I wrote about what else you can do right now other than protest, and new ways to think about cautionary words you've heard a thousand times. What if we read them not as a warning but as *strategy*? https://degenerateart.beehiiv.com/p/unbreaking-things
19.3.2025 01:48I wrote about what else you can do right now other than protest, and new ways to think about cautionary words you've heard a thousand...I wrote about what protest can do! And I've included some reasons you might not have thought about before for why, if you haven't started demonstrating yet, you should start now. https://degenerateart.beehiiv.com/p/when-protest-packs-a-punch
12.3.2025 14:54I wrote about what protest can do! And I've included some reasons you might not have thought about before for why, if you haven't...Why listen to Trump speak when you could read my latest, about events last week in the Oval Office? (Not to mention the morning in 2022 when I woke up in Moscow to find that Russia had invaded Ukraine.) https://degenerateart.beehiiv.com/p/blues-for-ukraine
5.3.2025 02:10Why listen to Trump speak when you could read my latest, about events last week in the Oval Office? (Not to mention the morning in 2022 when...I wrote about the role of the courts and the role of the people (us!) in saving ourselves, and what I saw at yesterday's protest outside the U.S. Capitol.
"Like film run through an overheating projector, images darken or flare to white. I know my third-grade teacher’s name because I have a class photo with MS. FIELDS spelled in white letters on the signboard used to label each class. But I don’t remember ever meeting her or being in a room with her."
Time for the Friday roundup! With links to this week's podcast episode on my trip down to USAID on Monday. I also wrote a little about this small painting I did trying to understand Francisco Goya's technique. (The link below is live, but the image is not.)
I wrote about going down to the USAID building yesterday in the District to see what elected officials would do, to talk to workers shut out of their offices, and to figure out what it all means for how we might turn this tsunami and send it back out to sea.
Here's a gift link to my story in the Atlantic, in case you don't have a subscription. "How I Lost My Mother," about how my family's years in Amway. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/amway-america/681479/?gift=eDkS_jMYCeN9C8JAoDLj0cTGBBVm6c5OBXp1TYpTFuQ&utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share
30.1.2025 19:24Here's a gift link to my story in the Atlantic, in case you don't have a subscription. "How I Lost My Mother," about how...The year I turned ten, my mother and stepfather joined Amway. Our lives spiraled into unreality, and we lost everything. I never got my mother back. Our experience prefigured the Trump era, with characters from my childhood later showing up in the White House. I wrote all about it for The Atlantic.
"In his embrace of corruption that seeks to supplant independent justice and open society with thug enforcers and a warped economy of bribes and favors, Trump doesn’t just want to be a player, able to operate in unlawful ways in illicit spaces—he wants to run the whole game." I wrote about all this garbage from the last week. https://degenerateart.beehiiv.com/p/corruption-overload
29.1.2025 03:22"In his embrace of corruption that seeks to supplant independent justice and open society with thug enforcers and a warped economy of..."Years later my aunt would flinch when I mentioned Hall Acres, saying there was something unpleasant about the place. In my memories of it, I always seem to be in my room or outside. I think often of the barbed wire over the slope, just out of sight."
Thirteenth in a series from my West Virginia childhood and Appalachian exile.
I wrote about going to Capitol Hill yesterday to talk to Trump supporters, and also about to going to DC's AME church for their MLK memorial. It was a bizarre experience, from which I hope I drew some useful conclusions beyond mere spectatorship.
Links to this week's podcast episode! Plus: I'll be in DC on Monday asking Trump opponents and supporters questions about the future of the country. If there's a question you'd like me to ask, post it in the comments. https://degenerateart.beehiiv.com/p/january-17-friday-roundup
17.1.2025 23:33Links to this week's podcast episode! Plus: I'll be in DC on Monday asking Trump opponents and supporters questions about the future..."With all the contours of my new world not yet apparent, I could not yet believe our old life had ended. Surely, I thought, we had somehow gotten lost, and only needed to find our way back." Twelfth in a series from my Appalachian childhood and exile. https://degenerateart.beehiiv.com/p/the-home-for-troubled-families
16.1.2025 22:33"With all the contours of my new world not yet apparent, I could not yet believe our old life had ended. Surely, I thought, we had...Looking down the barrel of Trump, 2.0, I make some suggestions about what to do. "Spectatorship is not participation—it is not even historical witnessing."
The Friday roundup from Degenerate Art! With links to today's podcast episode and ways you can make a difference, as well as this week's recommended reading.
"Neighbors noticed an unfamiliar car parked in front of the house on the hill. One of them asked my brother about the Valiant, saying something about *a fair*. Seven or eight years old at the time, he thought only of 4-H and state festivals; it would take years for that arrow to hit its mark." Eleventh in a series on my West Virginia childhood and Appalachian exile.
I looked at how homelessness has been used historically in the expansion of concentration camps around the world and talked to Brian Goldstone about his forthcoming stellar book on Atlanta's working homeless, There Is No Place for Us. (You should read this post and then preorder it.) https://degenerateart.beehiiv.com/p/no-direction-home
8.1.2025 18:19I looked at how homelessness has been used historically in the expansion of concentration camps around the world and talked to Brian...I wrote about holiday celebrations held in spite of oppression, visiting the log in the Arctic that Fridtjof Nansen slept under in the winter of 1895-6, and why determination is better than inspiration.
"Everything won't go wrong."
A post for the New Year.
Watching the only real Christmas movie, The Long Kiss Goodnight.
28.12.2024 02:22Watching the only real Christmas movie, The Long Kiss Goodnight.