My downtempo #Christmas #playlist for 2023:
8.12.2023 16:09My downtempo #Christmas #playlist for 2023: uptempo #Christmas #playlist for 2023:
8.12.2023 16:08My uptempo #Christmas #playlist for 2023: many industries, including #tech, the #onboarding process for new employees can be overwhelming.
Some number of years ago, a coworkerfriend and I summed it up in a ten-step process, "Dealing with your self-doubt: the life cycle." We originally thought it was just funny, but it may end up being the truest thing I've ever written:
30.11.2023 18:22In many industries, including #tech, the #onboarding process for new employees can be overwhelming.Some number of years ago, a...I will make one exception to the '"Fairytale of New York" is uncoverable' rule: I would accept a gloriously bitchy cover done by two drag queens.
15.11.2023 16:49I will make one exception to the '"Fairytale of New York" is uncoverable' rule: I would accept a gloriously bitchy cover...I'll start working on my yearly holiday playlist this weekend. I always start the season with the same two songs: Fairytale of New York and All I Ever Get For Christmas Is Blue.
Miss you, Geof.
I always pinged you every year when I played it for the first time.
9.11.2023 18:19I'll start working on my yearly holiday playlist this weekend. I always start the season with the same two songs: Fairytale of New York...Been thinking about #Truchet #tiles lately. describes how to use them to overlay an image in another image.
5.10.2023 22:22Been thinking about #Truchet #tiles lately., so lemme catch everyone up. After the last two years of "hey do I have a working thumb today?" I finally pursued de Quervain's tendon release surgery.
I'm now sporting a nice scar on my dominant hand, and my thumb works again!
What comes next for me is scarier and harder: how do I resume the crafty stuff I used to do all the time? I've been so deep in the "physically can't" mentality that I don't know how to find my way home again.
20.9.2023 21:16Ok, so lemme catch everyone up. After the last two years of "hey do I have a working thumb today?" I finally pursued de...Today I got reminded that I really should be reading and talking on here.
@yomimono and @esmerel - you need to know each other.
Y'all snark it out. I gotta go make some tea.
20.9.2023 21:05Today I got reminded that I really should be reading and talking on here.@yomimono and @esmerel - you need to know each other.Y'all...My 2022 #holiday #playlist 2 is ""Big Wintering" - #music that's a bit funkier, a bit faster (in places), a bit brassier. 41 minutes.
For the rules, see
(Gratitude for help + editorial: @adam and @craignorris)
21.12.2022 03:05My 2022 #holiday #playlist 2 is ""Big Wintering" - #music that's a bit funkier, a bit faster (in places), a bit brassier....My 2022 #holiday #playlist 1 is "(ssh the kids are sleeping)" - #music that's a little slower, a little odder, a little more angular. 45 minutes.
For the rules, see
(Gratitude for help + editorial: @adam and @craignorris)
21.12.2022 03:01My 2022 #holiday #playlist 1 is "(ssh the kids are sleeping)" - #music that's a little slower, a little odder, a little more...The Rules for making my #holiday #playlists, adapted from @adam:
1. No Boomer classics.
2. Covers of Boomer classics are ok. (Adam notes that they must be exceptional or transformative in some way.)
3. No repeating a song across years. New versions only.
4. One version of a particular song in a single year.
5. When possible, avoid multiple songs from the same artist or album.
6. Avoid using songs @adam has already used.
7. No sending my friends to Whamhalla. That's just rude.
@kenshirriff I owe you a belated thanks. Two years ago, I saw your tweet with the image of the Intel 8008 chip for making a custom puzzle.
My bestie (callicrates on the birdsite) just received his #jigsawpuzzle Christmas present. 😁
30.11.2022 19:09@kenshirriff I owe you a belated thanks. Two years ago, I saw your tweet with the image of the Intel 8008 chip for making a custom puzzle.My...A small civic reminder for other new folks: consider learning how your server is funded, and chipping in. is funded through - I've started donating.
19.11.2022 01:38A small civic reminder for other new folks: consider learning how your server is funded, and chipping in. is funded through...The past 24 hours have been eye-opening. I haven't had a public social media profile in a long time, and seeing a #quilt post reshared by people I don't know is … bewildering? odd? uncomfortable? kinda cool?
I've been struggling to work up the bravery to start sewing again. My first #deQuervains flare was bad. The second was nearly incapacitating, and lasted for months.
Except … I'm GOOD at quilting, like really really good. I just have to figure out how to protect my hands.
8.11.2022 16:08The past 24 hours have been eye-opening. I haven't had a public social media profile in a long time, and seeing a #quilt post reshared...I said to Noah last night: can you imagine if we went back to our teenage selves and said the enduring parts of #GenX pop culture would be
Dave Grohl
The #Simpsons
Weird Al
John Goodman
We would have laughed SO HARD.
#DaveGrohl #WeirdAl #JohnGoodman
7.11.2022 12:48I said to Noah last night: can you imagine if we went back to our teenage selves and said the enduring parts of #GenX pop culture would...Unexpected wistfulness from last night. As I scrolled my birdsite follow list looking for Mastodon usernames, I saw the names of several friends and acquaintances who have since died, but I never took off my follow list.
Geof was always one of my first follows on any New Thing™, and his absence here stings.
His birdsite trash talk this week would have been EPIC. 🥃
6.11.2022 16:00Unexpected wistfulness from last night. As I scrolled my birdsite follow list looking for Mastodon usernames, I saw the names of several...So, #introductions. 👋 By day, #TechnicalWriter. By night, a dilettante of sorts. Married to a larger-than life fellow. We watch lots of obscure #movies, have two dreadful #cats, and backpack weird places.
I've taken the last year off from #quilting, #sewing, and #knitting due to de Quervain's in both thumbs. I draw #islamicgeometry patterns, and make my own watercolors for them.
Games: #Factorio + #SpaceExploration mod.
Sewing room: horrid mess.
Media & books: meticulously catalogued.
[gestures vaguely at bird site]
Fun times.
2.11.2022 15:13[gestures vaguely at bird site]Fun times.