Stephen Wolfram has a blogpost about a half-century of innovation—as seen through the lens of engineered structures (like clocks, logic gates etc) in Conway's Game of Life!
Cellular automata rock!
AT LONG LAST! Von Neumann takes his rightful place alongside Oppenheimer, Einstein, Bohr et al.
BBC Radio 4's 'Human Intelligence' looks at the thinking of scientists involved or decisively not involved in the Manhattan project--including Johnny von Neumann!!
And wonderful to chat with Naomi Alderman (I'm a fan of 'The Power')
Available now to stream!
For #PiDay the talk at the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences is of observing 9.2 seconds of silence at 1500 hours today.
The question is can any of us shut up for that long?
Less than four weeks to Xmas Day! This year, why not give your nearest and dearest the gift of unrivaled genius? 😜 'The Man from the Future' is available in a dozen languages.
AND those crazy folk at @AmazonItalia have cut the price of the Kindle edition to €3.99! 😅
If that whets your appetite for more, I've posted a much longer earlier draft of the piece on my substack. It's not got the zip and zing of the Nautilus piece, which was edited expertly by their brilliant staff. But it does have a lot more on the history, with lots of crazy examples that you'll enjoy!
My new piece for
I ask, "Why should physics—rooted in making sense of real things in the world like apples and electrons—provide such good leads for solving some of the toughest problems in mathematics, which deals with intangible stuff, like functions and equations?"
There are no obvious answers to this and while philosophers, mathematicians and physicists have pondered why maths 'works' in the sciences for centuries, the converse question of why physics seems to produce interesting insghts in pure mathematics is only recently starting to attract attention.
'There isn’t a single contemporary scientific and technical marvel that doesn’t owe something to the extraordinary mind of John von Neumann. After “Maniac,” a novel by Benjamín Labatut, Adelphi offers another captivating book dedicated to this champion of innovation. The marvelous story follows the life of this genius's ideas, which germinate in other brilliant minds until they produce the most astounding and tragic inventions of our time.'
5⭐️ review, Marina Valensise for Il Messaggero
'Von Neumann was certain, and this seems an optimistic message despite everything, that the solution to not feeling consumed by ever-accelerating progress is to study.' Bravo! Mathematician, editor, critic and author Chiara Valerio for
Book of the week!
'"The Man from the Future" is an apt title for the exploration of one of the most extraordinary minds of the twentieth century, and its author, Ananyo Bhattacharya, proves to be an excellent guide. More than a biography.' Science historian Stefano Gattei for
Storming reviews for 'The Man from the Future' in the Italian press over the weekend!! 🥰 A really wonderful edition of the book from Adelphi, superbly translated by Luigi Civalleri and the cover by British artist Lola Dupre... 🤯
Fell in love with the country on my first visit 25 years ago so this is very special...
A few of my favourite snippets coming up...🧵
With my FREE talk on John von Neumann coming up in Berkeley at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing on Tuesday 26 March, it’d be remiss of me not to mention you can now pick up ‘The Man from the Future’ on Kindle for a staggering $2.99! Topping the Amazon bestseller list in the most unbelievable way!
If you’re in the vicinity of Berkeley next week, come along to my talk!
John von Neumann was born 120 years ago on 28 December 1903! To discover how he shaped the modern world, from laptops and smartphones that still run on the 'von Neumann architecture', to the utility theory that shapes the way we think, to the bombs that could destroy us all and the self-reproducing machines of the future, you can read 'The Man from the Future', available in a dozen languages!
31.12.2023 10:33John von Neumann was born 120 years ago on 28 December 1903! To discover how he shaped the modern world, from laptops and smartphones that..."Maths is the lifeblood of scientific and technological progress. Maths has quietly shaped our economy and society. Even the way we view political questions or, in some circles, imagine life to be some sort of optimisation problem—these are ways of thinking inflected and infected by mathematics. Yet maths remains possibly the only subject where one can leave school and have absolutely no idea what an academic or professional specialising in the subject actually does!"
All gone! Thank you!
9.12.2023 15:18All gone! Thank you!AND I've just noticed 'The Man from the Future' is a Scientific American 2023 recommended read!!
“Incredible look at the mind and times of maybe the smartest person who ever lived.”
—Gary Stix, Senior Editor, mind and brain
Folks! I have come into possession of a few paperback copies of this fine book👇🏽 If you want one for £10, signed and with a dedication if you like, then @ me below. Know someone who might? Tag 'em. I'll pack & post FREE for deliveries to the UK or Europe.
8.12.2023 12:32Folks! I have come into possession of a few paperback copies of this fine book👇🏽 If you want one for £10, signed and with a...Or you could go for the double, by adding in 'The MANIAC' by Benjamin Labatut. Mixes von Neumann fact with a hefty dose of fiction to concoct an awe-inspiring myth. A Hungarian-American Frankenstein to go with the American Prometheus, Oppenheimer. What a bundle to unwrap on Christmas Day! 😉
4.12.2023 11:04Or you could go for the double, by adding in 'The MANIAC' by Benjamin Labatut. Mixes von Neumann fact with a hefty dose of fiction...Disruptor-in-chief John von Neumann was born 120 years ago this month! Says historian David Nirenberg, "His discoveries shape the possibilities of life for every creature on this planet."🤯
Wait. What!?
Find out how! Gift yourself and your friends this fine book for Xmas!
Wondering how the real John von Neumann compares to the wickedly compelling version in Benjamin Labatut's 'The Maniac'? Read on (free for now)
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And finally here’s von Neumann’s former study, now the youngest son’s bedroom. (He’s left home). The house was bought from Klari Dan after von Neumann’s death and has stayed in the same family ever since!
10.11.2023 08:53And finally here’s von Neumann’s former study, now the youngest son’s bedroom. (He’s left home). The house was bought from Klari Dan...