Hey everyone, I’m #newhere.
22.11.2022 16:44Hey everyone, I’m #newhere.Die #Seine bei #Paris von oben, mit Flußtalnebel
N 48°58.941' E 2°35.618' H 2296.52m
#Foto #mywork #photo #Luftbild
14.11.2021 11:55Die #Seine bei #Paris von oben, mit Flußtalnebel N 48°58.941' E 2°3...#art, #photographie, #Sebastien-Nagy
5.11.2021 02:24Sebastien Nagy (https://www.instagram.com/sebastien.nagy/?hl=fr)This is apparently not satire. Morrisons are marketing some chicken as seasoned with "non-EU salt and pepper".
I am so glad that the dastardly French can't spike this chicken with garlic.
2.11.2021 14:54This is apparently not satire. Morrisons are marketing some chicken...‘Minimum freedom for maximum hassle’: University report’s damning conclusions on Brexit
The study points out that one key aspect of the UK’s new freedoms has been overlooked – that trade agreements with countries beyond the EU cannot come into force without large repercussions on UK-EU trade, “which makes sovereign free trade agreement negotiating extremely difficult”. If new trade agreements conflict withstandards and norms set in Brussels for the free movement of goods (and even services), theEU can unilaterally suspend its free trade on those goods and services.
[The author] concludes that, fundamentally, EU-UK trade depends on the UK adopting EU standards. “If the UK were to negotiate a free trade agreement with a third country that violates EU standards, the EU can suspend the parts of the TCA that govern free trade in these markets – with significant losses for UK businesses and potentially the economy as a whole. “Avoiding those problems means choosing the lesser evil between the (EU-related) losses and (non-EU related) gains in trade. The size of the EU, and the weight in the UK’s trade basket, almost invariably leads to one conclusion for the now sovereign UK: minimise the EU-related losses by adopting EU standards.
“According to a wry joke in Central Europe, socialism was the long road between capitalism and capitalism. Is Brexit the long road between the EU and the EU?”
Can we just take a shortcut please? I am really not keen of another 40 years of wilful neglect, nepotism, demagoguery, ever falling living standards and loss of human rights.
2.11.2021 11:02‘Minimum freedom for maximum hassle’: University report’s damning c...Am 10. November werden wieder 27 Bedingungslose #Grundeinkommen verlost.
Wer möchte kann mit mir zusammen an der Verlosung teilnehmen.
2.11.2021 09:27Am 10. November werden wieder 27 Bedingungslose #Grundeinkommen ver...He really said that.
Source: https://youtu.be/tmZfylBHcew?t=50
1.11.2021 20:56He really said that. enter image description here https://i.redd.it...1.11.2021 14:07Image https://cdn.britannica.com/s:400x200,c:crop/51/132751-004-DCD...
On This Day - What Happened on November 1 | Britannica
Holy Roman Emperor Otto III granted the Bavarian bishopric of Freising 30 “royal hides,” or about 8 square km (2,000 acres), of land in a deed that contained the first recorded use of the name Ostarrîchi, from which the name Austria is derived.
"Die #Treibhausgaskonzentration in der #Atmosphäre hat 2020 einen neuen Höchststand erreicht. Auch die Corona-Pandemie konnte den Anstieg nicht stoppen. Die #Hoffnungen ruhen nun auf der anstehenden #Weltklimakonferenz."
Ja mein Gott, wer hätte das gedacht! Es geht weiter wie bisher? Na sowas - tzz.
ABER! - die Weltklimakonferenz wird es richten!1!!
Also: Lasst alle Hoffnung fahren...
#Klimaschutz = #Menschenschutz #CO2 #Klimakrise #Tagesschau #Klimawandel #climateprotection #ichkönntekotzen
25.10.2021 11:53Tagesschau (https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/treibhausgas-hoech...The only way to forestall the work of criticism is through censorship, which has the same relation to criticism that lynching has to justice.
Northrop Frye (1912-1991) Canadian literary critic and literary theorist
Anatomy of Criticism, “Polemical Introduction” (1957)
#quotation #quote #censorship #criticism #political-violence
More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/frye-northrop/49292/
"Maternidad 6"
24x33 cm,
recién hecho.