“Nous avons décidé de reporter le prochain Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal à mai 2025, et de nous concentrer à le repenser et le rafraîchir. . . . À un mois d'anarchie et un salon du livre plus grand, meilleur et plus beau en 2025!”
Amour+solidarité, le collectif du Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal
9.3.2024 16:25“Nous avons décidé de reporter le prochain Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal à mai 2025, et de nous concentrer à le repenser et...“We've decided to postpone the next Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, and instead focus on reimagining and refreshing it. . . . Here's to a bigger, better, and more beautiful month of anarchy and bookfair in May 2025!”
Love+solidarity, the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair collective
For full announcement, see anarchistbookfair.ca
9.3.2024 16:23“We've decided to postpone the next Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, and instead focus on reimagining and refreshing it. . . . Here's...Next weekend is the anarchist bookfair! We are so excited to see you all there 🏴 it’s going to be one of the best ones yet 🖤
23.5.2023 13:55Next weekend is the anarchist bookfair! We are so excited to see you all there 🏴 it’s going to be one of the best ones yet 🖤RT @BMRainbows: We are one week away from our @anarchybookfair Discussion Panel with @vvesl and Frederic-Vivianne Auln. See here for more details: https://t.co/25J3Lt19FZ https://t.co/giLzqrVIQP
22.5.2023 19:55RT @BMRainbows: We are one week away from our @anarchybookfair Discussion Panel with @vvesl and Frederic-Vivianne Auln. See here for more...did you know were throwing a rave after the bookfair next saturday? wanna come? 😏😏 https://t.co/H2kGG3h0Hj
19.5.2023 18:56did you know were throwing a rave after the bookfair next saturday? wanna come? 😏😏 https://t.co/H2kGG3h0Hj@beadagainstfash no apologies needed 🖤
19.5.2023 18:56@beadagainstfash no apologies needed 🖤RT @dirozevepave: shavuos anarchist bookfair! 🍰
with amazing talks on queerness, jewishness, yiddishkeyt, and anarchism
all talks will be livestreamed via youtube; most (but not all!) will be recorded for later viewing https://t.co/hYPIw9dLk0
17.5.2023 02:55RT @dirozevepave: shavuos anarchist bookfair! 🍰with amazing talks on queerness, jewishness, yiddishkeyt, and anarchismall talks will be...RT @WSMIreland: The Dublin anarchist bookfair takes place this weekend in Dublin from 10 on Saturday at the Teachers Club, 37 Parnell Square https://t.co/X6IF4xhbxT
17.5.2023 02:55RT @WSMIreland: The Dublin anarchist bookfair takes place this weekend in Dublin from 10 on Saturday at the Teachers Club, 37 Parnell...see you in the streets! 🏴🏳️⚧️ https://t.co/9S4jxbdBRF
16.5.2023 19:55see you in the streets! 🏴🏳️⚧️ https://t.co/9S4jxbdBRFRT @kersplebedeb: Montreal @anarchybookfair
May 27-28
For anarchists
12.5.2023 01:55RT @kersplebedeb: Montreal @anarchybookfairMay 27-28For anarchistsNO GODS NO MASTERS
6.5.2023 17:55NO GODS NO MASTERSNO CROSS NO CROWNRT @beadagainstfash: What a special, momentous day, worthy of celebration far and wide!! As a colonial subject I'm so proud to be able to witness this day— 3 weeks til the @anarchybookfair Montreal anarchist bookfair 😎 nothing else important going on
6.5.2023 17:55RT @beadagainstfash: What a special, momentous day, worthy of celebration far and wide!! As a colonial subject I'm so proud to be able...RT @sjbranson1: i will be there with @CindyMilstein to talk about ritual as resistance!!! venez nous voir! https://t.co/naXFA3omYI
25.4.2023 19:56RT @sjbranson1: i will be there with @CindyMilstein to talk about ritual as resistance!!! venez nous voir! https://t.co/naXFA3omYIcheck out the artist who made this is on IG: @/pendracocomics ✨
25.4.2023 19:56check out the artist who made this is on IG: @/pendracocomics ✨check out the artist who made this is on IG: @/pendracocomics ✨
25.4.2023 19:56check out the artist who made this is on IG: @/pendracocomics ✨See you on May 27 28 at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair! 🖤🖤🖤 https://t.co/7Zq1wx9Ttv
25.4.2023 19:56See you on May 27 28 at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair! 🖤🖤🖤 https://t.co/7Zq1wx9Ttv@PghAutonomy another day of filler making me aware of some shit I didnt want to be aware of
25.4.2023 19:56@PghAutonomy another day of filler making me aware of some shit I didnt want to be aware ofRT @SedDistro: [Montreal, (so called) Canada] https://t.co/5GtHylI2La
25.4.2023 19:56RT @SedDistro: [Montreal, (so called) Canada] https://t.co/5GtHylI2LaRT @bookfairldn: Do you not think the message is perhap a bit too subtle :p
Montreal Bookfair - Saturday and Sunday 27/28th May at the Georges-Vanier Cultural Centre.
Share with your locals x https://t.co/YCw9woFqAk
25.4.2023 19:56RT @bookfairldn: Do you not think the message is perhap a bit too subtle :pMontreal Bookfair - Saturday and Sunday 27/28th May at the...notes app apology where I self-flagellate for never responding to DMs
25.4.2023 18:55notes app apology where I self-flagellate for never responding to DMs