Really hating my bones today
31.1.2023 20:02Jan 31, 2023, 20:02Survived the first day of my new job. This is the most “SV Enterprise” place I’ve ever worked.
30.1.2023 17:42Jan 30, 2023, 17:42oops I forgot I have no vegetables now I can't cook these beans into a stew, and I don't really have the spoons to go to the shop *and* cook given how much cleaning and other chores I've done today. Oh well, they'll probably be OK tomorrow.
29.1.2023 17:28Jan 29, 2023, 17:28Elder are a phenomenal band, hope I get to see them live again
29.1.2023 11:50Jan 29, 2023, 11:50Content warning: nsfw nudity
Party In Your Pants is fun. Bright. Loud. Vibrant. Friendly. Energetic.
Had a great time, got painted on, got shot at with a paint super-soaker, kissed a twink.
Would vibe again.
28.1.2023 13:15Jan 28, 2023, 13:15Is it party time uWu???
27.1.2023 21:32Jan 27, 2023, 21:32All puns are deliberate. Some people are just too cowardly to admit so.
26.1.2023 11:02Jan 26, 2023, 11:02My new job sent me a box of goodies that included this book. I’ve made a huge mistake 😭
25.1.2023 13:29Jan 25, 2023, 13:29Finished ‘The Luminous Dead’ - enjoyed it, bit longer than it needed to be due to the prose being the stream of consciousness of the protagonist. Fear of caving: reinforced.
Also finished ‘Sexed Up’ by Julia Serano, another great read.
22.1.2023 23:13Jan 22, 2023, 23:13Something about my diet or recent medication changes (it’s probably the increased methylphenidate) is making a lot of my muscles a little twitchy
22.1.2023 23:11Jan 22, 2023, 23:11“Dry January” is prejudiced against Scots. I can’t *not* drink at a Burns Supper!
19.1.2023 13:23Jan 19, 2023, 13:23Time to find out what all the fuss is about and potentially join a cult #trans #inanna
16.1.2023 15:18Jan 16, 2023, 15:18I'm begging tech workers from the USA to remember that places outside of America exist
15.1.2023 22:15Jan 15, 2023, 22:15Quite disgraceful that so many movies on Amazon Prime Video don’t have subtitles available
15.1.2023 18:40Jan 15, 2023, 18:40Just got to spend a few minutes watching a robin have a wee bath in my garden. Birds truly are a blessing 🥰
14.1.2023 11:45Jan 14, 2023, 11:45How do some people manage to go around having ~discourse~ all the time? It sounds exhausting.
13.1.2023 22:41Jan 13, 2023, 22:41I’ve had an hour of electrolysis a day for the last three days, I want to sleep forever
13.1.2023 16:02Jan 13, 2023, 16:02Wipeout Omega and Polybius are intense experiences in VR.
10.1.2023 18:43Jan 10, 2023, 18:43Went to an Indian restaurant while visiting a friend in Great Yarmouth, dressed vaguely femme, jewellery and coat, but neutral jumper / trousers, with a day of stubble growth (although it’s getting kinda not bad with electrolysis), and got ‘madame’d by the staff immediately. Honestly made my evening ❤️
Unfortunately I am now duty-bound to write a positive TripAdvisor review
9.1.2023 22:25Jan 09, 2023, 22:25I know mirrorless cameras are small but I shouldn’t be able to lose one in my definitely perfectly normal sized handbag.
9.1.2023 14:19Jan 09, 2023, 14:19