[2025/03/21] Trial Support: criminalized slogan “Zionisten sind Faschisten”
9AM | Amtsgericht Tiergarten
This Friday 21.03.2025 at 9 am is the first trial to criminalize the slogan "Zionisten sind Faschisten, töten Kinder und Zivilisten" ("Zionists are fascists, killing children and civilians").
Our comrade stands before court for chanting it at the protest against the visit of the genocidal "Israeli" president Isaac Herzog to Berlin on 16.02.2024. The charge? "Volksverhetzung" ("incitement to hate").
We stand firm with our comrade, and reject the criminalization of not only this slogan, but our collective right to describe those who are upholding genocide, apartheid, and the "israeli" colony, as what they are: fascists
See you on Friday in or in front of the court!
Media Space K18 presents:
Palestinian Documental Film
18.3.2025 | 20:00 Kreutzigerstr18 #Berlin #Friedrichshain
On Tuesday the 18th of March, Media Space K18 is showing at 20.00 the Palestinian documental film 5 Broken Cameras.
Directed by Emad Burnat, Guy David, 2011, 94 min
A documentary from the occupied West Bank. One villager Emad starts in 2005 to film the struggle against the occupation. In the following 5 years, he, his friends and brothers, are arrested or shot; some are killed. Each camera used to document these events is shot or smashed by the Israeli military. The film was nominated for an Oscar.
TRAILER: https://archive.org/details/5-broken-cameras-2011-720p-trailer
💥 Published now at SCRAPPY CAPY DISTRO:
ANTIFA MEANS FREE PALESTINE zine, with texts and photos of the demo on 13.12.2024 in #Berlin #Friedrichshain
#Anarchists4Palestine in collaboration with other groups in Berlin hosted a demonstration on #ACAB Day of 2024 in the district Friedrichshain. This is the collection of texts for that day.
ℹ️ DOWNLOAD + MORE ZINES TO DISCOVER: https://en.scrappycapydistro.info/zines
[2025/03/14] Trial support: Accused to have resisted arrest during eviction of Pro Palestine Bundestag Camp
⚲ 12:15 | Amtsgericht Tiergarten, Room 101 (security room), Turmstraße 91, 10559 Berlin
One of our comrades is accused of "violently resisting arrest" during the barbaric eviction of the Bundestag camp by the German police, where supporters of Palestine camped from the 8th to the 26th of April 2024 demanding a stop of arms export to the Zionist occupation and the immediate stop of the ongoing genocide in Gaza!
See you! If we are many, we will spontaneously register a rally outside.
Let's stay a thorn in their throats, and stand together in the face of their repression. Long live Palestine!
ⓘ INFO & MORE EVENTS: https://anarchists4palestine.noblogs.org/events
#b1403 #berlin #anarchists4palestine
Location changed to: Turmstraße 91, 10559 Berlin, Saal A101
And only the first court session (9 am) will take place!
تم تغيير المكان الى: Turmstr. 91, 10559 Berlin, Saal A101
وستنعقد جلسة المحكمة الأولى فقط (9 صباحا)
Let's show up and fill the court room in support of our brother!
If we are too many, we will register a spontaneous rally outside.
See you there!
ℹ️ Infos & more Events at: https://anarchists4palestine.noblogs.org
Previous message:
One of our Palestinian comrades has not only one, but two court dates on Wednesday, 12.03.25.
The first one is at 9 am, where he is charged with „Facilitating escape of prisoners“ aka Gefangenenbefreiung
The second one is at 10 am, for resisting arrest.
Both hearings will happen in the same room:
Room K1002, 1. floor
In the Amtsgericht Standort Kirchstraße
Kirchstraße 6, 10557 Berlin
Please note, this is not the Turmstraße location!
Let's show up and fill the court room in support of our brother!
If we are too many, we will register a spontaneous rally outside.
See you there!
#b1203 #berlin #anarchists4palestine
Antimilitaristisches Protestcamp in Köln 25.08.–31.08.2025
Wie in den vergangenen Jahren wird es auch dieses Jahr ein von „Rheinmetall entwaffnen” initiiertes Antimilitaristisches Protestcamp geben, mit vielfältigen Aktionen gegen Kriegstreibeiber:innen und Profiteur:innen der Kriege. Wie schon in Kiel letztes Jahr, wird es angesichts des fortdauernden Genozids in Palästina durch das israelische Militär und deren Unterstützer:innen auch zu diesem Thema Veranstaltungen, Kundgebungen und Aktionen geben.
ℹ️ Info: https://anarchists4palestine.noblogs.org
#RheinmetallEntwaffnen #NRW #Köln
[2025/03/14] ACABADABRA anti-repression soli party
⚲ 19:00 | Linie206, Linienstraße 206 Berlin
ACAB themed party to raise anti-repression costs for a comrade.
Exhibition, Cabaret, Drag Quiz, Bands, DJs, Vegan Küfa, Merch, Soli-Schnaps
ℹ️ more infos and events: https://anarchists4palestine.noblogs.org/events/
#b1403 #berlin #anarchists4palestine
Internationalistische Kämpfe in Berlin 1970er–2000er, erzählt von Aktivist*innen von damals
15. März 2025, ab 18:00 (Info-Talk ab 19:00)
Café Karanfil, Weisestraße 3, 12049 Berlin
+ Küfa (Palästinensisches Essen) + Zines, Bücher, Shirts
2/3 Drittel des Erlöses geht an Familien und Freund*innen in/aus Gaza
Über damals und Kontinuitäten bis heute: eine Indigene Genossin aus Abya Yala und einer Genossin von Antifaşist Gençlik (antifaschistische Gruppe, die 1988 von jungen Migrant*innen in Berlin gegründet wurde).
Sie werden auf Deutsch und Spanisch sprechen, mit Übersetzungen ins Englische und Deutsche.
ℹ️ https://anarchists4palestine.noblogs.org/events
#b1503 #anarchists4palestine #Berlin
Internationalist struggles in Berlin 1970s–2000s told through the memories and stories of veteran activists
15 March 2025, from 6pm (talks at 7pm)
Café Karanfil, Weisestraße 3, 12049 Berlin
+ Küfa (Palestinian food) + zines, books, shirts
2/3 of the profit will go to family and friends in/from Gaza
About the past and continuities until today: with an Indigenous comrade from Abya Yala and a comrade from Antifaşist Gençlik (antifascist group formed in 1988 by migrant youth in Berlin).
They will speak in German and Spanish, with translations to English and German.
ℹ️ https://anarchists4palestine.noblogs.org/events
#b1503 #anarchists4palestine #Berlin
Luchas internacionalistas en Berlín de los años 1970–2000 contadas a través de los recuerdos e historias de activistas veteranxs.
15 de marzo de 2025, desde las 6pm (charlas a las 7pm)
Café Karanfil, Weisestraße 3, 12049 Berlin
+ Küfa (comida palestina) + fanzines, libros, camisetas
2/3 de las ganancias se destinarán a familias y amigxs en/de Gaza.
Sobre esa época y las continuidades hasta hoy: Con unx compañerx indígena de Abya Yala y unx compañerx de Antifaşist Gençlik (grupo antifascista formado en 1988 por jóvenes migrantes en Berlín).
Hablarán en alemán y español, con traducción al inglés y al alemán.
ℹ️ https://anarchists4palestine.noblogs.org/events
#b1503 #anarchists4palestine #Berlin