.”
—Karen K. Ho for Art News
“Over this twenty year span design was able to re-define not only what it was; but what it could be applied to. This relatively short but very dense period saw the birth of two vastly different approaches to design across the globe.”
—Jo Szczepanska
‘Design thinking origin story plus some of the people who made it all happen’
I walk into a restaurant and see this framed James Brown album cover behind the bar.
Tells me everything I need to know about the place.
9.11.2022 19:53I walk into a restaurant and see this framed James Brown album cover behind the bar.Tells me everything I need to know about the place.This obituary on Barbara Campbell Cooke, widow of Sam Cooke, is a Shakespeare tragedy.
8.11.2022 18:19This obituary on Barbara Campbell Cooke, widow of Sam Cooke, is a Shakespeare tragedy.https://tinyurl.com/ycy4s5h7