24 UBI attacks capitalism at its core
(From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income)
#UBI #universalbasicincome #marx #marxism #daskapital #capitalistclass #workingclass
24.12.2024 12:5524 UBI attacks capitalism at its core(From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income)#UBI #universalbasicincome #marx #marxism...24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income
Number 23: UBI allows for a personal "time out"
#universalbasicincome #UBI #timeout #burnout
23.12.2024 11:5224 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic IncomeNumber 23: UBI allows for a personal "time out"#universalbasicincome #UBI...22 UBI - so we no longer align our actions primarily with economic interests
(From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income)
#universalbasicincome #ubi #adorno #cultureindustries
22.12.2024 14:0022 UBI - so we no longer align our actions primarily with economic interests(From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic...21 We need a UBI, because the "watering can" works better then targeted benefits
(From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income)
21.12.2024 12:4721 We need a UBI, because the "watering can" works better then targeted benefits(From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal...20 UBI ends the harassment of unemployed people
(24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income)
#universalbasicincome #ubi #jobcenter #unemployed
20.12.2024 14:4420 UBI ends the harassment of unemployed people(24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic...https://youtube.com/shorts/WAofReY4jVI
19 UBI enables a transformation of society.
19.12.2024 10:44https://youtube.com/shorts/WAofReY4jVI19 UBI enables a transformation of society.#ubi #UniversalBasicIncome24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income
18: UBI creates wiggle room to solve social problems
#UBI #grundeinkommen #UniversalBasicIncome #WiggleRoom
18.12.2024 17:2424 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income18: UBI creates wiggle room to solve social...24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income
17 #UBI enables personal development
What would you do if your material needs were secured? Renovating an old house? Learn an instrument and form a band? Grow tomatoes? Complete a course of study? Taking on an open source/free software project? [..]
17.12.2024 17:5024 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income17 #UBI enables personal developmentWhat would you do if your material needs were...16: UBI conveys a different view of humanity
24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income
If we as a society decide to enable every person to live a secure life, then we also convey a different image of humanity: ..
#grundeinkommen #Menschenbild
16.12.2024 16:2316: UBI conveys a different view of humanity24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic IncomeIf we as a society decide to enable every...24 Good Reasons for A Universal Basic Income
#15 #UBI brings fairer wages
Many very strenuous and unpleasant jobs are now very poorly paid, even though they are important for society. On top of the fact, that a lot of care work and labor in the in the house hold is not paid at all. Quiet office jobs, on the other hand, are often comparatively well paid...
#universalbasicincome #wages #fairness
15.12.2024 12:3024 Good Reasons for A Universal Basic Income #15 #UBI brings fairer wagesMany very strenuous and unpleasant jobs are now very poorly paid,...14 UBI cuts the logic of unlimited economic growth
(From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income)
The growth logic is deeply rooted in capitalism: the capitalists who want to increase their capital have to reinvest most of it so that new industries are built.
#universalbasicincome #grundeinkommen #ubi #economicgrowth #wachstumslogik
Also available as podcast. e.g. https://podcastindex.org/podcast/7130769
14.12.2024 11:5614 UBI cuts the logic of unlimited economic growth (From 24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income) The growth logic is deeply...Number 13: UBI helps against climate change
(24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income)
#climatechallenge #climatecatastrophe
13.12.2024 11:14Number 13: UBI helps against climate change(24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic...24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income (#UBI)
Number 12 UBI brings a new understanding of labor
When we talk about work today, most people immediately associate it with wage labor [..] The discussions that accompany the demand for the introduction of a basic income will help to rethink the concept of labor.
#UniversalBasicIncome #grundeinkommen #labor
12.12.2024 20:1124 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income (#UBI)Number 12 UBI brings a new understanding of laborWhen we talk about work today,...https://www.facebook.com/ANDAS.CC/videos/945848693542066
24 Good Reasons for a Universal Basic Income
Number 11: UBI is the only answer to digitalization and AI
#grundeinkommen #UBI #UniversalBasicIncome #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #jobloss #HumansNeedNotApply
11.12.2024 15:40https://www.facebook.com/ANDAS.CC/videos/94584869354206624 Good Reasons for a Universal Basic IncomeNumber 11: UBI is the only answer to...24 good reasons for a universal basic income
All episodes now available as podcasts
#ubi #podcast #universalbasicincome
podcast index: https://podcastindex.org/podcast/7130769
rss: https://rss.mond.at/podcast/24ubi/podcast.xml
web: https://andas.cc/s/articles/a00012-24-good-reasons-why-we-need-ubi.html
10 Unpaid work is finally going to be paid
24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic Income
A lot of the work that is done today takes place outside the realm of wage labor and is very often not paid at all.
Now also as podcast:
#universalbasicincome #UBI #grundeinkommen #unpaidlabor #carework
10.12.2024 16:2910 Unpaid work is finally going to be paid24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Universal Basic IncomeA lot of the work that is done today takes...24 Good Reasons for a Universal Basic Income
09: UBI helps against bullshit jobs
"Bullshit Job" is a term coined by David Graeber for meaningless and useless jobs. [..]
An unconditional basic income would not automatically eliminate all bullshit jobs, but it would help a lot: since [..] we would therefore have less pressure to create artificial scarcity. [..]
#UBI #UniversalBasicIncome #grundeinkommen #bullshitjob #bullshitjobs
9.12.2024 16:1624 Good Reasons for a Universal Basic Income09: UBI helps against bullshit...24 Good Reasons Why We Need A Univeral Basic Income
Number8: UBI Helps to question the status quo
Many people can no longer imagine any other world. They think that there are no alternatives to the way the world is organized, or at least not desirable ones...
#ubi #universalbasicincome #grundeinkommen
8.12.2024 14:3424 Good Reasons Why We Need A Univeral Basic Income Number8: UBI Helps to question the status quoMany people can no longer imagine any other...24 Reason Good Reasons for a Univeral Basic Income
07 A UBI provides a motivating and positive utopia
#ubi #grundeinkommen #universalbasicincome
7.12.2024 12:5724 Reason Good Reasons for a Univeral Basic Income07 A UBI provides a motivating and positive utopia#ubi #grundeinkommen ...24 Reason Good Reasons for a Univeral Basic Income
06 Freed from shame - basic income without means testing
Everyone gets a basic income - just for being human.
#ubi #grundeinkommen #universalbasicincome
6.12.2024 16:1624 Reason Good Reasons for a Univeral Basic Income06 Freed from shame - basic income without means testingEveryone gets a basic income -...