What the fuck is up Denny’s?
27.11.2022 17:16What the fuck is up Denny’s?objectification, relationships, “cancel culture”
I think what often gets mistaken for “cancel culture” (which is really just public boycotting) is a culture of disposability which is the product of capitalism, in a literal sense. With the ideal of a economic growth, consumption is not only encouraged but required, which in turn requires waste and landfills. When the logic of consumption is applied to the social realm, dehumanization and objectification become the norm — we can especially see this with our relationship to non-human animals, whose flesh are literally consumed and disposed for the sake of pleasure and profit. Treating people like objects informs our attitudes about love, where love is seen not as extending the self nourishing the other’s spiritual growth but about mere satisfaction of desire. Relationships become seen as fungible—just throw the other away, all relationships are identical, the other is not unique and can easily be replaced as they are a mere supplicant for wish-fulfillment. It’s the commodification of persons, alienation from species-being.
We can reject this logic — through mutual aid and solidarity, compassion and commitment (and do not think this commitment means staying in unhealthy or abusive relationships, abuse and love cannot coexist). Mutual aid is so much more than charity. It means strengthening communities of care and rejecting the logic of commodification and disposability. This is why it is the basis for prefiguring anarchism, for anarchism seeks the triumph of freedom and love, and can only be created through love and freedom. We first have to realize that we are worthy of love, then be determined to act with a generous heart and open mind.
19.11.2022 19:09objectification, relationships, “cancel culture”I think what often gets mistaken for “cancel culture” (which is really just public...I figure a little introduction will be useful (going to use hashtags for visibility):
I’m an #anarchist with many adjective— #ADHD #queer #vegan #buddhist #posthumanist interested in the philosophy of race, gender, disability, and sexuality. I also study #existentialism, #phenomenology, and #hermeneutics. I consider myself a methodological pluralist / synthesis anarchist, recognizing the interdependence, complexity, and heterogeneity that is life — unity of diversity.
As my name suggests, I am committed to #TotalLiberation — whether racial, sexual, gender, animal, youth, disability, ecological, class, etc. I see all of these axes of domination, oppression, and exploitation to be many heads of the same hydra, hierarchy. They reinforce each other and cannot be fought separately.
18.11.2022 09:50I figure a little introduction will be useful (going to use hashtags for visibility): I’m an #anarchist with many adjective— #ADHD...Respect people, not beliefs
18.11.2022 04:25Respect people, not beliefsAmerican left, white supremacy, colonialism, fascism
It says a lot about the American left that even a white supremacist like David Duke can be considered “anti-imperialist” for opposing war in Syria by so-called “patriotic socialists” (read: national socialists). Fascism often cloaks itself in the veil of socialism, so it is no exaggeration to call “MAGA communists” red fascists.
Meanwhile, they see no apparent contradiction in saying “Free Palestine” while defending the occupation and dispossession of Turtle Island (so-called America), calling #LandBack a liberal NGO-backed movement.
We must learn from Césaire’s declaration that fascism is colonialism turned inward, itself borne out of the oppression of Jews and Muslims in Christendom, and that it is the norm, not an aberration, of modernity. Once we begin to look at fascism this way, we see that it is only the tip of the spear that is racial capitalist settler colonial patriarchy (in sort, kyriarchy or simply hierarchy). Palestine cannot be free until the colonial government known as the United States no longer exists.
16.11.2022 17:05American left, white supremacy, colonialism, fascismIt says a lot about the American left that even a white supremacist like David Duke can...Thought is always of being; being belongs together with thought. Reject the subject/object duality and the resulting dualisms of idealism/materialism.
16.11.2022 15:40Thought is always of being; being belongs together with thought. Reject the subject/object duality and the resulting dualisms of...just got metatext to use mastodon and holy crap this is way better
11.11.2022 05:49just got metatext to use mastodon and holy crap this is way betterWorkerism and productivism on the left is another failure to understand intersectionality due to the reliance of economic reductionism
11.11.2022 05:26Workerism and productivism on the left is another failure to understand intersectionality due to the reliance of economic reductionismgood morning everyone. feeling good after gaining an hour of sleep!
6.11.2022 17:40good morning everyone. feeling good after gaining an hour of sleep!It’s been a while. I’ll probably be on here a lot more!
5.11.2022 15:59It’s been a while. I’ll probably be on here a lot more!Gmorning everyone
16.12.2020 16:01Gmorning everyoneI kinda like being on a social network where anarchists are the norm.
15.12.2020 21:51I kinda like being on a social network where anarchists are the norm.One thing I’m a little bit confused about is whether I need to create a new account for every instance. I’ll probably stick mostly to kolektiva, but I’m kinda curious about how that works since I’ll have different following and followers for every new account
15.12.2020 05:05One thing I’m a little bit confused about is whether I need to create a new account for every instance. I’ll probably stick mostly to...#introductions #Introduction hello, my name is AnarchoPill, I use they/them pronouns. I’m an anarchist without adjectives and recently banned from Twitter (might explain more in a reply). Still figuring out this site. Hope to meet fellow anarchists!
15.12.2020 04:46#introductions #Introduction hello, my name is AnarchoPill, I use they/them pronouns. I’m an anarchist without adjectives and recently...Got banned on Twitter because I was mass reported by Tankies. Lol
15.12.2020 02:45Got banned on Twitter because I was mass reported by Tankies. Lol